Video Creator’s Channel Z Reviews

This Is The Uk 2001 Thousand, Two Thousand Uk
is 12 inch 500 watt UK powered subwoofer Let’s pull it out from 65 pounds, probably the biggest 12-inch Sup I’ve ever used or touched 12 inches up Nerf Dart now the back of this unit let me rotate it. A bit is a basic that’s what it is we’ve got squeaky chair frequency crossover phase and Max Gang. It also has UK ins and outs which he’ll help if you’re going to do powered monitors or if you’re passing through to another sub that’s right next to it that’s fine power switch. It’s actually got a 12-volt trigger watch it’s a three to 12 volt trigger, a or UK UK or UK and sludge technology 1100. I think Pequots basic very basic back here.
Lets Swing It Around And Take Off This
metal this by the way totally using it. Zombie Apocalypse I’m just gonna strap this on right here and go to town. This is a very impressive thing almost as impressive as that so here. We have a 12-inch large surround driver and a 4-inch port. How deep is the port.
You Asked Way Deep Flared Nice
big flare and I haven’t noticed any port chopping from this while I’ve used it and I’m using it in this room and this room is my small room my intimate room as a reason it’s in here and not in here well two reasons one it’s very good in he for intimate delicate things and Chewbacca likes the rhythmic sub to sleep on right yeah good girl she won’t be bothering me in this review good now the power indicator is here on the front and of course it goes blue when it’s active and red when it’s inactive. I want to blow my brains out. I would suggest if you’re going to put this in a proper home theater and you’re going to have these anywhere that visible you just cover that get a magic marker go nuts cuz the blue blue but that’s fine that’s fine blues fine for now. I believe the grill off if you don’t have children or dogs or cats or anything that’s going to destroy that you can leave the grill off as well Now I’ve got it hooked up. Let me tell you how this is hooked up Oh in case you haven’t noticed I am sort of using my it’s not binaural at stereophonic recorder.
- subwoofer
- powered
- amp
- switch
- behringer
Ive Been Taught That This Is
not by neural stereophonic my UK-they’re my emote Eva amp. My image of a UK has UK outputs and UK outputs so the UK outputs are going. Going to this emote Eva control freak and then to the behringer A500 which are then feeding these llamo 600 ones and the UK outputs of my emote EVa are coming down here and then going to this UK of a control freak Because if you’re a control freak you got to have to and then feeding the inputs in the sub and that is so that I can simply twist knobs to adjust the level of the monitors and the level of the subwoofer now Where I set the gain on. This will determine the maximum amount I’m allowed to turn this on and in this room and please trust me on this you cannot use this sub to its maximum gain things will just fall. All things will fall so we’re going to avoid that I’m going to continue cleaning up the room like I’ve been doing for.
Two Hours To Get This Done.
I’ve got the game currently set at five eighths. The phase is actually traversed fully at 180 degrees and I’ve got the crossover set somewhere around 90 for the UK Ahmo’s because it is just full game. There’s nothing cutting off those Yama’s and there’s nothing well. The high pass is built into this.
Obviously I Just Showed You Now Once
you’ve talked about a saab like here it is you’ve seen it all you got let’s do it listen to it so let’s listen to it now I’m not sure which songs are going to be good or bad or get me poll and we have to re-edit this video, but we’re just going to run through a playlist because I need to all right sub down. So this is a sub control. This is the amp control so for the speakers a. bit of monitoring the best you can gerrate voice little sharp that’s just a recorder being placed here so that is just the Yaw MO’s and these are very small monitors. These are not you know what you probably be hooking up with this and let me get it against the wall because that actually doesn’t matter.
Ill Have A Picture In The
description showing how I figured out where to place this where I actually stacked those boxes right here where I’m sitting currently and then put this up on top of it and into the sub crawl around the room everywhere in the room and there up off the floor was where some of the best which is little weird so just right there and right now these call those senses the bowels wanna know is go in oh, so Joseph and Mary hit the room. I don’t. Play too much afraid it’ll just get me pulled or I’ll have to not have any of this cool stuff in there, but yes you could meet any sub will bring up the low end of a small speaker anything down for an eight-inch Dayton to well 15-inch rhythmic but you got to find the right sub. If people ask is a chemist’s up is this sub too big for my room and the answer is usually no usually it’s no sometimes though I sub can be too big. This is the 2000 and I think for a room.
This Size And I Think Weve Got
12 feet between this little alcove and this square probably 11 feet here. This might be too big for this room it’s moving so much air and you sit here and it sounds perfectly balanced. I’m sure the microphones are picking up it. great but you walk you I’m turning the gain up on that to the movement. I’m seeing the balance it here is because it’s so powerful it’s almost just it’s almost it’s almost usable useless.
