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Welcome Back To Life Of Bliss Today Im Gonna
be showing you guys a little bit more of the sim BosenNK] 20000 q-clone amplifier. This is a 4-channel amplifier that I’m using to power my 3 stereo in Tegrity UK 24 24-inch subwoofers Now they call these clone amplifiers because they may or may not look pretty similar to another company’s product. I don’t know I guess I can see the similarity but no obviously. They do look very very similar and they’re doing it for an obvious reason. I don’t know if the technology for the amplification is 100% the same or not, but we’ll get into some specs here and a little bit and we’ll open it up and take a look on the inside again, but right now.
Im Going To Go Over The Front And
rear panels and kind of how I have. Everything set up so starting over here on the far side. There is the power on and off switch and a remote on and off switch. Now obviously the power turns it on and off the remote switch I have not seen it do any function whatsoever It could just be something that I’m not aware of but it’s functioning just the same with that remote turned on or off moving to the center. You’ll find that each channel has an UK indicator and status bar as well as attenuation knobs for each channel.
The Uk Panel Will Tell You Several Things
including a power UK indicator, a level indicator, voltage and current clips temperature warning very high frequency warning and whether two channels are running in bridge mode. I am running one UK 24 per channel on this amp and have the attenuation knobs turn to about the three. O’clock position moving to the back. There is a voltage limiter for each channel to prevent too much current going to the speaker’s reducing the risk of blowing one of your subs. I have each channel set to the max voltage As I want the max power available to the UK 24 s so from my receiver I use an UK cable from the sub 1 output to the mini UK 2 by 4 UK.
This Little Box Is Critical In
aligning and tuning multiple subwoofers in your room. So I’m not going to get into how to set up and use the mini UK I’m gonna leave that up to my Buddy Stephen, who runs the home theater Gurus UK channel. He’s got a great tutorial on how to set this up align your subs tune them properly for your room and it’s very yep I’m leave a link. to that down below in the description and be sure to check out his page If you’re interested in how to use this and just set up your room properly In general, once this is hooked up to the receiver. There are four outputs along the back side of the mini UK used to connect to an amplifier for this particular amplifier.
It Has Uk Inputs So We Need
an UK 2 UK cable UK sized going to go to the mini UK UK is going to go in one of the four UK inputs on the backside of the amp now to output the signal to my subs I’m using the new trick speakon connectors with 12 gauge wire running through my walls. There are four outputs on the backside of the amplifier here and indicators to show you which channels need to be hooked up if running and. Bridged mode looking at the dip switch panel on the back you can see you can adjust your gain setting where their channels are bridged or not and your voltage peak limiter. You also have a switch mode. You can change from hard to soft.
I Have All These Set To
hard per the manual when running subwoofers it’s best to have it on the hard setting. Currently I have my gain set to 41 UK and my voltage peak limiter maxed out at 195. So like I said I wanted a lot of power available for these UK twenty-fours. They’re conservatively rated at 2000 watts UK and they’ve been able to handle pretty much anything. This amplifier has thrown at them.
- amplifiers
- amplifier
- amplification
- subwoofers
- amp
- clone amp sure quality
- 24 inch subwoofers clone amplifiers
- subwoofers clone amplifiers look pretty
- 20000 clone amplifier channel
- sim bosennk 20000 clone amplifier
This particular model is the 230 volt version. There’s a 115 or 230 volt option that you can choose from it did not actually come with. The correct plug it came with just a standard 110 120 volt plug your regular wall outlet versus the you know something that you throw on your dryer here in the UK anyways so I actually had to take that apart and put the correct plug on so if that’s not something that you’re comfortable with just keep that in mind. Sometimes things get lost in translation and they don’t actually send the right plug but I did verify.
I Took It Apart And It
was the correct voltage model just did not have the correct plug now with all that fun stuff out of the way. I say we open it up take a look inside and talk about some power numbers. While I’m taking this apart let’s go over a few specs. The Sim Bozon UK 20,000 Q weighs in at 36 and a half pounds and measures. 17.
5 Inches Wide, 20 Inches Deep And
3.5 inches tall. Like I mentioned this is the 230 volt option. It does come with a standard 115 volt option as well. But you’ll most likely get more power out of the amp.
If You Go With The 230 Volt Version.
The Amp has rack mounts attached and takes up two rack units. So here’s a look at the inside. I’m not going to go over everything here I went over a lot of it in the first video. I did on this amp here Towards the back are the amplifier modules and I’ll get into those as well in just a moment.
I Did Mention That Remote Button Earlier
didn’t do anything that’s because it’s not hooked up to anything they were the three prongs for right There does absolutely nothing at your two massive power supplies up front all of. These caps in here that’s what gives it its great burst ability and burst power. These heat sinks are actually not copper. They’re anodized aluminum. You can see around that screw there where they’ve counter something just a bit.
