Video Creator’s Channel Parker The Basshead

What Is Going On Guys It Is
Parker here and this is a very exciting day. You know I’ve had my scar or Wichitas Ma’am in here for quite a while now and it’s been pretty awesome but finally have our first scar sub you all been asking me to get one a ton This baby L was gonna wear this a little while ago and it wasn’t in stock but it finally came in to talk so I ordered one and here it is today. We’re gonna do a review of it and then throw it in the box and pump a little bit and we’ll see how it sounds stay tuned alright guys well. Of course you can have the box Y’all can’t see it but first off we get a decal that is definitely going to be going on the car We have a little user manual. Because I wants a 2.
2 Cubic Foot Box To Be Tuned
to 37 Hertz so not a super low sub the UK on the sub-I don’t remember what it is, but it does say the frequency range for this sub is 39 to like 200 or something so not a very low hitting sub. But I think some of the isn’t more about you know volume and something really good in that kind of 40 Hertz range here We go there. We have it pretty impressive, but let’s get a little closer look at see we get that in focus, but the UK is 1200 Watts Max 2500 3-inch voice coil. We have a 156 ounce magnet. NK] is 39 Hertz and the sensitivity or UK is 85 okay.
So Here It Is Were Gonna Start
with the top like we normally do first off. This thing This thing is a huge center cap. You know they’re normally way smaller here. Oh look at the Miss American base UK about the size of a normal center cap where’s this one Oh no thanks up basically the majority of the cone area. I don’t know if that’s a good or a bad thing Y’all can leave a comment below if you know that being said that is pretty stiff.
We Have A Nice Pretty Beefy Surround With
the double stitching. Of course we have really big terminals. These things are huge. I bet they could take a single ten to leave, but they’re really really thick and all this is nice and solid. It’s really nice-looking baskets.
We Have Some Bending Down Here
for the voice coil. It is the black aluminum voice coil and we have their magnets us nice looking magnet. I believe it’s double stack. I will say it is a good deal smaller than the American base, except else Magnets and the audio pipe range. Where this one is only a 166 outs so that is just something to take note of and the build quality on it seems really nice well.
It Looks Pretty Good From Specialize Again.
I really just wish had a bigger magnet on it and I wish the Fs was a little bit lower just for my personal taste put it next to the American base. Not seeing the review on this monster you need to check that out on how good the lighting is let’s get a little different angle. This sub is 180 bucks. This sub is 200 bucks here you can really see a little magnet there big boy magnet there again.
This Still Both Impressive Subs Im Going To
be doing a comparison video. of these two subs and the audio pipe Bbc4 so definitely stay tuned for that you apply guess what’s up I’m going to say is better between these two, but anyway definitely stay tuned for that you know my God that is enough of me yapping what we really want to do is get this thing in the box and see how it sounds see how it handles that’s the important part. So let’s get to getting it in the box alright guys when we got this scar in here pretty cool pretty cool having my first scar for sure anyway. I think I put this in Saturday it’s now Wednesday so it’s had plenty of time to you know break in again. In my opinion.
- box
- sub
- tuned
- subs
- bass
The Breaking Process Is Really Allowing
the spider to loosen up a little bit and get to where it should be I’ve never been. worried about playing a sub-full blast when you first get out of the box again because it needs all that power to really break in that spider-quicker UK has a really good video on that so go watch that but anyway we have it on the UK audio UK mm not a star while Shit’ll no stop okay guys we’re just getting a little demo going for Y’all now a lot of people have commented on how my mirror doesn’t really move a lot, whereas you’ll see like the outside you’ll see the back the last flexing and what not a lot here doesn’t seem to move and the reason for that is this is one heck of a mirror. Like this thing is heavy-duty. It does not want to move at all now. If I had this in my Subaru or you know another car was like.
