Video Creator’s Channel Tha_VillaMan

Do You Remember The Last Thought You Were Thoroughly
impressed with a new home theater component a time when you’ve integrated something new into your system and didn’t have to struggle one bit to hear a difference well that’s what happened the first time I watched the movie with the UKNK] 3000 and this is the review sticker Oh figures development here and on this channel. When When you take it home tailor unboxings demos, comparisons, tips and real world of use to help you select the best components to help transform your space into an awesome home theater because let’s face it hosting movie night is pretty sweet, so if you’re new here then hit that subscribe button and come along for the ride you should is pretty cool for those unfamiliar with the 30,000 series of subwoofers from UK their 13-inch app controlled high excursion subs with an amplifier that puts out 800 watts UK and 2,500 watts of peak power, but that’s pretty much where the similarities between the sealed and ported version ends the one that’s being reviewed today. The Pv 3000 has a frequency response of 16 Hertz to 260 Hertz in standard ported mode. While it has a frequency response of 18 Hertz to two hundred and sixty Hertz in sealed. Yes Sealed mode but we’ll get to that part a little bit later first let’s talk design for a bit it’s huge.
It Comes In At 22 Inches
high, 18 inches wide, with a depth of 26 inches and weighs in at 82 pounds. So it’s pretty heavy, especially when it’s compared to its smaller brother. TheNK] 3000 seals over it comes in whatever finish you want as long as I finish this black ash of course up front you can’t miss the 13-inch high excursion over UK didn’t publish any details on just how much excursion it can achieve. But I gather. It’s between about two and a half to three inches below double Farrar 23 and a half inch ports, which can be plugged with the included foam plugs.
Whenever You Want To Enable Sealed Mode
that’s done in the UK app which gives you full. full control over everything the soap can do from dialing in the levels or changing the face to adjusting the parametric UK and turning on the movie music or even a custom preset as I said it controls everything the traditional controls you may be more used to are located on the back there. You can find the power volume adjustment low-pass filter selection UK inputs and outputs including UK and last but not least the sound path wireless adapter port that’s where you attach an adapter so you can send a signal to the sub-wirelessly so you can have more flexibility of placement throughout my time. With this This stuff I’ve tried my best to give you a bit of an impression as I can of what the performance is actually like and I try to do that with everything I review so I lick a playlist in the description with the music and movie demos have done so far as well as a seal versus ported comparison for music for those of you who haven’t see It also have a comparison with the UK UK Thurston Seal sub which cost $100 more but has 50% more power but it’s a sealed sub so in the internet says how impressed I was when I first heard it and let me just say that that was a consistent experience for my time using it. The movie was Overlord and for those of you who don’t know this movie the sound in the first 20 minutes will leave you in.
Awe Watching It With Us So Had
me grinning like an idiot the entire time. The movie was full of low frequency effects of every kind and the sub recreated it all without breaking a sweat the speed at which he could transition from atmospheric effects like subsonic frequency sweeps to multiple hard-hitting explosions in quick succession was very impressive. What was most impressive about it all was just how much output they could produce at the calibrated level that I had it. The Sun was calibrated with Odyssey externally-at negative 27 UK in this room, but I hadn’t putting at plus 4 UK hot. So it was set to negative 23 UK Why because I’m a bass that’s why the song also doesn’t have a traditional volume knob.
It Goes From Zero All The Way
down to the negative 60 UK and is lowest so even at. The negative 23 that I had it bad it still had a lot of headroom left. My initial impression was spot-on though because in every situation that I placed the sub in test. It passed it with flying colors and I did test it in a lot of situations. In a home theaters.
Having The Sub Is Phenomenal The Sheer
output poise and speed of aNK] 3000 was a joy to experience, but what about music well that was something I also worth of the test because over the years a lot of us have heard that a ported sub is bad for music because it isn’t this tight and musical as a sealed sub and since I’ve owned the UK 4000 for over a year now and I just happened to love listening to-cello music that was something else interested in testing and test. I did. Did I’ll also include that video in the playlist link below the like button. When playing music in a standard ported mode, you’ve actually sometimes hear to some lingering uncertainties notes which made the baseline sound very exaggerated and unnatural. Some people may like that kind of exaggerated bass and mu, but it just wasn’t for me so I won’t be using it like that anytime soon for any kind of critical listening, but that all changed when I plug those ports and enabled sealed mode doing that essentially made the UK transform it was tighter and more transient.
- subwoofers
- ported
- amplifier
- theater
- theaters
So The Bass No Longer Sounded,
exaggerated and unnatural. It blended right into the system and that’s how I would actually use the so plug for music but with the port wide open for movies. This sub is absolutely great, but of course it’s not perfect as you can tell it. Is a chunky one. The cabinet is not only tall but deep so the size of it might give you a hard time trying to find a space for this bad boy in your room.
Then Theres Other Issue The Price Except
in the case of the 1000 series and these prices they’re pointed selves somewhat higher than their sealed counterparts and that makes sense they have more output and besides that they need more materials to make them, but if you compare the 3000 series to other modernNK] subs like a 4000 series and the ultra series. Let me see where the Pointer versions of those subs are priced about 25% higher than the sealed version, but at at an office to review. The Pp-2000 is that whopping 40% more expensive than the steel version and I get it it has a lot of power and output rivaling. SB4000 but the difference is worth knowing so that brings us to the question who is the sub for well. I’d say it’s for anyone with a medium-sized room-one on the larger side who would primarily be using for all the output.
It Has In A Home Theater Setting, But
its ability to be such a convincing seal sub also make it good for music-so with all that said if I was buying a sub right now would I get it in a heartbeat products. I mentioned in the video that I’ve left links to everything in the description below oh and one more thing. This week. We finally hit 5,000 subscribers-a huge thank you to everyone who’s watched my video and subscribe so far and everyone who has shared it commented and liked it and for those of you watching who haven’t. Watching who haven’t subscribed it you’ve stuck her on this far so why haven’t you subscribe The review of theNK] 3000 is also under way so make sure to subscribe it and they blows on vacation, so you don’t miss out on that one anyways.
The 5K Giveaway Video Is Also Live
so if you want a chance to win an AppleNK] 4k, which is one of my favorite on your video devices I use that in a lot of the music and video demos I’ve done so far. It’s all my favourite devices and I want to celebrate by giving someone a chance to win it. So I will leave a link in the description to the video and good luck and Don’t forget to like this video and share it on social media until next time. This has been your friendly neighborhood villain man saying.
- 000 series subwoofers uk 13
- output home theater setting ability
- subwoofers uk 13
- reviewed today pv 3000 frequency
- thoroughly impressed new home theater
The UKNK] 3000 has a frequency response of 16 Hertz to 260 Hertz in standard ported mode . The Pv 3000 is a 13-inch app controlled high excursion subwoofers with an amplifier that puts out 800 watts UK and 2,500 watts of peak power . It comes in at 22 inches high, 18 inches wide, with a depth of 26 inches and weighs in at 82 pounds . The NK] 3000 seals over it comes in whatever finish you want as long as I finish this black ash of course up front . Oh figures development here and on this channel is pretty cool for those unfamiliar with the 30,000 series of subwoofer from UK their 13-in-app controlled high- excursion subs with an amplifier that put out 800 Watts UK and peak power, but that’s pretty much where the similarities between the sealed and ported version ends the one that’s being reviewed today are the ones that are being reviewed here and the ones reviewed today. Oh figures…. Click here to read more and watch the full video