Video Creator’s Channel Mike basshead

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All Right Guys Got Another Speaker Video
here for us This is kickers UK six and three-quarter shallow mount sub and this sealed enclosure with polyfill. This is a dual 2-ohm. So I wired it down to one ohm for the video. So we can really get it flexing and I’m using my gimbal today so bear with using my gimbal today so bear with me on some of the camera angles so if you want to see it stay tuned. I’m going to start playing some music and get it flexing UK here we go maxing it out pretty good.
Ill Leave The Specs Down In The
description in a clickable link. If you guys want to pick one up and actually that’s pretty good. It’s rated it out like 300 watts and I got this thing. I all right guys let me know what you think of this.
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and stay tuned for more videos I got a new tool cart that I’m going to show you guys next so I’m gonna make that video. It’s pretty cool for me doing my installs and stuff. I don’t have to run back and forth to the garage to get tools so thanks for watching and if you’re interested in more of my videos please hit that subscribe Button I’d really appreciate it thanks guys.
- right guys got speaker video
- ohm video really flexing using
- sub sealed enclosure
- kickers uk quarter shallow mount
- dual ohm wired ohm video
All right guys got another speaker video here for us . This is kickers UK six and three-quarter shallow mount sub and this sealed enclosure with polyfill . I’m using my gimbal today so bear with me on some of the camera angles so if you want to see it stay tuned. Stay tuned for more videos. I got a new tool cart that I’m going to show you guys next so I’m gonna make that video. It’s pretty cool for me doing my installs and stuff. I don’t have to run back and forth to the garage to get tools so thanks for watching and if you’re interested in more of my videos please hit that subscribe Button I’d really appreciate it thanks guys. I all right guys let me know what you think of this. Follow us on Twitter and for all the latest video updates to see what I think of the latest installment of this week’s ….. Click here to read more and watch the full video