Video Creator’s Channel Thomas & Stereo

So Today, Lets Talk About The Q Acoustic Qb12
subwoofer a while ago I reached out to Kyokushik asking them hey Can you send me the concept 500. they say Thomas you know what why don’t we send you the Qb12 so that’s the reason why I have it now Eventually that sent me the concept 500, but I was definitely very curious and the reason is because before I go into two-channel stereo. I was actually really into home theater and at the time I’ve tried a few subwoofers. I had those big cylindrical Svs subs and for me at the time at least whenever I get a sub. They can shake the house that can get my wife to come down whenever I watch a movie because you know she’s like Thomas man cut it down.
Its Shaking Upstairs Too That For
me is the definition of a. Subwoofer now fast forward later on I got into two-channel stereo I used those subs to listen to music and that’s where I realized Oh my goodness. It’s one note Oh here’s one note I don’t hear the detail in the base. So eventually I discovered rail subs and they’re good for music. They’re good for audio files, but for movies you know I wish there was a bit more growl to it.
So The Qb 12.
I was definitely very curious is it good for music or movies which one is it so today let’s talk about it so looking at the specs. There’s only three things you need to care about one is 220 watts class D two. It has a 12-inch driver now in the old times. When I have a home theater.
If Its Eight Inch 10 Inch Forget
it man at least a 12. and two woofers if possible and finally this is a seal port design so yeah! Unlike Portland design, you won’t get the same extension. It doesn’t go as low, but it’s tighter, faster and cleaner now for those of you who are experts at subwoofer. Perhaps you can put in the comment section the benefit of a porter design and a seal design. So i’m sure a lot of you are curious.
How Does This Compare To The Rail
T7i I made a video on that and go check it out I made a case for why you want a subwoofer for music. Now the T7i is fantastic for music it disappears you don’t hear it. It adds information into the bass region and even upper ones as extension but my friend in that video mentioned that for some people it can be a bit disappointing quote-unquote because you pay. much money to buy two subs, but you don’t hear the subs. I know it’s kind of funny.
The Q Acoustic Is In Between Good
for music and good for movie and this is where it does it really well and the reason why I say this is because the first thing I do with subs is I test how they sound when it comes to drums is it fast enough to keep up with my torture test and I have to say yeah it is good enough no it’s not as clean as clear as fast as the T7i sure but there’s more oomph in the base. It’s a bit more loose in the base and for some people. They like that right sometimes too tight it’s not necessary. Everyone’s taste because that if you use there’s a bit more power to it. Oh it’s 12 inch after all.
What Do You Think Right 2 12 Inch
in your room going at it? But it is tight enough that for me I can listen to music with it not like those home theater subs that I had before is just one note. Everything is drawn into one note no. There’s very clear separation now when I use it to watch movies it is it has enough growl enough power that I feel Yeah. There are subwoofers in my room and I can feel the back shaking a little bit. My DVds rack at the back a little bit by a certain volume that it feels satisfying because when we use it for home theater, and we use it for music.
- qb12 subwoofer ago reached kyokushik
- yeah subwoofers room feel shaking
- feel yeah subwoofers room feel
- subwoofers big cylindrical svs subs
- qb12 subwoofer ago
- subwoofers
- subwoofer
- bass
- woofers
- speaker
Were Looking For Two Different Things,
and this is where I find Yeah. It has pretty good balance so in short if you’re buying this subwoofer for movies you’re. missing the point if you’re buying the subwoofer for music you’re also missing the point. You’re buying it because you want something that’s in between good enough for both right just not excellent the extreme of both but good enough for most people now there’s one thing. I wish It was a bit better and that’s the volume you see with home theater.
Theres No Problem Because I Can
adjust the level with the menu of my AvR receiver with my two channel. I had to push the volume to the max of with the sub and i’m like I’m glad that at maximum volume it leveled with my rest of my gear. So I just wish that I can push up the volume a little bit more. Now I did get to try with the Q acoustic 3050i that’s the matching speaker the center channel because they sent it. to me at the same time as well as the 2 3 0 1 0 I now for rear channel you either put the very best or you put the entry ones.
