Video Creator’s Channel CT Sounds

- woofer
- subwoofers
- surround
- watts
- foam
Whats Going On Everybody Its Calvin With
CT sounds and we’re back with another product overview today We’re going to be showing you guys the all-new Strato 8-inch Woofer, which was just released in May 2021 of this year and we’re going to be comparing it to the previous version of the Shadow 8-inch Woofer, a lot of you guys been asking for a comparison video, so let’s get into it alrighty so to kick things off here. We have the previous version you can see right away that we utilized a narrow foam surround. Whereas in the new version, We’re utilizing a mega foam surround everything we did to. The 2021 version was to help increase the excursion and the x-max of the woofer and the previous version. We’re using a three percent carbon fiber reinforced cone and the new version We’re utilizing a four percent carbon fiber reinforced.
The Basket Design Has Completely Changed Again.
This is to help with the excursion we actually increased the power. This previous version was 450 watts. The new version is 600 watts. The new version is utilizing a 2.
4-Inch Copper Clad Aluminum Voice Coil.
The previous one was utilizing a 2-inch copper voice coil. The top plate thickness has increased you’ll notice that this one has a 8-millimeter top plate, whereas the new version has a 22 millimeter top plate. We have an advanced aircoin system on the new version. The old version also had that as well the push terminals are actually bigger.
- strato inch woofer just released
- help increase excursion max woofer
- aluminum voice coil previous utilizing
- utilized narrow foam surround new
- watts new version
The New Model The New Model
utilizes 8 gauge push terminals, whereas the previous model utilized 10 gauge push terminals so with that we’ll walk you guys through how these subwoofers perform on a free air test and then show you guys how it performs in a box application. Let’s get into it so make it through UK. is like a legendary one chasing fish. Let’s have a drink and not give you time to think let me puff this boot up you.
The Strato 8-inch Woofer was just released in May 2021 of this year . The new version is utilizing a 2.4-inch copper clad aluminum voice coil. The basket design has completely changed again. We’re utilizing a mega foam surround everything we did to.& The 2021 version was to help increase the excursion and the x-max of the woofer and the previous version. The top plate thickness has increased you’ll notice that this one has a 8-millimeter top plate, whereas the new . version has a 22 millimeter top . plate.& We have an advanced aircoin system on the new version. We’ll walk you guys through how these subwoofers . perform on a free air test and then show you guys how it performs in a box application. The new model utilizes 8 gauge push terminals. The old version also had that as well the push terminals are actually bigger. The previous one was utilizing a two-inch Copper voice coil . The…. Click here to read more and watch the full video