Video Creator’s Channel Home Theater Gamer

Whats Up Guys Brad Here.
In this video I’ll be reviewing UK UK UK Wireless Audio ADapter. Does. This two hundred dollar wireless adapter deliver the goods for wirelessly connecting your subwoofer to your home theater. Let’s find out! Now if you haven’t seen my previous overview video on the UK Wireless Audio Adapter, which I did alongside UK Isolation Feet, then I highly suggest checking that video out in the card above.
Not Required Watching By Any Means, But I
do go over what you get in the box, so if that interests you then check that video out as I won’t be going over that in this video. But in all honesty, what you get is pretty straightforward and what you would expect. I do want to note that you can add additional receivers at the time of purchase on UK website, though I didn’t see a way. to do that? If you already own the transmitter and receiver combo. You may want to contact UK support if you’re interested in adding additional receivers.
After Purchase.
Before we go any further, If you’re new to the channel, consider hitting that subscribe button and ringing the bell icon so you never miss out when I upload a new video. Also, you’ll find links in the description below to calibration tools. I’d recommend checking out along with some other goodies like links to my full home theater setup. And full disclosure UK UK did loan me the UK Wireless Audio Adapter in order to review it and test it out, but they didn’t pay me anything and this is not a sponsored video.
The Views And Opinions In This Video
are my own and are based on my experiences using this product and UK won’t be seeing this video until it goes live and public on UK for everyone. SO if you’re not familiar with this product at all, the UK Wireless Audio Adapter is an upgrade over UK older Wireless Audio Adapter. Both versions are designed to allow you to place your subwoofer or pair of powered speakers pretty much anywhere you want in your room without running a super lengthy cable to it. It’s also worth mentioning that both versions will work with any brand subwoofer that has an UK input on it; it doesn’t need to be an UK branded subwoofer. Now,.
The Older Version Is Still Sold Onnk] Website
and is quite a bit cheaper at a hundred and twenty dollars, but I don’t think it’s meant for homes with a lot of wi-fi signals or bluetooth devices and may be susceptible to wireless interference. THe UK Wireless Audio Adapter aims to fix that by auto-switching between two point four, five point two and five point eight gigahertz bands. So there’s no interruption to the audio signal. Well, that’s according toNK] website description, so I’ll go over my personal experiences using theNK] Wireless Audio Adapter to see if they echo those statements. My.
- final thoughts uk wireless audio
- interference uk wireless audio adapter
- speakers house overall uk wireless
- video uk wireless audio adapter
- uk wireless audio adapter upgrade
First Testing Of This Product Was
actually during a video I did previously, where I walked through how to use UK to determine sub placement by moving the sub, taking a measurement and then repeating that until you’ve covered all possible areas. So how did. Did the wireless adapter perform One UK flawlessly. I was really, really impressed with just how simple it was to set up. I plugged the Wireless ADapter’s transmitter into one of the outputs on my receiver, then plugged the Wireless Adapter’s receiver into the subwoofers.
Nk] Input, Then Plugged Both Uk Cables In
for power and they just worked.. I didn’t need to pair them with each other at all,. Although it seems simple enough even if I had to. They both have a pairing button on the back.
After That, I Kept Moving The Subwoofer Around
so I needed to unplug the wireless adapter’s receiver numerous times while keeping the transmitter plugged in. And each time I plugged the receiver back in, within one or two seconds. I was good to go. . The wireless adapter plugged into the subwoofer never once had an issue reconnecting with the transmitter.
AT all. IT just worked again and again. I had zero dropped audio signals, even when I didn’t have line of sight with the transmitter. And as a side note; the Wireless Adapter receiver was powered by the UKNK]NK] Pro’s UK port, and the subwoofer itself took longer to turn on than the receiver did to connect to the transmitter.
Pretty Simple And Painless.
IN doing measurements for that video, I was on the lookout for anything that looked off or not right with the frequency response graphs inNK] And thankfully, there was nothing to report here. Output and frequency response was identical to what I typically get with a subwoofer cable, so no worries there in terms of signal degradation. There was just no performance degradation at all, and also very little in the way of latency I could detect. I could detect.
