Video Creator’s Channel Jordan Ash

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So today We’re looking at another product from Thunder and bandit. This is the UK 10 or their subwoofer. This thing is absolutely insane to a level that I can’t even begin to describe We’re going to take you through looking around the actual product itself and then we’ll give you kind of my thoughts at the end, but this thing can rattle your entire house basically let’s put it in simple terms so looking at the very front of the actual sub itself. We’ve got the Islamic Vanda branding that we’ve seen on all the previous products. We’ve looked at has a lovely mesh grille that we’ve also seen.
This Is Easily Removable If You Wanted
to actually see the speaker itself that’s contained behind. It uses the same push tabs that we’ve seen on the other speakers that we’ve looked at. Like the Curb bus and also that you’ll out so taking that off will reveal the 10-inch subwoofer This behind it. This is 100 watts of power. It also has a plethora of input so we’re going to look at in a moment, but it offers the great deep clear and unbeatable sound is what they say on their website, which I would totally agree with.
This Has Got A Frequency Response From 30
Hertz to 20 kilohertz. So that’s a very very deep generally headphones at 20 kilohertz. So give you a rough idea of what you could expect from this thing is absolutely bonkers and looking at the back is where it gets a little bit more technical we’ve got lots of different adjustments and options as well to get your tone exactly precise to how you want it so looking at the very top we’ve got. our gain control. This is obviously going to be for the volume of the subwoofer itself.
I Generally Have About 10 Oclock,
which kind of represents kind of third of the power it can really go for and then the frequency I have the 188, so you get a more wide spectrum. You can dial it down as well. If you wanted to get a more reduced frequency response. So if you wanted to go for just certain tones. Maybe you have speakers that I’ve got a lower depth of bass, then you know something that I may have.
You Can Also Adjust That To
your kind of preference. This also has an UK as well which glows green when the subwoofer is on and then alongside that you’ve got the standby switch, which will turn your sub-12 stand boy. It doesn’t detect sound when that is enabled you do. a nice red UK as well to show you that you also got an option for a phase control as well which you can reverse, which basically means your subwoofer will move in when your speaker’s moving, but this does a 180 on it so it will move out when your speaker’s moving it’s a very personal thing depending on how you listen to music and what your thing too so that’s all down to kind of your own personal hearing and further to the right with the subwoofer we’ve got our low-level input. This is for home devices such as smartphones tablets UK UK semi-professional sound cards, which is what I’m using out of my UK.
- basically means subwoofer
- absolute racket like cheaper subwoofers
- bandit uk 10 subwoofer
- uk glows green subwoofer alongside
- taking reveal 10 inch subwoofer
- subwoofer
- subwoofers
- speakers
- speaker
- watts
This Is The Output Youre Going
to use for those then if you want to use a higher end product such as using UK devices like receivers you’re going to be using the. input and output that’s below with these single speaker cables now for me where I use this on and vandercave UK as my desktop speakers. It was a simple connection from the UK into the input and then from the subwoofer output into the back of the speaker’s to get me set up just below that we’ve got a bit more information about the product itself and then further down we’ve got the actual UK input simple figure-of-eight cable that we’ve seen on the other products. This is all made out of the UK A a material which is high-density acoustic absorber. It’s what we’ve seen in the previous speakers as well.
Its A Natural Polymer.
There’s a high density when it’s been combined, which generates more widget and dense material than UK which is used on standard speakers. This helps prevent vibration leakage of sound enabling a more accurate. performance now Unfortunately, I couldn’t use the music that I actually tested the cell before wave period because it’s copyrighted, but to give you an idea of how I found this wall.
I Turned Up Tree To See Just
what it can what it looks like. When it is at full volume. The room vibrated to a point. I think I thought things were going to fall off shelves.
I Couldnt Have It Up Very Loud
for very long because things were going to be broken from the vibration, but it’s a clear base. It’s not distorted. It’s not a boy racer car that just purely vibrates. It does give you tonal you know difference rather than just making an absolute racket like cheaper subwoofers deep it’s definitely something you want to get if you’ve got speakers like the obvious we’ve seen before definitely think about adding this to the setup.
It Makes It So Much Better
it improves the sound by like five hundred percent is absolutely sound perfection adding this into it so we’ll put the links for this down in the description box below. If you do want to check one out thank you for the L’amanda for sending this out for me to review. If you did this video and you haven’t already please consider subscribing really appreciate always support to the channel and help you bring to me but so now Thank You fortune I’ll see you all next time.
We’re going to take you through looking around the actual product itself and then we’ll give you kind of my thoughts at the end, but this thing can rattle your entire house basically let’s put it in simple terms . This thing is absolutely insane to a level that I can’t even begin to describe. We’ve got lots of different adjustments and options as well to get your tone exactly precise to how you want it so looking at the very top we’ve got.& our gain control control.& This is obviously going to be for the volume of the subwoofer itself.& I generally have about 10 o’clock, which kind of represents kind of the power it can really go for and then the frequency I have the 188, so you get a more wide spectrum.& So if you wanted to go for just c, or if you want to go to the lowest frequency response. You can dial it down as well.& If you wanted a more reduced frequency response ….. Click here to read more and watch the full video