Video Creator’s Channel Parker The Basshead

What Is Going On Guys Very Exciting
day here once again. If we have a brand new sub to give you four all now. This is a pretty new brand, so there aren’t really that many videos on this so figured might as well get one and check it out. This is the genesis sub by G2 audio. They said this thing is really good just smashing those lows so super excited for this guys some brand new stay tuned alright guys thank you all so much for checking in and taking out this video so of course this is going to be the G2 audio Genesis sub and this one was really geared towards just kind of smashing those lows now full disclosure here G2 actually sent me this sub to try out so just so Y’all know I did not buy this sub that being said definitely going.
To Give My Honest Opinion On It Just
because that is what I do here alright guys First thing we are going to get into is the Box. This actually comes in a really big box bigger than your normal box. You’ll get 4-12-inch sub which I guess it’s really good means there is more protection around the sub itself to keep it safe. Now they sent me a little towel for one day when we’re doing hair tricks and stuff so that’s super super cool cannot wait to my system gets to where we can actually push this you saw my last video video you know I installed a 12k amp and soon we’re gonna be updating batteries and electrical to really get to push that out so that’ll be really awesome right over here we have the user manual that we have a 1202 watts UK. Rating of course 3-inch copper coil Now the owner said he specifically picked the copper coil and he used the high quality copper coils just cuz.
They Could Withstand More Heat For A Longer
period of time. Thing going with aluminum coils. The magnet is a Y 30 and the UK is 30 Hertz on the dual for in 28 Hertz on the dual-. He said I really wanted to go with a low UK in this sub just for optimum quality and lows. The UK is cat5 point 388 point eight D B.
We Have The Nomex Spider Style Cast Aluminum
basket and then the resonance port volume. We have one point nine two two point four cubic feet. Now I spoke with the owner and he said also it should be tuned below 34 Hertz on my box of tune of 32 Hertz, so that’ll be great. My box is 2. 7 cubic feet so of course take that into consideration when you’re watching the video.
- genesis sub really geared just
- really good quality sub woofer
- genesis sub g2 audio said
- safe little heavier sub
- box ll 12 inch sub
- subs
- box
- sub
- protection
- amp
It Is Not Quite The Optimal Box
that he does recommend another thing to mention this sub does have a 300 ounce motor on it does it mention that here but that is what he did tell me and then for the warranty. It does have a one-year warranty there of course is their social media info and their web site so definitely check them out now this sub retails for about 399. He also sent me a shirt you loud get louder get loudest so that is pretty cool, definitely gonna be wearing that and some of my future videos super hype on that so now let’s get to the tub now. My first gripe of this is that this has the style where you have the foam on the two. makes it really difficult to pull this thing out here because you pull on the foam and it wants to break so definitely not the easiest.
I Like It Better When They Have The
foam on the bottom and then on the top. So you can pull the top piece of foam off and then just pick the substrate out of the box, but this might be safe as being a little heavier sub kind of a pain To get this thing out alright guys here is the sub now guys This thing is massive. It is at least the biggest thing I have had since the Rockville Destroyer like a few seconds to kind of just look over this thing as you would expect stupid stuff overall seems pretty nice just the overall build quality on this thing just looks and feels really awesome there’s no messy glue Nothing. Doesn’t look out of shape really looks like everything is just really kind of solid in there the painting looks really nice gasket. I don’t know every little detail on this thing Just seems like if definitely was effort put in to making this thing a really a good quality sub-woofer, so yeah, let’s get right into it of course start out with the top like we always do due to Genesis very very stiff dust cap really like it just kind of a plain normal-sized dust cap here not billing for anything crazy doesn’t feel like this stuff is really about looks you know this sub seems to be about performing so really what they went with.
I Do Love The Nice Simplistic Look Of
course. I have our paper cone and it has some sort of know sort of like resin or something over the top of it. Help it be that much more stiff and it is really pretty stiff. I want to push on it. You can get it to crease a teeny bit so it’s not the stiffest cone I have ever dealt with, but for this application should be really just fine and then we have this awesome ribbed surround now I know a lot of people absolutely love this thing something we’re starting to see in a lot more subs here recently but American base I know they have it on a bunch of their subs and I’ve got it on my elites what to have in the vehicle at the moment and I just really do love it.
It Gives It A Really Awesome Look
and it gives it some more strength, which is awesome, especially when you’re dealing too with the lows. You can have a lot more excursion and whatnot. So and yeah a lot of times you’ll see people blowing out their surround so having this extra rib. I do believe we’ll make that a good deal stronger and just overall better moving on from there. We have this awesome basket.
