Video Creator’s Channel Tha_VillaMan

This Is The Uk Sb4000 And It Is A
beast. Hey guys welcome to the channel. It’s the villa man and today we’re here In this monster. The sample first job is to produce the bass of music and the low frequency effects of movie and the frequency response of this bad boy is 19 to 310 Hertz that is a wide range and it can get even lower than that with rule gain, which depends on your particular space. Below 20 Hertz is the subsonic range, which approaches the limit of human hearing.
- bass
- subsonic
- subwoofers
- distortion
- stereo
At That Point Youd Feel The
bass more than you hear it it might also rattle a few windows. The cone has to be incredibly rigid, since it’s the movement that makes sound and unwanted movement can cause sound distortion. During all this movement. The cone can have a peak to peak excursion of three inches. excursion being the distance it travels in and out now.
It Does All This Using A Thirteen
and a half inch driver which is powered by a 1500 wattNK] Amp, which is fun fact two three four five stars as powerful as the first before I ever bought now. All this power means it has impeccable control of the cone so no matter the material you’re throwing at it or the volume at which is being played. It’ll sound incredible oh and this thing is heavy a good woofer assembly and power source will have a substantial weight to it and if you’re using only those as the judge didn’t we could tell this was a quality sub because the motor magnets alone are 40 pounds. pounds the entire sub weighs in at a ridiculous 102 pounds now to get the audio signal to this bad boy You have a lot of options. There’s the traditional analog UK input for UK or low frequency effects that we traditionally find on subwoofers.
- distortion movement cone peak
- ridiculous 102 pounds audio signal
- hearing point feel bass hear
- hear rattle windows cone
- 20 hertz subsonic range
Then There Are The Stereo Pairs Of
both UK and balanced UK inputs and output to controller space. You have two options available to you. There’s a front control panel which has a bright UK screen that’s also dimmable and also the UK app which is available for your smartphone, both of which control every aspect officer. The sub also comes with a powder coated metal grille which I removed on the first day and never looked back because honestly. I am UK the biggest fan of it so what’s the verdict well the sub is at the top of his class.
It Is By No Means Cheap, But
I think it is worth every cent of the price tag. It’s high-tech, powerful poised, articulate musical and beastly, but it needs to be now with a bevy of control options. It easily integrates into a variety of systems. Over the past few months. I’ve had a variety of subs in this room and after all that I can say that the UK has earned all the praise.
I Give It And The High Regard
in which I hold it I would not hesitate to recommend it. Hey thanks for watching my video. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below and if you liked what you saw hit that like Button and subscribe as well to future content until next time peace.
UK SB4000 can produce the bass of music and the low frequency effects of movie and the frequency response of this bad boy is 19 to 310 Hertz that is a wide range and it can get even lower than that with rule gain, which depends on your particular space . It does all this using a 13 and a half inch driver which is powered by a 1500 wattNK] Amp, which is fun fact two three four five stars as powerful as the first before I ever bought now . The cone has to be incredibly rigid, since it’s the movement that makes sound and unwanted movement can cause sound distortion . Below 20 Hertz is the subsonic range, which approaches the limit of human hearing, . At that point you’d feel the bass more than you hear it it might also rattle a few windows . The entire sub weighs in at a ridiculous 102 pounds now to get the audio signal to this bad bad boy . You have a lot of options. There’s a front control panel…. Click here to read more and watch the full video