Video Creator’s Channel Black Mickey

Today I Will Be Showing You Guys How
to install a under seat subwoofer and amp and the first thing we want to do as always. When working on electrics is disconnect your negative part of the battery and then the next step is you want to disconnect the positive so that you can fit your main power cable which is this one the king kit and you want to fit it don’t fit it over this but fit it in between this this nut holding this on right there and then usually when you buy these any kid the power cable If it comes with a fuse mine comes with a fuse here the fuse. You usually you want it very close to the battery. This is a 30 amp fuse but again it depends which one you whiche kit you buy this is from stinger and so I. started to bought the battery and I go up here, just tying it out of the way for now and going across here and I did find a spot in the firewall, so I didn’t have to drill as you can see it’s right there just a piece of rubber.
I Did Cut A Hole In It.
It’s real easy to do and then you just push it through there and then should come out under your steering wheel on the driver side after bringing it from the firewall, which is right here. You run the cable up so it’s away from the pedals and I moved it to this side right here. You also remove the kick plate right here and then there’s another piece that covers all of this area and I whipped it right through there. Zip tied up underneath the dash and then I ran it.
All Dumb Sided Or And Ill Put
my under seat sub right back underneath the back seat right behind the driver’s side so after you started wiring up everything for your sub-go ahead and take it back out and then I’ve read that it’s a good thing to prevent extra noise by putting the sub onto a piece of particle board in order to reduce the sound and see I have measured out where I’m going to put my screws same on the top side for that and I will drill them. You know both the sub to the board and then put it in the back of the truck. So after I drilled the hole. I drilled four of them two here and two up there for each side and my by under-seat subwoofer came with these little stances that you could drill into this and this is. Particle board I think it’s five eight six and so all I did was I piloted the holes and then I took the screws that came with the kit and I went ahead and puts them all in on all corners here.
The Other Two Right Here Okay So
I started to take the dash part as you can see this is my radio and if we just pull it out a little bit. Here are the UK UK output cables that you’ll need for your speakers. This is only if you have an aftermarket radio. If you do not have aftermarket radios and you’ll know because it has a red and a white output here. I’ll show you those are what they look like right there and if you do not have that then you will have to wire a power and negative to each each speaker that you.
Have In Your Vehicle, But If
you do have aftermarket one, then you’ll just go into your wiring here and figure out which one is your turn on wire. So let’s see these are my turn on wires be a positive and a negative and I have soldered them together and this is the wire that is included in the kit so that the sub knows when to turn on and you will route this cable as well as the UK output cables along the opposite side of your vehicle opposite side of where the power cable is. I have my power cable running along this dash board right here all the way to the back and if we move the seat down. This is what I have so far. I have the negative which I’ve hooked up to bare metal right behind here.
Dont Forget In Order To Get Bare
metal you want to either file it or use a screw driver and scrape away. This it has to be a bare-metal for the best connection and so I have that plugged into the negative right there and then I also have the positive which is from this side of the vehicle that I’ve ran to here and all this will be under seats Ok so it’s made for under the seat subwoofer and these are your UK cable outputs from the run all the way to your radio on the opposite side of where you put your power cable and this is the remote the remote control and this is what it looks like you can either turn it 2 min or 2 max, depending on what you prefer and if you know you get the right power connection if this light. Green it says Power green so then if you do not have a aftermarket stereo you would have to plug in use this plug-in right here and then there are wires that come out from this plug, so that you can connect them to each side of your speaker and then after you have everything connected. This is just a test setup. You Always want to do a test setup before you install everything you’ll want to adjust all of these.
- fit main power cable king
- subwoofer amp thing want working
- fuse usually want close battery
- battery 30 amp fuse depends
- install seat subwoofer amp
The Low Pass Bass Boost And Input Gain
in order to best fit the the sound for your vehicle ever vehicle will be different this truck. I have adjusted it so that it will be the best sounding to to my vehicle, but it will just opinion so that’s the setup that I have so far. I will be putting all the seats and everything back in there and that I’ll put that probably sideways so it will fit better up under the seat but right now. I’ll go ahead and wire the UK cable and this blue turn on cable to the other side of the vehicle and all you need to do is you just need to remove the door trim This pops up really easily I do have trim. removal tools which are really great to you so you do not break all the number of tabs and everything that are up under here.
So Ive Already Showed You Where The Power
cable comes from from the battery through the firewall and I remove this panel and wait whatever you want to call right here in order to route the cable safely to the back of the truck and I will go ahead and do that to the other side of the vehicle for the UK and the turn on power cable So now I’ve brought the UK cable and the turn on cable from the other side of the truck. I wire. I went from the kick plates well from the radio to the kick plates and then I just kind of cut through the middle right here right about where this creases and I came around here. And I’ll plug them in right here but first.
- fuse
- wiring
- amp
- subwoofer
- stinger
Ill Get The Bottom Part Of The Seat
and put right here and see if this does sit sit low enough and if I need to reposition it. I’ll probably turn it horizontally so that I’ll be able to zip tie all the cables up in this corner up under the seat. So after you get all your wiring done and again always check and make sure that everything works before you go and install everything just in case you have any wiring problems all right so now. I have the bottom part that all the seats latch on to and it looks like I have plenty of space as I’ll show you right down here.
I Have Plenty Of Space All
around the sub and of course I’ll tuck in these wires and zip tie them over here so they’re. out of the way and not to be seen, but it does look like I have enough clearance all the way around and that’s good because these do produce heat and mine mine has Vince on either side to cool it down as well as this board to keep it up off the carpet and for new ease isolation. So after you test it again just to make sure you don’t know if any waters got shuffled around or anything but they shouldn’t have so go ahead and clean it up either in the corner or wherever you want to do it and then go ahead and replace the seats as well as the panels and whatever else you removed and that’s how you install a under seat sub in F150 thanks for watching.
Today I will be showing you guys how to install a under seat subwoofer and amp . The first thing we want to do as always is disconnect your negative part of the battery . The next step is you want to disconnect the positive so that you can fit your main power cable which is this one the king kit . You usually you want it very close to the battery.& This is a 30 amp fuse but again it depends which one you whiche kit you buy this is from stinger and so I.& started to bought the battery and I go up here, just tying it out of the way for now and going across here and I did find a spot in the firewall, so I didn’t have to drill as you can see it’s right there just a piece of rubber.& It’s real easy to do and then you just push it through there . You run the cable up so it’s away from the pedals and I moved it to this side right here.&…. Click here to read more and watch the full video