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Hello Welcome To Sony Can I Interest You In
anything from our new home cinema system setup that I’ve got here today in front of me. On this side, you’ll find the wireless subwoofer that communicates with this sound bar, which is atmos enabled 7. 1. 2 and for additional rear effects. We have our wireless rear speaker setup No.
This Is Not A Sony Sponsored
video. I’ve bought all this stuff to put into my own lounge to replace an existing home cinema setup and due to some reconfiguration of the house. I’m having to do away with some wires and a few other things. I’ll explain more in another video. I’ll keep that separate because the whys of wherefores get a little bit boring but I’m swapping out like a separate system for a soundbar and these things and therefore I think it’s a good time to do a comparison.
Really Because A Lot Of People
when they do reviews of things like this? This is all they’ve ever had They’ve only had the Tv speakers or a sound bar, and they’re like upgrading to a new sound bar or someone doing a sponsored review or whatever but as someone who’s had a whole you know proper home cinema setup system go into a soundbar is this a downgrade is it a side grade is it an upgrade. We’ll find out now I’ll tell you exactly what i’ve got here. I’ve got some notes because i’m not great at memorizing things but this is the a7000 sound bar. The truth is. It’s the HTa 7000, but it says a7000 on the front very expensive soundbar Atmos enabled 7.
2, so it claims on its own. It does beam forming to bounce sounds off the walls and things kind of a built-in. As well, so really you don’t necessarily need this or these it’s just I’m replacing things already with air with everything that I can get that’s now wireless so we’ve got our wireless rear speakers, which are the Rs3s’s those communicate with the front sound bar wireless in the sense of no wire going from that to that, but they do need plugging in they need their own individual power supply so you just plug them into the wall power at the back. You’ll need a plug for each one of these so what it basically means is you don’t have that wire that needs to go across the room somehow.
Similarly, With The Subwoofer The Subwoofer
optional extra but I’m used to having a lot of boom and bass with me explosions in movies. I’d really miss it if I just had to rely on some kind of soundbar. based boominess, so I wanted the biggest one they did. They do two versions of this that communicate with this soundbar Wirelessly. This is the SW5.
There Was An Sw-3 As Well
that was a much smaller unit. This is a really heavy thing. I don’t know if you can see that just from me picking it up, but either I’m very weak or it’s very heavy. I don’t know if it actually says the weight until it’s 17 kilograms on the side, so that’s a substantial piece of kit. I’m surprised how kind of weedy the rear speakers are really but then again you can get some pretty good sound.
- proper home cinema setup soundbar
- subwoofer optional extra
- previous point subwoofer atmos hoping
- speakers sound bar like upgrading
- wireless rear speaker setup sony
Some Pretty Small Speakers Nowadays And Given That
they’re already doing all that kind of stuff with the sound bar at the front maybe they’ll sound just fine now let’s give you some prices. This is not a cheap. But I should mention before we get into it, you can’t get these anywhere at the moment in the Uk sold out everywhere. I had a pre-order in for this for quite a while and I had to move it to another place because the first place couldn’t get any stock the second place just had a couple of units they’re out of stock now as well so you can’t get one for love no money that is despite the fact that this costs 1200 pounds it’s a 1200 pound sound bar it’s had very good reviews from what I’ve seen and I’ve done a lot of research into the soundbar market because I wanted to get the best thing that I possibly could so that at least lived up to the existing system that I had previously and I looked at the LG ones and there’s a few. around that are you know pretty decent quality but from what I’ve seen? Everyone just says that the sound quality of this blows them all away.
A Lot Of Those Others Say Its A
bit boom. It’s a bit boxy it doesn’t really have the range it’s all closed and all that I haven’t seen any complaints about the same quality from this one. So I’m looking forward to hearing it for myself now the sub I’m fortunate that I’m in a detached house. I can have my base boom as much as I want so that’s why I got this giant sub and that’ll just go somewhere near the front of the room. So it didn’t really need to be wireless.
I Could Have Wired It And
it wouldn’t have been such a big deal. This has HDMi 2. 1 is it anyway the latest thing you know where you’ve. got 8k pass through 4k 120 frames a second all that kind of stuff. There’s three sockets on it one I’m going to do Earc from the television going into this and there’s a couple of inputs.
One Of Those Inputs.
I’m going to use my existing Av Amp but instead of using it to power speakers. I’m just using as a switchbox for various things and I’ve got one extra which I’m just going to plug a ps5 into I think give you the full price rundown so that’s 1200 pounds. These are 500 quid 500 quid for little tiny speakers that seems a bit of a rip-off to me, but you know that’s what goes with that if I want them. I’ve got to pay it and the subwoofer 700 quid that’s kind of normal for a big heavy subwoofer like that I’m quite happy with that I.
