Video Creator’s Channel Parker The Basshead

What Is Going On Base Head Family Super
excited We have a brand new sub over here on the channel first Avatar sub. This is the stu-12. I got it because we did the death bonds apocalypse 3012 R on here a little while ago and of course, this sub is about in the same price range, so I figured it’d be kind of cool to get it and see how it does now Of course what makes this guy a little bit different from the def box is that this is a four-inch coil and it is rated for 3 000 watts RMs. I believe which is pretty crazy so avatar and death bonds are both made by Alfred Audio so I’m going to assume that they hold the avatars to the same standards that they hold the deathbots subs too we’re going to do some tests with. Guy and see how it really does and how it compares to the deaf bots so that should be pretty cool.
Here Are All The Specs For
the StU-12. So the cone is paper and fiber glass die-cast aluminum frame ferrite magnet 3000 watts RMs says max power 6 000 watts and peak power 12 000 watts and of course as I said we have a four-inch voice coil which is really really cool and is made of copper coated aluminum. Of course have the dual 2 Ohm version. Technically, it is 1. 4 ohms each.
The Spl Is 85.
7 Db x max is 28 millimeters. Fs is 34 Hertz and the bl is 25. 2. Now I did order this from down for sound cool thing about that you got a couple of neat Goodies.
I Got A Pink Lanyard This
time volt meter over here got the team down. looks like a white decal and we got some candy The coolest thing. We got this shirt over here a little dirty, but I love black shirts so very very happy with this if you want to help support the channel. There will be an affiliate link for this sub in the description below, should you purchase this sub or something else through my link. I’ll get a little bit of a kickback and that really helps with these videos so if you want to do that thanks guys this cone is really cool.
I Do Love The Weave We Got Going
on here very very stiff dust cap an incredibly stiff cone. We have this nice mega roll surround. I love the orange stitching then of course we have the ti frame. Avatar is alfred audio’s a little bit more budget lineup so these things aren’t manufactured in China. And they do use more standard parts, so we just have a basic ti frame rest of course on the apocalypse.
- def box inch coil rated
- subs ve black voice coils
- magnet 3000 watts rms says
- coil just experience subs
- rms believe pretty crazy avatar
We Have A Very Custom Beautiful Frame
so just kind of the little bit of difference there, but still hopefully these guys will perform. Regardless we have two of the round potential leads going to each coil. Then we have this massive four-inch voice coil and you can see it does just just has the clear glue on it does not have the black glue that you see on a bunch of subs like the def bot over here and then we have this triple stack motor over here now I’m not exactly sure what size motor this is, but it looks just like a 300 ounce motor. Very similar to a 300 ounce motor. We got on this guy and that guy over there so honestly for.
A 3000 Watt Rms Sub I
expect the motor to be a whole lot bigger Here’s the black brick brick house, but this also has a four-inch voice coil which you don’t see four inch horse gold a whole lot on the subs, but you can kind of see the massive difference in the motor size here other cool thing about this guy. I think it’s about 600 bucks so not a whole lot more expensive than the avatar and again what I like about it it does have a much bigger motor and it does have the black coating on the voice coil Just from my experience. Most of the subs that I’ve had with the black voice coils tend to have done better than the ones that just have the clear coating. Generally speaking the glue they use is a little higher temp glue but not necessarily. Guys I’m going to imagine that Alfred audio knows what they’re doing when they’re having these guys manufactured guys super excited to have this here.
Ive Wanted To Try One Of These Out
for forever Y’all know I am a sucker for some budget bigger subs. Like this that being said 500 bucks is no joke definitely not cheap, but you’re getting that big old four-inch coil and you’re getting a rating of 3000 watt Rms which is a really really high rating You don’t see many of the nicer brands rating subs that high without paying like close to a thousand dollars. So another thing to mention with a four-inch voice coil. Since the coil is wider that means your spider generally speaking has to be smaller so you’re going to get less x-max than if you had this exact same setup, but with a three-inch coil. are not the same baskets, So things are going to vary, but we do have a bigger spider over here as opposed to here I’ll measure them in the comparison video Just so Y’all can see that but yeah that is just one thing to mention.