I Do Love You Didnt Go Off
the tee iframe nothing wrong with that frame but just kind of everybody uses it nice to see something different super super high quality basket here it’s actually really thick up around here. I know some of the UK frames. They’ll crack around the year when you have too heavy of a motor on it at least maybe some of the cheaper UK frames and then down here. We have the big 4 gauge terminals absolutely love seeing this and I was talking with the owner and he said he has no idea why all the other brands. Don’t put the bigger terminal it’s literally like a few cents more to get the bigger turmoil, as opposed to the regular 8-gauge one just plenty of material on them and this middle part here does seem to be solid most of the way through just so you do get the best contact you can then coming down from there.
We Have The Dual Flat Woven Tinsel Leads
and let me tell you what these tinsel leads are massive big old beefy Tinsel leads real nice stiff Spider less of all of course we will look at the bottom of this thing. I know the video is not going to show it but absolutely huge motor. We of course have. Center pinning and our pole pinning around the side. It has the cutout right on the bottom super handy if you don’t have the box or something and then of course twelve on your watch UK dual four ohms Now I want to talk a little bit about why this is 1200 wattsNK].
This Sub Is Really Meant For Those Lows
and those lows are a lot more harsh on your sub mechanically conservative rating there he is you know not rock Cavill he’s not trying to use these giant crazy numbers to prove that he’s something that he’s not seems to be very realistic. So really do like seeing that I’m gonna guess it’ll take plenty more than that but you know we’re gonna put it to the full test, especially now that I have a big ramp in there so we can really push this thing let’s. Let’s get a little closer look up at it Just so Y’all can see what we got going on. I really do love everything nice looking Spider. You can see these awesome tinsel leads and then these just big old Beefy terminals love it and of course the three-inch copper you believe it’s a four layer voice coil in there just this big old motor like this thing is not as wide, but as close to begin as wide as the basket itself just overall very very well done, but of course it looks don’t really matter what we care about is how it sounds in the car so time to pull out the old single 12-inch box and really test it out alright guys.
We Got It In The Box And Then
put in the car and I haven’t letting it break in for the past few days adjusting. We can kind of see what it really sounds like once it gets broken in so yeah a quick little look and then we’ll start testing it out for the video all right so we got it in this box. I couldn’t put in the back disgust. There is not quite enough room with that box and I doubt a good way to move that since we got the amp and everything all hooked up to it and that box is really really heavy now. The star amps is a fan on it.
It Is Quite Loud But Thats Alright
anyway so we got these subs sitting right here you know I’m sure it might be better to be in the back, or there might be that you know a better place or not or whatever doesn’t really matter guys having it right there sounds pretty good and makes it. A little easier for me to film alright so the first thing we’re gonna do is just kind of play a few different test tones. Just you can kind of see how it sounds it’s how it moves. I will start at 50 and then just kind of go down from there. So this is 50 we’re gonna start out with 50 Hertz all right 45 Hertz, forty Hertz, 35 Hertz, 32 Hertz, thirty Hertz Let’s try 28 Hertz, 26 hurts 24 Hertz that gets it moving guys turn the volume down just a little bit 22 Hertz.
Lets Try 20 Hertz See That
really maxes it out let’s just look at 20 Hertz. One more time that is crazy guys, but we are maxing it out. Let’s try 18 Hertz, 15 Hertz well of Hertz and 10 Hertz. Oh yeah God that is crazy now I did say this.
Thing Was Meant For The Extreme Lows, So
let’s just play 20 Hertz here for a few seconds. Just so you can kind of see what it looks like say guys if you can see by that this thing that’s a really good excursion, and it really does really well. I get into all those lower frequencies not sure as to how load the mic would really pick it up but down to about 20 Hertz.
This is the genesis sub by G2 audio. G2 actually sent me this sub to try out so just so Y’all know I did not buy this sub that being said definitely going. The owner said he specifically picked the copper coil and he used the high quality copper coils just cuz. They could withstand more heat for a longer period of time. The magnet is a Y 30 and the UK is 30 Hertz on the dual for in 28 Hertz. The sub has a 1202 watts UK. rating of of course 3-inch copper coil . The sub is a 4-12-inch sub which I guess it’s really good means there is more protection around the sub itself to keep it safe. Now they sent me a little towel for one day when we’re doing hair tricks and stuff so that’s super super cool. I can’t wait to my system gets to my . system get to where we can actually push this you saw my 12k amp and soon we’re…. Click here to read more and watch the full video