Video Creator’s Channel Subwoofer 101

Hey Guys Got The Dogs Here And Im Going
to be doing a review today on the S vs UK 2000s you know as the world’s first of UK affiliate I get all kinds of UK products check out and I’ve been excited to check these out. These are quite an interesting sub-woofer. NK] 2000 is the same as the UK 2000 If ur insane UK meaning ported box UK meaning ported cylinder same internal same 500 watt Rms amp with 1100 watt peak and you know both will go deeper than you can hear so you know in my room and I haven’t measured these yet I need to do that but I haven’t measured these just yet but the room response does not I don’t feel like it’s any different than the the UK mm at least in terms of what I can hear but I’ll be. be doing that later? But overall my impression of these subs are positive. I like them a lot and they’re not much different than the Pp-2000.
Of Course, There Are Some Differences And
some of the benefits you get is they’re the same price, but with the UK 2000s you actually get the isolation fee and I’m a big fan of those I noticed going to put them on the UK 2000s. I mean I got a little bit more output out of them and everything just sounded a little bit better so I definitely liked the isolation fee and it makes sense that they would include them in these because of the orientation of the driver. The drivers on the bottom here and it goes up and down instead of the UK mm where it comes back and forth so you get a little bit of different action there. How does that affect the sound? I think it could vary based on your floor surface, but not a ton not a ton and I think that you know the UK picks it up as being a foot further away because you know the center of the driver is in the middle and whereas the center of the drivers and the front and also has to reflect off the ground before it hits the mic. So it registers about a foot away and all UK subs do actually register further away than the actual distance because they’ve got a slight delay with the UK processing, so it takes a little bit longer for it to get there.
- subwoofers
- subwoofer
- amplifiers
- rms
- amp
So If You Dont Have Odyssey And Youre
setting up your subs just know that you should add about 2 or 3 feet to the subs actual distance and and another point to that is. I found that adding a couple more feet can actually improve your room response a little bit too you know I don’t know if you’d go drastic with it, but I found that having my sub set it 18 or 19 feet sound better than setting them at 15 and a half feet where the UK pictum of that so you know that’s that’s an interesting thing but in terms of these subs they are a lot easier to move around. They’ve got a little ledge on the back where it’s got an indentation for the amplifier and you can move around a lot easier that’s one thing. I like about these UK 2000s are. A little bit more cumbersome to move around and you know this speaker cloth.
Oh There Goes Angel Shes Out
the covering for this and this is something I wondered about myself until I got my didn’t know it’s basically the same type of speaker cloth you find on the front of the towers or any other UK speaker. It’s basically the same thing it’s just wrapped around on high it wasn’t you know I wasn’t sure what it was I didn’t know if it was suede or something I couldn’t really tell from the pictures so if you’re wondering what the what the cloth material is that’s what it is it’s basically speaker cloth and that brings me to another point If you have cats may not want to do it. They’re you know they look like giant scratching posts. Fortunately I don’t have cats so that hasn’t been. an issue but I could definitely see where that would be one one other thing that you’ll notice is that they’re a little bit tall and for me this speaker.
This Sub Here Kind Of Gets
in the way of the UK and I could push it back, but you don’t really want to run the subs all the way against the wall. I’m gonna hang out a little bit and so it that’s actually an issue. I mean they do save floor space, but you know you still need to kind of run them out from the wall a little bit and you know if like I’ve got kind of a smaller room here so the Pp-2000 to go right next to the entertainment center. So you know mild issue not not a big concern but if it’s you know if you’re going to be setting up something similar. height of the subwoofer may come into play so it’s something to look at one other thing is that the UK 2000s hide the wiring a little bit better.
Its Just Just A Little Bit
better doing that and I’ve got my wirings all messed up right now anyway. I’m going through amplifiers and getting everything set up so everything’s kind of in a little bit of a disarray but but that’s one thing is that the pp-2000 did hide the wires a little bit better and another thing that I noticed with these and and I’m going to you know I’m going to preface this by saying, Take it with a grain of salt is you’ll notice. I’ve got wood floors here and you know my house isn’t brand new here you know a little bit older. So I have run into issues with rattles and things like that. Fortunately, for me those rattles didn’t come on until I was really pushing the subs and pushing the whole system so I really had to you know I wasn’t a big issue for me and what I notice is that when I put in the UK mm those rattles came on a little bit sooner and so that was an issue for me and I looked around to see if it was an issue for other people and it still seems to be a contested thing like people.
Dont Necessarily Agree On It.
So you know take that with a grain of salt. I mean if you’ve got cement floors or whatever it’s definitely a non-issue for you, but for me it seems like it just rattles the room a little bit more. You can definitely feel it more which some people may really want and I totally get that. If it if you feel it more to the point where it’s causing rattles, You know a rattle when it comes to hey all right sorry about that Bert was certain or something bad going on out front.
Its All Right Buddy All Right
Julio go on buddy it’s okay woof woof It’s all right come on Kalia yes yes thank you so that’s what it’s like working with animals. It’s always fun but anyway so if you’ve got some you know pol wood floors. It may be an issue for you to look into in terms of you know maybe going with UK mm because I noticed a little less rattling now I know what could absolutely happen is. I may have you know just how to rattle come loose.
You Know Where Something Wasnt Rattling And
then something just causes come loose and now it’s rattling all the time so it could be that there’s no doubt about that so again that’s why I said take it with a grain of salt but overall I’m happy with the UK 2000s. They’re very cool subs. You know I I don’t know if I mentioned this earlier in the video or not but if you’re trying to disguise the fact that you have subwoofers. One potential option is to get a 90-inch round table cloth.
It Should Drape Over This Thing
just about right so you might be able to hide the fact that you have them. It depends entirely on your decor. I wouldn’t be able to hide the fact that I’ve gotten just because of the way my room set up, but who knows it depends on your. situation so other than that I gotta say good subs likes it a lot easier to move around, which makes a difference for me but overall very cool Subs definitely have their place on the list of best subwoofers and you know did exactly what I expected him to do I mean There was you know the height issue was was for some reason.
I Expected Him To Be A
little bit shorter, but hey you know it is what it is but anyway let me know what you guys think you have these subs if you like them. You know I personally from my situation would probably stick with the UK mm just because they just kind of blend in this room a little bit better than the UK mm, but how it works in your room may be entirely different, so I just thought give an idea of. The two but the performance is definitely there and no qualms for me so anyway guys thanks for watching and please subscribe.
- ported box uk meaning ported
- difference overall cool subs
- different uk mm terms hear
- vs uk 2000s know
- subwoofers potential option 90
The world’s first of UK affiliate I get all kinds of UK products check out and I’ve been excited to check these out . Overall my impression of these subs are positive. I like them a lot and they’re not much different than the Pp-2000.& Of course, there are some differences and some of the benefits you get is they’re the same price, but with the UK 2000s you actually get the isolation fee and I’m a big fan of those I noticed going to put them on the UK2000s.& I mean I got a little bit more output out of them and everything just sounded a . little bit better. I think it could vary based on your floor surface, but not a ton not a . ton and I think that you know the UK picks it up as being a foot further away because of the UK pick it up . The center of the driver is in the middle of the . UK picks . up as far further away than the actual distance ….. Click here to read more and watch the full video