Video Creator’s Channel Parker The Basshead

What Is Going On Guys Thank Yall
so much for checking in in today’s video we’re finally gonna be looking at the best sub that you can get for under 300 bucks so stay tuned all right guys so back here. I have four of the most highly requested subs on my channel under that 300 Mark I have made full reviews on all these so go check them out if you want a more detailed in-depth review of them, but in today’s video we’re gonna be looking at all of them and seeing where each one of them is better and where each one of them has its issues, so we’re gonna just take a look at all of them. Look at all the specs look at build quality. We’re gonna do a Db test to see how loud each of them get and then do a musical rms. to see if they can withstand their RMs power and then we’re of course just going to play some songs so y’all can hear how they sound and just kind of see how they move guys over here starting out.
We Have The Sound Cubed Hdx Three
death bonds apocalypse Sa270 scar Vxf last but not least American bass HD all right guys let’s take a look at these we’re of course just going to start from the left and work our way right, but let’s take a look at it. This is the most expensive sub out of the bunch. This is of course HDX3 right at 279 with this 1500 watts RMs. It has a 300 ounce motor A three inch Usa coil I’M assuming that means it’s a copper coil but not really sure it has the black glue on it and there is kind of a. copper tint under the glue so either way very tough coil didn’t give me any issues and I didn’t really ever even smell it.
Of Course Has A Cast Aluminum Basket Super
heavy duty basket really really thick in here Now that does lead to an issue. Though this is by far the biggest basket in diameter of any of these subs, so it actually would not fit in my hole and I didn’t want to cut my hole out any bigger because then some other subs wouldn’t seal and wouldn’t screw down good so I just had to invert it for my test so no big issue, so let’s get a real quick look at it. This one does not have a stitched surround like all the others. But I don’t think that really matters seems to be glued on there just fine nice stiff dust cap the fs. is 27 Hertz.
The Sensitivity Is 84 Db And
then on the website it says x max is 36 millimeters now that must be either. They meant 26 millimeters which would be believable or that’s the 4x max. Both you know from top very top to bottom. So maybe it’s 18. In reality maybe it’s you know 20 something who knows pretty sure that’s just a typo on their part.
We Do Have Direct Leads Its A
really high quality wire super flexible looks to be about eight gauge and then moving on down to here. Of course, we have the big old 300 ounce motor very cool sticker on it so overall really clean looking sub guys well let’s see how it performs then we’ll get on to the next one is Oh home h like Apocalypse Sa272 that’s the version that i have this sub is just a. little bit of an outlier from all these subs mainly just because it looks so much smaller smaller motors shorter basket smaller voice coil, but do not be full. This is a tough sub. For sure let’s go ahead and take a look at all the specs.
Of Course, 269 Dollars Is The Price 1500
watts RMs. The coil is a 2. 75-inch copper-coated aluminum coil so the smallest coil out of the bunch, but it took the RMs test no problem cast Aluminum basket Fs is 31 Hertz. Sensitivity is 86 db and it has 18 millimeters of x-max. So let’s just get a quick look up at it.
- bass
- rms
- hdx3
- hdx
- amps
It Had Some Nice Throw To It Again
probably the least of any of these subs, but I still thought it was pretty nice pretty stiff dust cap nice stitching real nice thick gasket super cool basket obviously unique. death bonds, whereas some of these baskets you see in a bunch of other subs, so if you’re wanting something unique definitely the way to go really nice terminals. We have the nice flat leads on there of course just one on each side, but really high quality looking stuff. You can see that nice black coil down in there and then of course really nice boot over this now I couldn’t find the exact size of the motor definitely a good deal smaller than these guys maybe 200 ounce or something like that but still a very respectable sub and did really really well now what I really liked about this sub-just was the overall quality of the music did seem to be a little bit better a little bit less gore towards spl and more geared towards being an all-around a great everyday sub so we maxed. out pretty bad there but we got a 140.
9 And That Was At 4258 Watts Him All
right guys. This seems to be Y’all’s favorite out of the bunch. This was the most requested sub out of any of these. This is of course the scar VXf. This is 269 1500 watts RMs Big old 300 ounce motor three inch copper coil and it is just the regular copper there’s not the really high heat black glue on it, but we’ll get into that of course cast aluminum basket 32 Hertz for the fs sensitivity is 87 db and 25 millimeters of x-max.
So Lets Just Go Over It.
