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My name is Jay and my name is Tujin and I recently reviewed the Rel T5I subwoofer which I found to be a very musical subway due to his high level connection, but what if you want something a little bit more beefier well. In this case, Rel makes some home theater subwoofers and today we have the HT1003s in for review, but this one doesn’t have the high level connection that the real t5i did so let’s find out if it’s also musical enough for musical purposes while being beefy enough and having enough output for home theater and make sure you’re subscribed and ring that bell so that you don’t miss anything and let’s get to it so the actual woofer. The 10-inch woofer is made out of a carbon class material and it’s known for higher SpL levels being able. take quite a beating hence the really hefty surround on this woofer and you know from experience it it works so I actually disassembled the woofer and the cabinet and measured them separately, and I found that the cabinet is 15.
6 Pounds And The Woofer Is 8.
2 pounds, which means that the woofer takes a large chunk of the weight of the entire subwoofer and the amplifier in the back the class the amplifier actually is about three pounds, so what that really tells me is that the woofer is really heavy and hefty and just like you mentioned. It is able to take out a beating and for most level. First, it makes sense that the cabinet should be about twice the weight of the woofer itself. It’s not a no straight up rule, but it’s good to have that kind of basis and also the cabinet inside has.
Really Nice Bracing Like Really Hefty Bracing
and the cabinet is one inch thick MDF material which is nothing special but it is. You know again have really good bracing and everything is well done designed for 440 dollars. It is done to every aspect no no. I would say that no corners were really cut with this subwoofer given the budget so the actual subwoofer is rated for it while the amplifier is rated for 300 watts. Now note that it is class D amplification, which is a bit different compared to other rail subs because I know rel is really well known for their class a B designs with their amplifiers now with the home theater class D being a cooler design.
It Does Have Some Heatsinks On
it but yeah it does 300 watts and it’s quite efficient so it’s able to get quite loud so I. talked to the Rel chief engineer Andrew and he told me that you know the design behind this subwoofer is to be kind kind of have a hybrid between a really a high output subwoofer for home theater, which is required for home theater and also keep it musical at the same time, which is what Rel is known for now to do that. The main thing they did was to keep the woofer light as possible, which is what they always focus on so that they have good excursion pattern. You know can take a beating and all that stuff and that has to also do with the material of the woofer like you talked about and many of the entire design. So it’s not just about the woofer, but Woofer has to do a big part of the design as well and of course, the 300 watt class.
The Amplification Which Keeps Things Cool But
powerful and really good damping factor So um for 40 to 200. Hertz is the crossover built in into the subwoofer and I know for 40 Hertz is something that you would normally use for big towers that already go down pretty low and you just want to adjust that lower amount, but if you’re using it for home theater. I believe the thx rating is 80 Hertz now you would go up to 200. If you are using satellite speakers. Those are speakers that just can’t play below 200 Hertz.
They Have No Base So You
need a dedicated subwoofer for that scenario, but from my experience I would be crossing this subwoofer around 80 to 100 Hertz depending if you’re using bookshelves or you’re using this as a dedicated home theater sub where you want those lfe effects from 80 Hertz. and 100 80Hz and below to be taken care of, but it does go down to all the way down to 24Hz. Yeah It goes down to 24 Hertz at negative 6 db now in real life practice with room gain I’ve see I’ve heard it go down to 20 Hertz and it’s not too shabby. I personally used this speaker Wealthy Techton 2-10 Sct. I don’t even know if I’m saying that right the perfect set the perfect set and that speaker has bass in my space.
They Have Adequate Bass And You
know they thump and all that but when actually my good man here. Tujan set this you know subwoofers up for me and I came back home um after doing some laundries. I was like whoa you know did he even set up the subwoofer I was like Tujin is this stubble fur on and he’s. Yeah it’s on I’m like so just to prove a point. I turned off both subs and he’s like Oh There’s no the bass it’s just not as lively as it was before yeah and I was like okay Yeah even the top frequency You know it’s kind of you know taken care of it’s a little bit smoother and all that but it wasn’t as lively as before I was like wow you know I didn’t even know the subwoofer was playing until he actually turned it off so that means that it’s very seamless and I really like that about this subwoofer Yeah blending it was a total breeze good match with the tecton speakers.
