Video Creator’s Channel Parker The Basshead

What Is Going On Base Head Family Now All
the time I get asked on the channel. What subs have I liked the most over the years, what have been my favorite subs. So in this video we’re looking at my top five subs. So let’s get into it. Please subscribe guys please please the more subscribers.
I Get The More Catnip I Get
yes please subscribe that is right guys me and the one and only base head kitty over here are gonna be looking at my top five subs just the ones. I have liked the most overall over the past five years and there will be a bonus sub at the end of the video so stay tuned for that as well, but let’s get right into this now. This list is not really in any specific order. Necessarily some of these subs a little more expensive. Some are a little cheaper, but overall these are just the five that I like the best in the number five spot.
We Have The Scar Zb X
is the biggest 12-inch sub that scar makes at the moment. This is the scar ZVx which of course kind of sounds like the sundown Zv5. I’m sure that it’s just a coincidence though I’m sure scar didn’t plan that at all because scar definitely doesn’t copy sundown than anything that they do but I’ve got some specs over here. This sub now retails for three hundred and sixty-nine dollars back when I had one I think it retailed for 329 or 339. Is 1500 watts RMs has a three-inch coil.
We Have 29 Millimeters Of X-Max.
The advantage is 51 Hertz, which is a little high definitely the highest fs on this list. The frequency response is 30 to. This has a motor that is 306 ounces and this bad boy came in at 53 pounds now. I’ll show some clips of the sub and show how loud I was able to get it.
But The Reason I Like This
sub is it was a really tough sub had a really nice American-made coil on it and overall guys for the type of base that I like to listen to just the type of sub that I like I really really enjoyed it. It was a longer sub had a good deal of X Max. It wasn’t crazy expensive, but I still got a great peace of mind with it didn’t have to worry about it blowing or anything like that all right guys a 144. 3 okay guys next up. I had the huracan V2 on the list and I still have some of those here so let’s take.
Look At Them So These Have Been My
demo subs and these things are incredible definitely deserve to be on my top five list just take a look at these guys. Of course we got six there they got that beautiful spider beautiful amazing coil big old beefy looking sub now this dead game is a little smaller company. So their prices are all over the place depending on how many they have in stock and then I think now they’re coming out with the three of these so I’m not sure if they’re discontinuing the V2s or what but yeah the B2 threes are coming out now so I’ve seen these anywhere from 330 bucks all the way up to 520 bucks so kind of hard to say what they go for and if you can even still find them but these guys are also 1500 watts also have. A three–inch coil 30 millimeters of X-max sensitivity is 84. 9 db.
The Fs Is Hertz And This Guy Has
a 300 ounce motor and it comes in at 51 pounds, and there we go that helped guys get a 153.8 next up. We have the black brick BB3 V2. This is currently my daily sub and it makes an awesome awesome daily sub at the moment. This guy retails for 349.
Once Again 1500 Watts Rms 3-Inch Coil
25 millimeters of X-max sensitivity is 83.5 db Fence is 36 Hertz. Frequency response is 23 to 250 Hertz. Now i couldn’t find the exact weight of this motor, but it definitely is a 300 ounce plus motor. It is a doesn’t look to be a good deal bigger than some of my other subs that have 300 ounce motors and I didn’t pull out to weigh it but it is definitely.
This Is My Daily Banger In Here
love this guy got a 143.6. Also I finally got in contact with the winner of the Sundown X V3, so we’ll be shipping this out to Peter Soon okay next up at the number two spot is the American base Xfl now when it comes to budget Bangers. This is by far my overall favorite sub any of the American based stuff. I was just super happy with I had the elites.
I Had The Xfl And I
had the HD and all of them from that budget price range were just absolutely bangers now I don’t have one here to show you but I do have an HD so it’s really pretty much a similar sub 2d Hd it’s just obviously cheaper has a smaller motor and it has a different surround. Has the ribs around so other than that pretty. Similar honestly, This is a great stuff too personally. I just like the XFl. I see a huge performance benefit to getting the HD over the XFL minus the a little bit bigger motor and again going back to that budget Banger.
The Xfl Was Awesome Back In The
day you could pick up XFL for like 170 bucks that is no more but I did find them online for 1.99 now quick thing about American base never ever look at the price on their website. They always have some huge ridiculous msrp on their website. You can go find it way under that through any of their dealers, so I don’t know why they do that but again you can find this guy for 199. now.