It’s a real stiff big old dust cap looks really really cool nice fat high roll surround on it now one of the biggest issues from what I’ve heard at least about this sub is this basket. This is a ti. But it’s a pretty thin ti frame This aluminum right here is just not really that thick at all I have heard people well. They said they got in a wreck or hit a big bump or something like that and the basket did break on them, Whereas all these other baskets seem to be really really sturdy, so just something to note there over here we got these really big old terminals.
I Love These Terminals Because Theyre
so big, really easy to fit multiple strands of wire in there, but what I don’t like about them is they are super super close so if you’re not careful you could accidentally short something out when hooking these up of course Bill big old three inch coil in there real nice beautiful motor. This thing is just a monster of a sub comes in a little under 50 pounds. I. believe so big old sub overall Don’t have any complaints with it It sounded good it got loud. It got low and I really enjoyed getting to use it 141.
4 And 2300 Watts Hmm.
This so family moving on to the last sub of course the American Base HD let’s see what we got going on here. They did retail for 269. now. If you go to their website.
It Says 400 Something Their Websites Just
ridiculous. They don’t I don’t know why they do that but normally you can find it for 269. However, because of coronavirus seems to be sold out pretty much everywhere. This does have the highest RMs rating of any of these at 2000 does have a 300 ounce motor, three inch voice coil and it does have the black glue on it now. I’m not sure if it’s copper, copper coated or aluminum or.
What But Who Knows Cast Aluminum Baskets 37
Hertz for the Fs sensitivity is 86.5 db and 21 millimeters of X-max so not quite as much X-max as this guy but still had plenty and still sound still got pretty low and sounded good. So let’s take a quick look at it. Of course Nice stitching over here Nice high roll surround pretty stiff dust cap I really I really like this basket same basket was on the Xfl pretty cool. We do have nice direct leads with what looks to be about eight gauge wire We do of course have a spider down there and a spider way up here with a bunch of gaps in between of course that nice three inch voice coil big old 300 ounce motor looks really clean and cool.
Now I Wire This Sub Down
to half ohm on my tar amps and. It take a beating? I put over 10 000 watts to it and in doing that I did tear out the bottom Spider but that is way over the RMs power and way over the max recommended power so definitely not his fault. Guys. I didn’t push any of these nearly that hard. I think all these only saw you know four to five thousand watts so definitely would not have happened if I had not pushed it that hard so that was totally my fault guys but either way it did really really well.
- broken hear sub smacking rms
- highly requested subs channel 300
- build quality great sound
- vxf american bass hd right
- subs channel 300 mark reviews
Im Amazed It Lasted That Long Coil Was
totally fine and everything just the bottom Spider did come detached that was a 143.9 and that says we put 10 000 watts going through it. Guys that is ridiculous 144. 5 and there again guys look at that 9952 watts so nurses even with the spider being. broken and you can see hear the sub smacking It still made it through the RMs test no problem well.
Guys Im Gonna Tell Yall What I
think which ones I like the best and why now. I really can’t pick an exact sub for everything because I think each of them has their pros and cons, but let’s just kind of get a look at it. If you’re wanting a super good overall quality sub great build quality, great sound quality This def bond is going to be what you want it’s also a little smaller sub so not as heavy, not as beefy and you can fit it in a smaller area, but it took that 1500 watts absolutely no problem. Guys took it like a champ didn’t really even smell it.
I Dont Believe So Super Super Impressed With
it for looking so much smaller than these. Others it held this ground no problem now if you’re wanting a low end monster. Of course the scar probably what you’re going to want to go with Is just built a little bit better to really get those low ends guys and it smashed those lows. It sounded awesome if only it had fit out a little thicker basket and a little bit better coil probably would be my favorite sub guys.
Overall It Was A Great Sub-So Then
that brings us to these last two subs the American base and the sound cubed in my opinion they seemed pretty similar at least spec wise now of course sensitivity on the sound cube is 27 Hertz supposed to 37 Hertz on the American base. So if you’re wanting to get lower, probably going to want to go with this guy. This thing sounded a little bit better in.
In today’s video we’re finally looking at the best sub that you can get for under 300 bucks . We’re gonna do a Db test to see how loud each of them get and then do a musical rms.& to see if they can withstand their RMs power and then we’re of course just going to play some songs so y’all can hear how they sound and just kind of see how they move guys over here starting out. We have the sound cubed HDX three death bonds apocalypse Sa270 scar Vxf last but not least American bass HD all right guys let’s take a look at these we’re just going from the left and work our way right, but let’s start from the right . This is the most expensive sub out of the bunch.& This is of course HDX3 right at 279 with this 1500 watts RMs.& Though this is by far the biggest basket in diameter of any of the subs, so it actually would not fit in…. Click here to read more and watch the full video