I Dont Like Somewhere In Between You Either
get those dipole ones that spread sound everywhere or you get a simple one like this because for me, the rear channel is really just for effects. They’re not used all the time as long as it produces decent sound on the back. I’m okay with it. The 3050i it matched okay with the center channel. I do wish that the center channel was a bit bigger when I was watching movies with it it integrated well.
Its Just When I Run Test
tones with it. I can hear okay. There is a bit of difference. But if you were building a home theater with this 3050i with this center. Channel It’s okay overall when I was watching a movie with this whole setup.
It Was Enjoyable And For Me
if you asked me to put it as my main home theater system. I’m okay with it with the pioneer receiver. Though the 3050I it’s not harsh, but you can tell that it’s a little bit shouty so with my home theater pioneer receiver for me was not a good match for music but for movies it was great. I felt that I was able to keep up with my own home theater system. My own home theater system is in the 2-3 full grand area.
I Forget How Much They Were But This
setup. It was able to keep up with it just before I wrap it up. I just want to make a quick note. I did get a chance to try with these Q acoustic concept 500. .
For Those Of You Who Dont
know these are about five grand and if you want the very best in terms of speed integration, tightness and so forth, Yeah sure go for the rail subs. However, if you’re on a budget or you want more oomph in the presentation think about it these are 12-inch subs now okay and I got two of them Yeah you go for this sure it’s not as tight, but it’s good enough, and I think that’s the key word here now I think some of you will be like Thomas what about Svs what about this what about that what about that sub that they make on from mars or something guys. I don’t know man okay next year. I’ll get some Sbs in and I’ll tell you how it performs in my room but for now I don’t know now in my case. Actually have three subs in my room all the time.
I Have One At The Back
that’s my Kef sub and then I have two in the front and I think this might be the sub. I’ll use as my permanent sub going forward because in terms of price performance it’s the one that makes sense the most to me and also it’s good for movies as I said I’m satisfied enough yes I do wish there was a bit more extension yeah yeah yeah, but at one point. I feel like this is a good balance because if I have to I can use it also for music for the times when let’s say I have a standalone speaker it and I need something to keep up with it. These are for me good enough all right. So let’s wrap it up at this point.
Then Im Going To Tell You
a story to finish the video so one night. I woke up in the middle of the night and I told myself Thomas The subwoofer was on you see during the day. I was listening to this monitor audio Gx200 and I was asking myself how come the bass is pretty strong on this thing. The reason why I asked is because I had the GX300 before and I’m like I was expecting the GX200 to have less bass than the GX 300, but when I was listening to you. I’m like damn.
This Is Actually Pretty Good Not
the Gx200 and that’s when I realized at night in the middle of the night. Oh my goodness. The subwoofers were on you see when I first took it out of the box and I listened to it okay the same type as rel. I. Don’t hear it now Eventually when I watch movies with it Yes.
I Feel The Presence Of The Sub In
my room well two 12-inch going at it and with the Avr. It’s a different beast compared to when I hook it up to my two-channel system. So in that sense. I was like oh my goodness that’s probably an interesting alternative to the rail subs I had before of course as I spent more time with it. I realized okay.
There Is A Gap Theres A Gap But
I think that this is a great balance and that’s the center message. The core message I have in this video is that it is a good balance between movies and good for music alright guys so I’ll see you next time. I never think I never know I’m stuck and left alone. I’ve been lost. I’ve been fine my cause.
Kiss Me Uk Oh, I Never
think I never know I’m stuck and left alone. I’ve been lost. I’ve been fine. My cause is you kiss me, Oh hey.
Kyokushik reached out to Kyokusik asking them to send him the Qb12 subwoofer a while ago . He was actually really into home theater and at the time I’ve tried a few subwoofers. I had those big cylindrical Svs subs and for me at least whenever I get a sub.& They can shake the house that can get my wife to come down whenever I watch a movie because you know she’s like Thomas man cut it down.& Subwoofer now fast forward later on I got into two-channel stereo I used those subs to listen to music and that’s where I realized Oh my goodness.& It’s one note.& How does this compare to the rail T7i I made a video on that and go check it out . Unlike Portland design, you won’t get the same extension.& There’s only three things you need to care about one is 220 watts class D two two and two woofers if possible ….. Click here to read more and watch the full video