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spending more money on a subwoofer give you more performance is it worth it Should you do it what’s the point we’re gonna get into it. I’ve reviewed each one of these subwoofers individually guys so if you want to see those details and specs watch those individual videos. I will link to them in the comments section below or the description or whatever the hell it’s called I’m gonna just kind of go through them and tell you what you get for more money Okay. This is not a brand comparison. Each one of these companies has subwoofers that cost more money and give you more performance You know what I mean so this is just what I’ve got on hand in a price variation okay, so we’re gonna go oh by the way they all offer the same like in-home.
- subwoofer
- subwoofers
- rms
- bass
- cost
Warranties You Can Buy Them Direct
and all that good stuff Okay here’s the emotiva Se12 it’s 400 bucks. It’s got 200 watts Rms. This is gonna be a good entry level home theater subwoofer if you’re looking for a more like music subwoofer in this price category. The smaller brother to this is called the Se8. It’s got the same amount of power.
Its Just A Eight Inch Version
and that’s 300 bucks. I recommend that instead it’s going to play a little quicker and a little bit tighter, a little bit more articulation as well. But this Se12 is just going to be good. It’s going to make bass. It’s going to sound nice.
Its Going To Be Deep And Its Not
going to be boomy or boxy either. None of these subwoofers are booming unboxy if your subwoofer is booming and boxy. Your subwoofer is a piece. of blumin and you should get a new one No offense it just is what it is anyways standout feature on this is going to be the built-in limiter and that’s important in the budget category Because with only 200 watts Rms, it might run out of steam distort bottom out except it won’t because it has a built-in limiter which I think is pretty cool moving on to the rhythmic L12. This is going to be 560 dollars.
You Get 300 Watts Rms, So
you’re getting 50 more power than this guy. What else are you getting you’re going to get a little bit better sound quality It’s going to articulate a little bit better. It’s going to extend lower in its frequency range and it’s going to play deeper as well and play louder obviously having more power right moving on to rel Ht 1205 This. 700 bucks you get 500 watts Rms Are you seeing a trend by the way as you spend more money you’re getting more wattage more wattage is going to mean more maximum output guys and this is going to be really really important in a theater environment where you’re looking to recreate those reference levels Wattage equals volume basically when it comes to base and guys. You need a lot of wattage to make a lot of bass it just is what it is so back to the rel.
The Ht1205.
It’s 700 bucks it’s got 500 watts Rms Like this it’s gonna. This is this guy’s gonna have really good detail, um it’s gonna articulate well it’s gonna dig deeper than this guy is it’s gonna play louder and so on this will play louder than this right obviously having more power, but these two are kind of similar. In terms of that, these both have really really good sound quality as well, which is not always the case when you spend more money on a subwoofer. The one thing that is consistent is you’re going to get more power more maximum spl and so on, But sound quality is a little bit different because it depends what the subwoofer manufacturer is going for these two companies.
Sq Seems To Be Like Really Important
to them and that’s kind of no surprise if you kind of like read up on their websites and stuff but basically these two are going to articulate well have good base detail and so on and where they’re different. This has more power than this. We already mentioned that like three times now, but the rel is going to be a little bit quicker and a little bit tighter. The rhythmic is going to. play a little bit lower actually in its extension and a little bit deeper so I’d say just pick the one that sounds better to you anyways moving on to the SvS Sp 3000.
The Trend Continues.
It is 1 100 in the piano gloss finish and has 800 watts RMs. This one is a little different as the rest are 12-inch drivers and this guy is a 13-inch driver. Its standout feature is going to be its cell phone app where you can adjust pretty much anything you would ever want to blumin adjust. There is a lot of fine grained controls guys.
- spend money subwoofer need
- brand comparison companies subwoofers cost
- okay brand comparison companies subwoofers
- does spending money subwoofer performance
- subwoofer performance worth point gonna
This Guy Is Going To Give You As
much bass as you would humanly want out of the smallest package possible for eleven hundred dollars and that’s not that much money for a 800 watt RMs subwoofer so it’s really simple essentially. essentially more money equals more power more power is more maximum output so if you’ve got a larger room spend up to your budget Don’t try to cheap out okay. There are other companies that make other subwoofers. These are the four I have here. I like all four of these subwoofers.
I Own This One I Own This One.
I’m borrowing this one from a friend and this one is a review sample. If you have any questions ask them in the comments below. I I will just touch on one last thing before I wrap this up Why do I recommend the so This one I recommend for music right this one. I said I recommended for entry level home theater.
This One I Recommend For A 50-50 System.
We’re going to do music and home theater and this one I recommend mostly for home theater. Why do I recommend these two for home theater only is because for home theater what you want is a sub that’s going to have like impact and slam and make its presence known that’s what gives you that kind of like experience of just like really pressurizing and like shaking the room when that explosion happens that gunshot goes off and so on it’s an awesome experience and i love it in a home theater environment. However, when it comes to music you actually want something different you don’t want it to make its presence known. In fact when it comes to music.
You Want Your Subwoofer Set Up
such that you’re not even sure it’s on it’s the total opposite approach and it’s nearly impossible to make a subwoofer that does both things perfectly the rhythmic L12, for example, integrates really really well, but i would say some. Home theater enthusiasts might say it integrates a little too well the single rhythmic L12. It can play loud, but it doesn’t have the same slam as like as the Svs has. For example, and maybe that comes down to taste as well. I don’t know could you get a pair of these for for about the same price as what one of these cost yeah will that give you more impact than slam.
Maybe I Dont Know I Havent Listened
to two of them. You can try and let me know though so again home theater and music systems are a little bit different if you’re looking for 50 50. This is good. I like this one. I like all of them.
I Like All Of Them Honestly
guys they’re different prices. You’re going to get different things. I think the umTv was great at 400 bucks. I. Don’t think you could do better at 400 bucks honestly um yeah that wraps it up.
I Think If I Talk Anymore,
I’m just going to repeat the same thing over and over the initial question is is it worth it to spend more money on a subwoofer and my answer to you is that depends on if you have a larger room if you’re using it for theater. If you are the answer is yes it makes sense to spend more money on a subwoofer because you might need that more power. If you’ve got a music only system doesn’t make sense to spend more money on a subwoofer. It depends how loud you listen to music personally. I listen around 80 decibels with 85 decibel peaks any one of these four subwoofers has enough power for those needs now being a music only system.
Im Gonna Go With.
One of these two I own this one so this is the one. I listen to, but if I had this one instead, I would be just as happy because I don’t listen to my music that loud what that said we’re gonna wrap it up and stop here and until next time later.
Each one of these companies has subwoofers that cost more money and give you more performance . This is just what I’ve got on hand in a price variation okay, so we’re gonna go oh by the way they all offer the same like in-home.& Warranties you can buy them direct and all that good stuff. I’m gonna just kind of go through them and tell you what you get for more money. The emotiva Se12 is going to be a good entry level home theater subwoofer if you’re looking for a more like music subwoiner in this price category. The smaller brother to this is called the Se8.& It’s got the same amount of power. The Se8 is just a eight inch version and that’s 300 bucks. I recommend that instead it’s going to play a little quicker and a little bit more articulation as well. The L12 has a built-in limiter which I think is pretty cool to be…. Click here to read more and watch the full video