For Reference, Uk Does List The
audio latency as around nineteen milliseconds, but I honestly couldn’t detect any latency while demoing a bunch of different scenes using it and the UK UK Pro. There really is nothing negative to report here in terms of performance using this in the same room around twenty feet away, with or without line of sight. Moving on, like I mentioned in my overview video, I have a pair of powered studio monitors in my office that I wanted to try out with the UK Wireless Audio Adapter, which was hooked up to the UK UK output on my receiver. This isn’t really an ideal situation because I have a UK in my office that I have my studio monitors hooked up to, but since it’s about fifty feet away from my receiver and also through four sets of walls, I figured. It’d be a good test for the UK Wireless Audio Adapter.
And Honestly, Like With The Subwoofer Tests, It
worked flawlessly and setup up was just as easy as it was with the subwoofers.. I did have to use my own stereo UK cables as you only get two single UK interconnects in the box, but that’s really just a nitpick. There were no dropouts at all during my listening time, which was a total of around four hours. .
Everything I Played On It Sounded Identical To
what it sounds like when using my Focusrite Scarlett to send the signal to my studio monitors. Finally. I want to talk about the build quality of these little guys. Now, they’re nothing to really write home about. They’re mostly plastic and have the exact same configuration on the back of each, though one is obviously a transmitter, while the other is a receiver.
What I Will Say Is That Theyre
really, really light weight and also not very big so they’re easier to hide out of sight.. However, I would be extremely hesitant putting these anywhere they could fall off of, and I definitely wouldn’t put these outdoors or any place prone to moisture for any length of time. If you don’t want them to get ruined. Now with that said, they’re not designed for outdoor or garage use or for putting speakers in your bathroom, and I’m sure plastic was used because metals have a tendency to interfere with wireless signals of all types, so I think UK went with a safer approach here to prevent any issues.
So What Are My Final Thoughts
on the UK Wireless Audio Adapter As it stands, it worked better than I thought it would. Not that I expected it to be terrible, but I’ve had issues with wireless audio interference in the past, so I was expecting there to be some issues. And there simply weren’t any to speak of. We have a lot of wireless and bluetooth devices in our home, and that never was an issue while using theNK] Wireless Audio ADapter. Is it worth the price tag.
Though I Will Say Uk If
you’re looking for a way to place your subwoofer in a tricky spot and don’t want to or simply can’t run a subwoofer cable to that location., then this definitely fits the bill and might be worth the cost for you. . It also likely won’t give you an issue if you have a lot.
- subwoofer
- subwoofers
- wireless
- receiver
- channel
Lot Of Wireless Devices In Your Home, And
can be used to easily bring audio to a pair of powered speakers In another part of your house. Overall, the UK Wireless Audio Adapter from UK while a bit pricey, is an excellent performing wireless audio adapter. If you’re in the market for something like this, then I definitely think it may be worth considering. If you enjoyed this video and found it helpful, feel free to give it a thumbs up as it helps this video reach more people.
If You Have Any Questions About Uknk] Wireless
Audio Adapter or if you use one yourself and want to share your experiences with others., feel free to leave a comment down below. Thanks for watching and I’ll catch you in the next one!.
This two hundred dollar wireless adapter delivers the goods for wirelessly connecting your subwoofer to your home theater . The UK Wireless Audio Adapter is an upgrade over the UK older Wireless Audio adapter . The views and opinions in this video are my own and are based on my experiences using this product and UK won’t be seeing this video until it goes live and public on UK for everyone . You can add additional receivers at the time of purchase on the UK website, though I didn’t see a way to do that? If you already own the transmitter and receiver combo, you may want to contact UK support if you’re interested in adding additional receivers . You’ll find links in the description below to calibration tools and some other goodies like links to my full home theater setup . And full disclosure UK UK did loaned me the UK wireless Audio Adapter in order to review it and test it out, but they didn’t pay me anything and this is not a sponsored video. This is not to pay me any…. Click here to read more and watch the full video