Id Be Happy If Everything Was
free, but you know sometimes you just have to pay for stuff. If you want it don’t you um talking too much Nobody likes long intros but actually let’s just hang around here for a minute Second. I could take as long as I want you see the thing is you’ve got you’ve got like controls am you you know like at the bottom of your video You could move forward a little bit You could make it two times speed do what you want don’t know why I’m rushing could take as long as I want so um mention this as airplay on it. I say Dolby atmos um two up fires at the front. They’re my existing system about two at fires.
I Didnt Really Appreciate Them Very Much
that people say oh you should have speakers in your roof then you. get the full atmos effect No I’m not drilling holes in the roof not cutting holes in the roof for atmos and besides which I’m never my my individual situation, which is you know what people get hung up on other people rented accommodation can’t drill holes in the roof Yet might want atmos in their place There’s there’s other people in different situations to yourself so yeah Don’t don’t worry like drill down too much about you should have done this or why didn’t you do that or that would have been better for you Now what we’re doing is we’re reviewing some tech and then it’s down to the individual to decide whether or not it fits into their life and then if it does um good luck getting hold of one of these, but you’ll you know there’ll be some more in the future. I’m quite. Sure there’s shortages of everything at the moment it’s all that chip chef stuff and chip shortages um and then issues with you know the events and factors closing down spotify Chromecast Google voice Thingamajig. It also says 360 audio high res audio right okay.
Ive Slowed That Down Enough To
get rid of everyone now. So let’s open things up. I think we’ll just start with a big thing here and then we’ll have a look at the others so let me move some stuff around now. I mentioned this soundbar claims to be 7. 1.
2 And Of Course Thats More Channels That
I had on my previous system that would have been 5.1. 2 so five being the three across the front, the two at the back and then the point one being the subwoofer and then the two being the atmos up Fire is at the front and i’m. Hoping this will actually have a better sound stage than the previous setup right so there’s the speaker there’s our accessory box. Now.
- subwoofer
- speakers
- airplay
- soundbar
- wireless
This Has A Remote Control In
here and I’m hoping I’ll be able to get my existing remotes to communicate. I think if you have it on E8Rc or the audio return channel. you should be able to control it with your normal Tv remote so I shouldn’t need this um but of course I’ll need it for setting up and things initially. Now we have got some wall brackets in here. We have got a standard power cable with a figure of eight is it IeC C7 C8.
I Dont Remember One Hdmi Lead Which Youll
know that the HDMi 2.1 yep and this is the one that will supposedly if you have nothing else just go from your Tv to this device but I’ve. got loads of HDMis and other things. I’m going to use this 3. 5 millimeter jack.
If You Had A Suitable Sony Tv
most recent models, you can plug the Tv into the back of here and use the Tvs built-in speaker, which is I think one that’s like behind the screen kind of vibrates the screen. You can use that as the center channel but given all the channels this has got on it anyway and the fact is that you can’t imagine the the sound being the same. You know when you’re trying to match all your speakers getting to sound the same a Tv speaker vibrating versus these things, I can’t think those would be in perfect harmony. But since I don’t have a sony anyway it does not match. I don’t need that so I’ll just need my remote with power lead I might as well take.
Hdmi I Could Come In Handy
talking of the remote. It doesn’t feel quite as premium as you might imagine given the price of the sound bar it doesn’t have backlighting in it for example, and yet it is competent It does the job I can’t really complain it’s got all the buttons on here that you’d need. We can select our different sources here with these black buttons towards the top and then the gray ones are different presets. You tend to leave it in auto sound. It will automatically detect the type of content and put it into the appropriate mode and then down here we’ve got controls to adjust the main volume in the middle, which does have a pimple on it which i appreciate so you can feel where it is.
But Weve Also Got The Ability To
enhance the volume or adjust the volume. I. should say of the rear speakers independently as well as the subwoofer without having to go into any menus, so that’s quite handy when I think about it might be an idea to unwrap this magnet because I’m not installing it in this.
Sony’s HTa 7000 soundbar is atmos enabled 7.&1.&2 and for additional rear effects . It does beam forming to bounce sounds off the walls and things kind of a built-in.& As well, so really you don’t necessarily need this or these it’s just I’m replacing things already with air with everything that I can get that’s now wireless so we’ve got our wireless rear speakers, which are the Rs3s’s those communicate with the front sound bar wireless in the sense of no wire going from that to that, but they do need plugging in they need their own individual power supply so y y y.& We’ll find out now I’ll tell you exactly what i’ve got here.& The truth is.& It’s the HTa 7.000 sound bar, but it says a7000 on the front very expensive soundbar at its own.& I’ll keep that separate because it claims on its own, so it claims…. Click here to read more and watch the full video