It Needs To Be Slightly Smaller And Then
I think I could balance it out does go down to 17 Hertz, though which is an interesting little aspect can I display that with some sort of tests speaker demo or I got glitch mom. These are things I know match what don’t block so this is in chilli cheese glitch mom that’s just some Caroline will do speakers a little bit. We’ll just bring off a little bit again control freaks multiple control breaks because this is the best thing ever very low just feathering in blowing right there and if I wanted to balance it and then I could use the digital volume on. Fubar there to adjust lower I think that thing I mean there’s a little bit of are you not leaving the speaker’s off No they work. I’m just going to turn this up and when you hear a sub in its own not really a great test because the never a sub-one it’s all almost never sounds good like you’ll ever listen to a song with justice up before a go well that suburb was really clean and tight.
It Always Has To Be Integrated With Speakers
because when you turn this up yeah that’s vibrating now. I’m not sure what the microphones that didn’t refer. I would check that all right wait for it Yeah the whole wall is just me my light fixture too bleep up. Keep it in mind. I can only go to a five-eighths game and I only had it turned about half way.
I Went Full Game And Then
turn this up okay that’s no good is no bueno let’s do half game and I’ll turn this up. The whole room is breathing now and I’m look you’re not hearing the audio is still there if I walked around with that actually no I can’t water out this yeah my dad needs to be tightened. This is what you have to do. If you bought one of these subs. You’d have to wander around with it just playing freaking out where you need to stick glue and tighten screws.
I Put Wedges Of Things Theres
just just just sounds everywhere just just all the things all right. I think I’ve proven the sub-works even works in this room. If you’re delicate with the game control If you you got to know when to stop any sub-works in almost any room as long as you know to throw up up up. I think I hear it up and you’re stopped as soon as the subwoofer becomes the main focal point of your music setup probably gotta get better speakers now what I like about the control freaks set up here, where they have dual control freaks is. I can set the base where it sounds the most natural.
Doesnt Sound Like Where Everything Is
vibrating the room. So we’ll just set alike less happy point and now we can fade in the yellows until it sounds right like. It’s new UK UK all right now I can stop that so I’m gonna pick any other someone it should be balanced. I mean probably do three or four of them but yeah yeah they’re um Oh UK twigs what the hell two weeks Yeah no noise at all not important eyes so Ah did I use this for my point one yes yes I did and in this room, which is far bigger than this room it works it works well surprisingly well for a 12-inch I’ve got dual eights down there, which I use regularly and I have swapped out the 15 UK a the 15 UK a another 15 rhythmic and the 12-inch UK can do this room Justice justice Justice crash that’s her paper it’s not my fault and if I didn’t have the rhythmic to put in that corner.
- trigger watch 12 volt
- watch 12 volt trigger
- soon subwoofer main focal
- 500 watt uk powered
- powered subwoofer let pull
Id Have The Uk In.
And it would have no issue impressing the hell out of all my guests with a hundred and screen again. This is the sweet spot of my room here and eventually I will be able to test against my in the works Dayton 15 sealed unit which I picked up and just have to glue it together. This matter of gluing it so is it a good home theater sub yes.
This Room Is 18 Feet This Way And
15 feet this way and then it has the back portion way open to the kitchen and then nerf guns everywhere and this room. This room is perfect size for that so and this room is slightly too small for that sub, but the rhythmic does not work in here. The UK works in here and if you are going to go for a setup like this where a room that’s I can probably fit a car in this room. It’s a good estimate.
Can You Fit A Car In
your room. If you think you could fit a car in your room. You probably go with the 10-inch version of this 2 cars in your room. 12-inch version
This is the UK 2001 thousand, two thousand UK is 12 inch 500 watt UK powered subwoofer Let’s pull it out from 65 pounds, probably the biggest 12-inch Sup I’ve ever used or touched 12 inches up Nerf Dart now the back of this unit let me rotate it.& It’s actually got a 12-volt trigger watch it’s a three to 12 volt trigger, a or UK UK or UK and sludge technology 1100. It also has UK ins and outs which he’ll help if you’re going to do powered monitors . Chewbacca likes the rhythmic sub to sleep on right yeah good girl she won’t be bothering me in this review good now the power indicator is here on the front and of course it goes blue when it’s active and red when it’s inactive.& I want to blow my brains out. I’m using it in this room and I haven’t noticed any port chopping from this while I’ve used it while using it…. Click here to read more and watch the full video