There Are Not All Positives When It Comes
to four inch coils getting this guy hooked up another good thing about it is we of course have the nice big terminals so I’m able to fit this big 10 gauge wire in there no problem and it would easily fit eight gauge maybe even six gauge. Another cool thing to hold down the surround on this it’s actually got this screw-on plate so you’re never gonna have to worry about your surround. You know coming unglued so that’s pretty cool but in order to fit my screws I did have to take the plate. with the same thank you so okay so that was a musical RMs test there and you saw we were pushing it pretty good and it made it through no smells. Nothing broke or anything so hey this guy definitely does take the power so okay um um ah I’m killing everyday up is y’all.
I Was Pushing It There And Ive
been playing this for a good little while finally got it distinct there in this last two songs but didn’t smell like super bad definitely feel some heat on the dust cap, though so we got this fellow warm but again. I was playing for like 30 minutes and it took forever to get this guy warmed up, so i’m surprised guy this coil is holding up well. Overall this thing is definitely taking the power from a musical perspective. It’s taking 3000 watts all day long guys. I am running this off of a tar amps 8k so after a box ride and whatnot we’re still seeing three to 4 000 watts, which is pretty cool.
If You Were To Put This
on a 3 000 watt amp. Assuming you weren’t clipping this guy would take it all day long okay I still got to do the db test so I will throw that in here my meter dies so I had to order a new meter. It’ll be here in a few days a 134 with that sweet. We peaked at 36 Hertz that was 2700 watts got a 137 and 35 Hertz losing burst at 35 Hertz and see what happens 1500 watts. We got a 135.
5 3 500 Watts, And We Got
that 139 almost 4500 watts there guys and we broke into the 140s got a 141.2. All right let’s really push her. Here just straight maxing out there again about 4 500 watts, but look at that guys 142. 6 Okay just for the heck of it.
- coils
- coil
- rms
- amps
- amp
Lets Try Like 40 Hertz And
see what that does Whoa look at that almost 5 000 watts, and we got it actually a little bit better got a 142.7 let’s try 45 Hertz just to see what it does. Whoa guys look at that 6500 watts, but score dropped way down there 137. 5 but anyway y’all this sub is nuts. This thing definitely takes the power now it did seem to max out a little bit easier than some of the other subs again that does have to do with that four-inch voice coil as opposed to a three-inch coil, but what it lacks in x-max.
It Definitely Seems To Make Up For
in just the raw power that it can take i know video. Justice guys, but I had that thing just absolutely maxing out there really really pushing it for quite a long time, and it just kept going let me know what you think guys and stay tuned here soon We’ll do a comparison of this versus the deaf boss Apocalypse. They’re both made by the same company and they have similar price points figured it’d be really cool to do a comparison of them so y’all can see which one you should buy if you were considering one of them anyway guys stay tuned for that thank you all so so much links to my facebook and instagram and all that junk in the description below should you want to check it out remember to check out the link to this sub should you want to buy it through down for sound and other than that guys. I think we are done here with this video, so let me know what you think but remember as always keep basing on.
There will be an affiliate link for this sub in the description below, should you purchase this sub or something else through my link . I’ll get a little bit of a kickback and that really helps with these videos so if you want to help support the channel.& I do love the weave. The cone is paper and fiber glass die-cast aluminum frame ferrite magnet 3000 watts RMs says max power 6 000 watts and peak power 12 000 watts . We have a four-inch voice coil which is really really cool and is made of copper coated aluminum. The spl is 85.&7 Db x max is 28 millimeters.& Fs is 34 Hertz and the bl is 25.&2.2.5 Hertz . We got a pink lanyard this time volt meter over here got the team down.& looks like a white decal and we got some candy The coolest thing. We got this shirt over here a little dirty, but I love black…. Click here to read more and watch the full video