Its No Longer Copper Orange So Not Copper
heat sinks The fans there are two fans in front one behind each one of the heat sinks there there excuse me the power supplies and then for behind the heat sinks and the back two on either side and I’ll go ahead and give you just a little preview of what they sound like when it started up we’re about a foot in front, so yeah not the quietest amp in the world. Now Sim Bozan advertises this amplifiers being able to put out 4000 watts rms times for channels now. I don’t have the equipment to test this output, but I am going to be linking a thread in the description for an individual onNK] Forum that was able to run some tests on theNK] 22,000 Q. Now that’s relevant for this amplifier because both of these amps have the same power supplies and the same number of capacitors with the major difference being the ant boards, so similar power numbers can be expected. When testing, he was able to get 4000 watts per channel, with two channels being driven one on each power supply power was limited to 8,000 watts continuous for the entire amplifier, but that is some seriously big power from that you can figure if all four channels will be driven you could roughly get 2000 watts UK continuous power for each CHannel.
Now The Crazy Thing With These Amplifiers Is
their burst ability. Burst ability at 20 Hertz. He was able to test the amp and get 12,500 watts. Total burst power at 80 Hertz and above that number jumped to 17,000 watts, 17,000 watts That is crazy Now Burst power really comes into play during movies where there’s explosions or cannon fire gunshots. I don’t know Godzilla stomping around so that’s really where you’re gonna see that burst potential really come into play when you’re listening to music like dance music or techno or anything like that where there’s continuous sine waves you’re not really going to be seeing that benefit you’re really going to be limited to the UK power of the amp.
But Even At That Youve Got 2,000 Watts
UK times four channels and double that if you bridge to the channels. This is a seriously powerful amp and if you’ve got some power-hungry subs in your setup Sam’s. drive them now just a few of the things he mentioned in this write-up. The total harmonic distortion was 0. 08 percent at 4 ohms.
The Amp Is Not 2 Ohm
stable and the efficiency is over 90% again. I’ll leave a link down in the description below for his thread on a bee for him, so you can see the numbers for yourself so yeah This gives off a big power but at what cost well when I bought this amp roughly a year year and a half ago, it was about nine hundred dollars shipped to my door from Sim Bo’s’n now Sim Bozon Doesn’t have pricing directly on the website and that’s due to their being fluctuations in the currency exchange and shipping rates and that sort of thing that goes along with selling internationally their sales Rep Dan said that they’d rather have you contact them directly. I’ll leave their information down in the description below as well if you’re wanting to check out what it would cost shipped to your door. Now that being said they do have a newer version on their website.
It Has Larger Capacitors As Well As Fans
lining the back of the amp here instead of a heatsink in there so that may affect pricing, but you’d have to contact them. I’d suspect it would still be roughly the same price and $900 is pretty cheap when you’re talking about this sort of power. Looking at amps from other companies. You can be spending anywhere from four to six times that amount to get similar power ratings and while it’s a great deal.
There Are Some Risks Involved First As
I mentioned with myself and I’ve seen with others they sent the wrong plug on the power cord and while that. Isn’t a huge deal? It’s something to be aware of and just know that you might have to swap that out for the correct plug-in that you need next is the lack of a repair center now with them shipping internationally like they do they don’t want to have the amplifiers shipped back to them for repairs, so it’s kind of up to you to troubleshoot and to make any repairs that need to be done now. I personally haven’t had any issues with this amp, but I’ve seen cases where two others have had an ant board fry and they have had to go in and replace it themselves. Some bo’s’n’s been pretty good about sending them the parts for just the cost of the shipping from what it seems like, but they did have to replace it It was about a 10-or 15-minute job they said.
Wasnt Too Difficult, But If Thats Something That
you’re not wanting to get into probably need to look elsewhere for an amp. There are also several other companies that offer a similar looking clone amp with the same name. Now I’m not sure of the quality of those other companies amplifiers, but it’s the general consensus on UK.
The sim BosenNK] 20000 q-clone amplifier is a 4-channel amplifier that I’m using to power my 3 stereo in Tegrity UK 24 24-inch subwoofers . Each channel has an UK indicator and status bar as well as attenuation knobs for each channel . The UK panel will tell you several things including a power UK indicator, a level indicator, voltage and current clips temperature warning very high frequency warning and whether two channels are running in bridge mode . There is a voltage limiter for each . channel to prevent too much current going to the speaker’s reducing the risk of blowing one of your subs . Bliss: “I don’t know if the technology for the amplification is 100% the same or not, but we’ll get into some specs here and a little bit and we’ll open it up and take a look on the inside again, but right now. It’s functioning just the same with that remote turned on or off moving to the center”…. Click here to read more and watch the full video