This Sub Only Has A Thousand Watts Rms,
but it does have the same coil that’s in the HD and I’ve seen some. Places some people have said some of the newer ones are now saying 1500 watts RMs on it so either way it’s a very very capable sub. It also has a three-inch coil. It has 19 millimeters of X max. Since the sensitivity is 88 db Fs is 32 hertz and the frequency response is below 300 Hertz.
- zvx
- zv5
- scar
- sub
- subs
It Has A 220 Ounce Motor And Weighs
about 38 pounds. All right guys well there we have it okay guys now number one on my list. This is by far my just overall favorite Sub had the best quality for the type of music that I like was super tough and lasted me absolutely forever was my daily sub for a really long time and that is the sundown Xv2 Now I no longer have that stuff as well. I did do a giveaway over on my facebook page should. You want to stay tuned into all the giveaways I do on the channel go check out that facebook page link is in the description below.
Now This Sub Was 550 Plus Shipped.
I’m not sure what they really go for now if you can even find them since it is a discontinued sub. Then I have the XV three out now. The only reason I’m not picking the Xv3 over the Xb2 because I didn’t really actually use it for that long, whereas the XP2 I had in my sequoia for absolutely forever, so I really really got to test it out now. This sub had RMs of 1500 watts 3 inch coil.
I Believe It Has Like 35 Plus Millimeters
of X-max. I think they may only rate it for 30. But I do know the Zv6 has 40 millimeters and the Xb2 and Xv3 have a ton. X-max way more than most of the other subs that I’ve had that have claimed 30 millimeters so I’m gonna say say 35 sensitivity is 84. 4 db Fs is 36 Hertz.
Its An Absolutely Massive Motor.
It is definitely bigger than 300 ounces. I could not find the exact size of it though and it comes in at 61 pounds look at that 145. 8 those are my top five subs that I’ve reviewed on this channel my personal top five favorites Now I do have a quick bonus sub definitely an honorable mention to this list and that is the audio pipe BdC4 again. This is one of my favorite budget bangers back in the day you can pick these things up for 130 to 140 bucks which was crazy now you can find them for about 180 bucks, but they’re pretty tough They got really low they looked really.
With That Huge Mega Roll Surround And I
had six of them in my 612 box took that to the Sundown Show in 2020 and just an awesome awesome sub. It’s rated at 100 watts Rms. It also has a three-inch coil 25 millimeters of x max. Sensitivity is 88 db and the Fs is 31. Hertz frequency response is 20 to 900.
It Has A 220 Ounce Motor And Weighs
at 36 pounds. Guys. Here is the list of all the subs just so you can kind of see the comparison of them side by side now guys I have loved so many of the subs. It was really really hard to pick these five, but it really came down to some of the ones that i ended up using the most and liking the most overall of course there were other awesome awesome subs Guys The American. Base HD is awesome the Deathbots Apocalypse 30 12r.
Absolutely Awesome Sub I Just Didnt Use
these as much as I ended up using these and there’s something about these that I just personally like all right. They said that’s gonna do it for this video that was my top five subs leave a comment letting me know what your top five subs are either ones I’ve reviewed on the channel or just the top five in general. Let me know cannot wait to read through all the comments and see what Y’all say please guys like this video helps out with the Youtube algorithm really helps me out way more than you know guys so thank you so much please do that um definitely subscribe if you enjoy this kind of content and want to see more. We got tons of stuff coming up here soon and also if.
You Want To Stay In Tuned To
the giveaways that I’m doing go like my facebook page. The link is in the description below. Let’s see next sub we are giving away is this CP 1200 330 sub really really nice sub so yeah giving that away next so stay tuned for that and then we’re giving away this kicker setup over here and more stuff after that guys well Y’all that’s gonna do it thank you all again so so much let me know what you think but remember as always keep basing on.
- zb biggest 12 inch sub
- best number spot scar zb
- scar zvx course kind sounds
- channel subs liked
- head kitty gonna looking subs
In this video we’re looking at my top five subs. What subs have I liked the most over the years, what have been my favorite subs.& Necessarily some of these subs a little more expensive. Some are a little cheaper, but overall these are just the five that I like the best in the number five spot. The scar Zb x is the biggest 12-inch sub that scar makes at the moment. This is the scar ZVx which of course kind of sounds like the sundown Zv5.& The advantage is 51 Hertz, which is a little high definitely the highest fs on this list.& This sub now retails for three hundred and sixty-nine dollars back when I had one I think it retailed for 329 or 339.& Is 1500 watts RMs has a three-inch coil.& There will be a bonus sub at the end of the video as well, but stay tuned for that as well as the bonus sub as well ….. Click here to read more and watch the full video