- subwoofer
- subwoofers
- woofer
- amplifiers
- speakers
- goals building subwoofer rel
- t5i subwoofer musical
- rel makes home theater subwoofers
- theater subwoofers today ht1003s review
- t5i subwoofer musical subway high
So My Settings With The Tekton Was
actually quite funny. It was like 12 5 volume and crossover actually you set it up so it was about 50 50 hertz about 50 hertz. And that was a seamless like just perfect blending and I really enjoyed that with this speaker like 25 that’s absolutely nothing but it was just perfect blending and the goal of setting up speakers just to add on with subwoofers is to have that seamless thing going where the subwoofer is not like it’s like you don’t really really even know it’s there so to do that you have to have the software at the lowest setting possible and still have that adequate base you don’t want to be cranking up that base you don’t want to really hear your subwoofer separately well. Rel and their HT lineup has another sub it’s their HT 1205, which is about 700 Usd now that’s if you want a bigger sub but i personally find two of these in a medium-sized room to really kick ass and in my space overall. I haven’t had to crank it up past 75 when I was playing movies and it was just absolute great output Yeah in my space never above 50.
Okay To Be Quite Honest.
One didn’t get me where I wanted to because I have an SvS PB13 in my home theater, and in that case that one subwoofer fills up the room with this it almost gets there but I would ideally want to and with two subs. I would have a blast and you’re saying that with one sub in your large ass space it was almost there yes of output. Oh yeah I’ll put this small subwoofer so I was really pushing that one small subwoofer and I wasn’t getting distortion. I was actually very impressed and that subwoofer was moving that surround was going in and out and it was pushed really hard but you heard no.
Distortion No Yeah! I Found This Software To
be quite musical um compared to the T5i. Though I do have to say that for music purpose. I do like the high level connection just in terms of tonality matching between you know your entire system, but it’s just so it’s this subwoofer is so seamless that if I had the choice between the two for music choice, it would be very hard you know if I ever wanted to play like play like home theater stuff. This just has more output and more gut in my opinion, and so it’ll be a tough choice. But both are very musical and you know what if it’s just for music.
I Would Still Go With The T5I.
But if I ever want to do home theater, which I do, then I will choose this subwoofer hands down so I used this subwoofer. In particular in my home theater, it was Kef Q950s and you know when I’m watching movies I would have it crossed over at 80 hertz Now when listening to music I’m in a near-field setup. I used it with KeF Ls50s and fine audio F500s. These are both bookshelf speakers and I had them about crossed over at 80 Hertz with a high pass filter to both so those speakers weren’t playing below 80 hertz and the experience was phenomenal.
Nonetheless, It Gave It The Gut That Those
speakers lacked and because I was high passing those bookshelf speakers near field. I wasn’t getting any of like the port noise that you would normally get. When those speakers try to play low frequencies and because it’s a near-field setup. You know you have some constraints but this subwoofer just performs and being sealed near field is just. absolutely great so when when Tujin turned off one of the subwoofers when we were in here playing with the tektons as well.
I Found The Base To Be
just phenomenal, but I did find that the dispersion and overall kind of blending to be better with two subs and I always like two subs rather than one and I think most people would agree with me on that but if you can if you have to live with one. I think I can live with one with this subwoofer because it has more output and even if you crank it up to high levels like you said it’s made so that it doesn’t distort and that was one of the main goals. When building this subwoofer from rel. They told me that even at high levels they want this to play clean bass and no distortion because they’re sick.
And Tired Of Subtle First Distorting
at high levels. It’s like why do they even have that kind of you know volume knob if it can’t go up that high yeah exactly it loses that grip when you start pushing it. It’s like why do they do that like they want this to even at full Max power to not distort and that was their main goal and you can take full advantage of that by having this over at you know maximum settings. If you really wanted to and you were really you know tight on budget, so in terms of subwoofers like in this size I’m just going to talk about near field because that’s why I really enjoyed this subwoofer i’ve used an SvS Sp 2000.
Ive Used A Kef Cube 10 Just Right
off the top of my head and when I compare it to. Let’s say the Sp 2000 Sp 2000 is great for movies. It has a lot of gut to the bass, but what I find with the sp 2000 is that it it.
Rel makes some home theater subwoofers and today we have the HT1003s in for review . This one doesn’t have the high level connection that the real t5i did so let’s find out if it’s also musical enough for musical purposes while being beefy enough and having enough output for home theater . The 10-inch woofer is made out of a carbon class material and it’s known for higher SpL levels being able.& take quite a beating hence the really hefty surround on this woofer . The cabinet is 15.&6 pounds and the woofer takes a large chunk of the weight of the entire subwoofer and the amplifier in the back the amplifier actually is about three pounds, so what that really tells me is that the Woofer is really heavy and hefty and just like you mentioned. It is able to take out a beating. The cabinets are nothing special but it is. Nothing special but they are well done designed for 440 dollars and everything is…. Click here to read more and watch the full video