Video Creator’s Channel Parker The Basshead

What Is Going On Guys Parker Here
bringing y’all a another video in today’s video we have American bases brand new sub. This is the Hawk series sub so We’re gonna test it out see how it sounds run some test on it and see how it does let’s get to it thank you all so much for tuning in to another base head video of course review of the American base Hawk series brand new sub Super excited to have this now before i get into it. I want to give Jonah a huge shout out. He won the sound cubed giveaway from the last video so that is packaged up and ready to be sent out thank you so much for participating in that and being a subscriber and loyal fan so super excited there guys first giveaway on the channel stay tuned we’re gonna have a ton. of subscriber giveaways coming up here this year.
That Is My Plan We Have A
kicker giveaway here soon where we might be giving away up to a kicker comp Q so stay tuned for that not gonna want to miss it and I appreciate all the new subscribers Y’all are awesome cannot wait to share some cool stuff on this channel but anyway let’s get into this of course comes in kind of cool box. We have the hawk on the side of it. Now like a dummy. I open this up from the bottom but no big deal. Let’s get this sub out and get to looking at it first off.
We Get A Nice Big American Base
decal and then over here we get their specs sheet let’s take a look and see what we got going on over here now I got the dual 4 ohm. version in a 12-inch configuration, so let’s see of course this is 1500 watts Rms. The x-max is 15. 5 millimeters. The SpL is about 86.
6 Db.
We have a heavy duty die cast basket Kevlar fiber non–pressed paper cone. We have a three-inch high temp four layer copper voice coil. We have a four-piece black poly cotton spider. We have a triple stack 80 ounce a piece magnet 240 ounces total that is awesome.
We Have Nice 10 Gauge Direct Leads And
of course there it is again 1500 watts RMs. 3000 max. Here is the sub-guys looks awesome with the red finish on the basket and of course a nice cone kind of little sparkly and then we do have a plastic dust cap, but it has a look to make it look like it’s carbon fiber kind of wish they had used a real. Cap but Oh well no big deal and then a nice high roll surround. Now I’m going to say one of the really cool things about this guys is.
I Picked This Up On Amazon For 199
dollars, which in my opinion is a crazy good deal on something like this seems to be an excellent value sub let’s get you a little closer look up at this very neat motor. I’m not sure what the purpose of this extra piece of metal here is on the bottom so if you all know let me know in the comments, but we do have a center venting and extra venting right along there we of course have direct leads and that does look to be 10 gauge wire as stated looks to be pure copper as well. Of course, we have I think two spiders down here at the bottom and two spiders up here up top it is nice and stiff and then in here. One of my favorite things about American bass. We have their awesome voice coil Now Their coils seem to always have this kind of matte black coating on it and they do awesome I’ve never ever had any issues with one of their coils.
These Three Inch Coils By Them Just
keep going so very excited. There same coil that was in the XFl and the elite subs and I loved both of those I think it’s the same thing that’s in this HD as well looks like it And then in here we have the dual tempo leads again. This is the same as was on the XFl and the elites as well and I never had any problems. No. Stretching no tearing and they took plenty of power and then right up here you kind of see how this sparkles just has a neat kind of look to it love the red stitching and I do love the look of the dust cap.
However, It Is A Little Flimsy And From
the pictures. It just looked like it was going to be a carbon fiber dust cap which it is not again gives it a nice look but just kind of bummed. It’s not a real carbon fiber dust cap overall for 199 dollars. This thing looks epic very very excited about it love the nice big 240 ounce motor love Their awesome 3-inch voice coil with their black matte coating on it a super high temp has done great for me in the in the past and the cone looks really nice as well. So I think it’s.
To Get This Thing In The Car,
Let it break in for a while and then start running test on her Got it in the box fit in that hole absolutely perfect sorry for the glare, but see it all perched up in there well like I said you can let this guy break in for a little while and then we’ll get to doing some testing so is overall for 190 dollar sub. This thing is kicking some butt takes power like nobody’s business at least for that price range have not smelled it. I’ve not heard any weird noises everything has been really good so far and on those really low notes. Doesn’t have a ton of excursion, but it does seem to just hold it really really well. There’s no sloppy sounding like I kind of expected that there might be um on that one I played.
It Gets Really Really Low For A
part and pretty much 90 of subs. I do It just sounds a little sloppy but this one. The cone control was on point and it had no problems. Whatsoever anyway let’s go ahead and get into some tests. We’re gonna do the musical Rms test and then the db test just see how this thing does because this box is a little bit bigger.
- year plan kicker giveaway soon
- excited guys giveaway channel stay
- stay tuned subscriber giveaways
- hawk series sub gonna
- plan kicker giveaway
The Sub Does Sound Like It Is Unloading
a little bit while trying this test so we’re gonna send it and see what it does. I think it’ll be okay but anyway let’s get it to it so seem to make it through that fine the center cap the dust cap is a little warm, but nothing crazy Don’t see any smoke or anything crazy like that I’d say everything seems to be doing good now this box. Seems like around 40 Hertz so we’re gonna put that through it see what it does 500 watts got a 136. 8 good movement There 400 watts. We got a 138 got her up again that was really moving there starting to max out.
- kicker
- giveaways
- hawk
- gonna
- giveaway
We Had 2 000 Watts, But
look at that 141.7 let’s bump it up one more time. See if we can squeeze some more out of there maxing out super bad what that was three thousand and three hundred watts. We got a one 41. 9 got it one more bump up just for the heck of it.
Hopefully The Sub Will Make It Through
no problem still just a little over 3 300 watts, but there it is guys. We got that 142. 2. There we have it another sub successfully made it through the review made it through all the tests so super super happy about that.
Overall, The Sub Did Pretty Good Not My
favorite American base sub but for 199, I am pretty happy with it. I bumped it the past almost a week now and it did fine sounded pretty good and overall, I was just happy with it now that being said in my opinion. I still like the XFls better just something about them Overall. I think having that little bit longer basket a little bit more excursion Just overall.
I Do Like The Xfls Better But
if you can’t find an XFl or if you just want something different this hawk will have you covered it is a very tough sub. I see this thing lasting a pretty long time well without really any issues assuming you’re under proper power and a proper box and all that so this gives my thumbs up guys definitely a budget banger that’s gonna do it for this video. Y’all thank you all so much for checking in to a another base head video stay tuned for more stuff coming soon stay tuned for more subscriber giveaways coming soon as well guys and I just really really appreciate all that Y’all do let me know in the comments below what subs you want to see me review here coming up soon and I’ll try to get to him. If I can I get a ton of comments from those and like guys.
I Just Cant Get To Everything,
but if I do see a bunch of people want something like this hawk. I try my. best to get it so anyway thank you all so much y’all keep basing on you.
Parker Parker reviews the American base Hawk series brand new sub . The sub is a dual 4 ohm.& version in a 12-inch configuration, so let’s see of course this is 1500 watts Rms.& The x-max is 15.&5 millimeters . The SpL is about 86.&6 db.& We have a heavy duty die cast basket Kevlar fiber non–pressed paper cone.& A three-inch high temp four layer copper voice coil. A four-piece black poly cotton spider. A triple stack 80 ounce a piece magnet 240 ounces total that is awesome. We’re gonna have a ton.& of subscriber giveaways coming up here this year. Stay tuned for that not gonna want to miss it and I appreciate all the new subscribers Y’all are awesome cannot wait to share some cool stuff on this channel but anyway let’s get into this channel’s got to look at the sub’ll be ready to share it’…. Click here to read more and watch the full video