Of More Of A Normal Older
mirror It would be if I shake and droop down, but this thing is really in there Anywho. The sub itself says that it’s frequency range is 39 Hertz do I think 200 Hertz or something like that we’re gonna put that to the test here because that sounds kind of high but so far this sub is really sounded pretty good. My box is tuned to 32 Hertz. We’ve got this song right here and it’s been slowed-well at least when it says it’s 25 Hertz so we’re gonna play it and see how it sounds all right so that’s actually sounded pretty good. We have another song right here Anywho This is at 26 to 27 Hertz so we’re gonna give it a shot okay so that was not too bad either so I would say for the lows This.
This Sub-Still Sounds Pretty Good, Definitely
impressed with it. Alright guys were as you know far the music is concerned. It sounds pretty good at least in this box. It really does hit the lows pretty good. I’m very happy with it and it gets loud and I’m up it to and from work every single day.
Pretty Loud You Know For Testing
it just like non-stop there and back definitely is holding up very well so so far at least as far as I’m concerned I’m happy with it. It’s been pretty good well. Let’s get to the metering of the UK metering of this and we’ll see what it does okay so we’re going to be doing a thirty-five Hertz test tone and a forty Hertz test tone and we’ll see what both of the meter eyes now I’m using the same UK ones that I. use now people have been saying you know don’t use the UK ones but so that’s what I tested the other subs with we’re going to keep it consistent for now, But I will probably be getting a nap soon that will I’ll be better then using UK anyway. We have it set to show the peak 35 Hertz let’s see what it’ll do okay guys so at 35 Hertz We got 140-1.
- lows sub sounds pretty
- tuned alright guys course box
- worried playing sub blast
- box tuned 37 hertz super
- scar sub asking ton baby
8 So Not Too Bad At All Thats
pretty close to what the other subs I’ve reviewed have done so very impressed alrighty let’s try it at 40 Hertz whoa guys that 40 hurts that thing was really moving. Oh Oh we got one 42. 5 so that’s awesome Yeah guys at forty Hertz It was killing it. It seemed to like that definitely better than the 35 Hertz on for hundreds we didn’t hear it Max out, though you know mechanically maxed out but hey one forty-two point five. Let’s try out 45 Hertz just for the heck of it okay guys were there you have it for anyone wondering.
This Is The Spl-Lab Mini Bass Meter Thats
pretty cool. You can go to the different settings and you can like hold so it’ll show the peak and whatnot so yeah it’s pretty cool alright well there it is you all saw it. This thing seems to be a forty Hertz monster got real loud at 40 Hertz really seem to play well right around that area, but it did do pretty well down in the 30s and even. 20s again Guys I’m very impressed with this sub for 200 bucks definitely a pretty good sub anyway. Guys definitely stay tuned.
Next Video Is Going To Be A Comparison
of those four subs and which one I think is the best out of the bundle so you definitely don’t want to miss that so please subscribe and stay tuned for that we’ll see at least out of these four subs, which is the best sub that you can get for under 200 bucks alright. Guys well thank you all so much for watching hope you enjoyed that let me know what subs you want me to review next um that’s gonna get busy here for July I have some school stuff. I have to do. I’m taking a prep class for the first UK exam so y’all wish me luck on that but there may not be as many.
Uploads Again Over July, But Well Try To
get back to it. After that so Yeah again thank y’all so much for watching please like comment subscribe. Let me know what Y’all think of this sub and stay tuned.
Wichitas Ma’am is Parker’s first scar sub . The sub is a 2.&2 cubic foot box that can be tuned to 37 Hertz . The UK is 1200 Watts Max 2500 3-inch voice coil.& We have a 156 ounce magnet.&NK] is 39 Hertz and the sensitivity or UK is 85 okay. We have it pretty impressive, but let’s get a little closer look at see we get that in focus . We’re gonna do a review of it and then throw it in the box and pump a little bit and we’ll see how it sounds stay tuned alright guys well.& Of course you can have the box Y’all can’t see it but first off we get a decal that is definitely going to be going on the car We go there. It’s a nice pretty beefy surround with the double stitching.& Oh look at the Miss American base UK about the size of a normal center cap where’s this one where’s…. Click here to read more and watch the full video