Video Creator’s Channel BigPauly

Hi Everyone Big Poorly Back For A Brand
new video Yes back to talk about a new release from Lionsgate, which has been sent over to me from the lovely guys at alternate current UK to talk about and unbox and talk about the picture and special features and things like that it is clerks three Yes. Kevin Smith is back with the conclusion of his clerks Trilogy, so let’s talk about it okay so I’ve got a chance to watch this a couple of nights ago. Now I’m, a big fan of the original clerks shot in black and white. All about these two guys Dante and Randall, who run the quick stop grocery store and adjacent UK rental store and it’s all about their Antics about the daily life the customers that come in people that give them a hard time and occasionally they play on the roof. They play some hockey on the roof and of course outside you get the you get the usual J and Silent Bob just selling some weed like you usually do but that’s the first film um The second film I’ve only seen Smidgens of the second film, So I really need to watch that one but I did watch the third film and I can see where I’m missing the middle connection because Rosie Rosario Dawson was in the second film and it was all based around a different location like a fast food joint.
I Believe But Ive Ordered That
now so I will be getting a copy of Clerks too but as for clerks three. I think it’s a really fitting conclusion to the series, Really I do yeah it kind of retreads the original so you’ve got the the two original characters back again. You can see how they’ve aged Since the first film came out in the 90s, they’re still working there. Although I believe Dante’s like part ownership of the actual grocery store, now the the UK store next door has kind of evolved so it’s obviously it’s not a UK store anymore because it wouldn’t do much business and again it’s about their daily lives and unfortunately Paul Paul Randall there so heart attack in the store get sent to the hospital and when he comes out. He realizes that he hasn’t done anything with his life.
You Know Hes Worked In A Store For
the last 40 years or so, and he thinks that he can make a film so. He decides to grab a couple of friends and some customers rope him into co-starring in this film and basically he’s gonna make a film about his daily life in the grocery store and what we get is basically him making the film of Clerks. The original film and I love how they into Twilight. You know the black and white it’s filmed in black and white. We get the familiar scenes from the first film and it just works so well it it just works so well and the film is also mainly about their friendship whether they’ve been holding each other back or um tragedy that happened in the second film, which I only found out about in the third film, having not seen the second film unfortunately , but this was still a really enjoyable film.
Believe It Or Not Its Actually
quite emotional towards the end of the film and I actually did shed a tear or two. I know it’s not a film that I would imagine that I would get emotional about but I think because I’ve only recently seen the first film and I got a connection with these characters. I really enjoyed the characters and um kind of IT kind of impacted and it kind of kind of affected me so um yeah as for the package itself it comes with a lovely slip cover as you can see we have a Blu-ray up the top there plus we have the title and nice familiar image there of the actual grocery store. We’ve got Jay and Silent Bob peering in over the window there and then on the spine. We have a nice clerks 3 Logo we have the the Lionsgate.
There And Also The Blu-Ray Bit Down
the bottom and then on the back. We’ve got a bit of a synopsis about the film. We have all the specifications down here plus also some special features as well now first of all before we get to the special features. I’m going to talk about the picture and the sound quality. The picture quality was absolutely superb, whereas the first film was shot in black and white and it is very grainy.
- watch film missing middle connection
- kevin smith conclusion clerks
- clerks original film love
- original clerks shot black white
- clerks trilogy let talk
You Know Its Made To Look Like
maybe a um a Super 8 camera. You know very grainy. This film is pinpoint sharp absolute sharpness so they’re almost on digital very clean um and it just looks great, but when they do recreate the scenes from the first film. When when they film it in black and white that’s grain so it does blend in you know really. With the first film so the picture quality was fantastic.
- clerks
- filmed
- film
- scenes
- films
The Sound Is In Dolby Atmos Great Soundtrack
not too much going on obviously with the overheads and things like that but when they played the good you know some rock music really thumped up and you know the the subwoofer the it was loud. It was loud Yes I picture in sound quality absolutely fantastic As for the special features We’ve got an audio commentary with writer director Kevin Smith and the actors Brian UK and Jeff Anderson. We have Trevor so Trevor entertainment and Austin that’s a bit it’s a bit small to read. I can’t I think something like that yeah. The Clark‘s three documentary we’re not even we’re not even supposed to be here.
Three Decades Of Clarks Documentary Deleted
scenes and Alternate scenes in our theoretical trailer. So there’s all the special features there so. Let’s have a look inside as I say we get a really nice slip cover so that’s really nice and then we get the same artwork on the disc there you know on the the cover plus also we get some nice artwork inside. So Yeah as a 15 certificate and I love the tagline at the bottom they’re too old for this shift. Yeah so yeah really enjoyed the film it’s definitely going to be a keeper.
Ill Look Forward To Watching It
again One day. I might do a marathon. Eventually just all three films back to back, but I’m looking forward to actually finally watching the whole of the second film because I believe in movies I believe it’s all set around this fictitious um fast food joint called movies So Yeah looking forward to watching that but as I say I’ve ordered that so this comes from Lionsgate. It’s available on digital on the 14th of November So already out on digital and available on Blu-ray andNK] from the 26th of December So basically boxing day it was available and it’s from Lionsgate. So there we go so that is my little review and unboxing of Clerks Three so as I say many thanks to the guys over at alternate Uh current for sending that over to meter to take a look at and test um if you’re a fan of the Kevin Smith films whether.
It Be Giant Silent Bob Clerks You Know
Chasing Amy Dogma all that type of stuff Jane Jane Silent Bob Strike Back Then. It’s definitely a film that you want to pick up and put in your collection. So I hope you enjoyed the video like it by giving it some thumbs up. Don’t forget to subscribe comment and share and I’ll see you on the next video very soon bye.
Kevin Smith is back with the conclusion of his clerks Trilogy, so let’s talk about it okay so I’ve got a chance to watch this a couple of nights ago.& I think it’s a really fitting conclusion to the series, Really I do yeah it kind of retreads the original so you’ve got the the the two original characters back again. Since the first film came out in the 90s, they’re still working there. Although I believe Dante’s like part ownership of the actual grocery store, now the the UK store next door has kind of evolved so it’s obviously it’s not a UK store anymore because it wouldn’t do much business and again it’s about their daily lives and unfortunately Paul Paul Randall there so heart attack in the store get sent to the hospital and when he comes out. When he . comes out of the hospital, he gets sent to . the hospital. He is now a little older than 50 years old. He will be getting a copy of Clerks too….. Click here to read more and watch the full video