Video Creator’s Channel Pursuit Perfect System

Hello Welcome To Pursuit A Perfect System My
name is Terry Ellis I’m, an audio reviewer and a direct live calibrator in this video. I want to talk to you about the brand new Rel 1508 Predator subwoofer that I’ve had here now for a good few weeks that I’ve been spending time reviewing now. This is gonna be part one of the review there’s still some more things. I need to test with the subwoofer, but I’ve really been putting it for its paces over the last few weeks. I’m really confident to sit here now and tell you quite a bit about it Raku sticks 1508.
The Predator Subwoofer Is The Flagship Subwoofer
from the company’s UK range the home theater range and I want to start this video and review there because if you’re watching this video. There’s a good chance you know who rail or rail. Acoustics are most of you have probably owned at least one rail subwoofer in your lifetime, if not multiple rail subs because they have been making and selling subwoofers for about 30 years, which is really astonishing when you think about it in the modern market. I think there is a clear divide between enthusiasts that one a dedicated home theater subwoofer and then you have the other audiophile enthusiasts that want a subwoofer for music purposes now rail acoustics have generally built products. the kind of bridge that gap that our solutions designed to achieve both of those goals and bro acoustics themselves encourage video and audio files out there systems the way Dolby recommended many years ago by having all of your speaker channels work as full range, which generally means.
Those Speakers Will Need A Subwoofer To Extend
their output to make them full range. But the creation of the sub satellite system and its global success has seen many home cinema infuse Yes really ignore that advice and use their UK processors or UK receivers as crossovers and have the UK channel do all the bass for all the speaker channels Now I’ve grown up setting up systems the latter way. I’ve spent about the last 10 years working on getting the very best performance from a system set up that way and it’s very difficult for me to see. a different way of doing it? However, if we do not embrace change how can we ever move forward? Now I want to draw a massive line underneath that intro and let’s get talking about the specifications of the 1508. The specification of the predator subwoofer is an interesting one because as I mentioned the subwoofer market has been very aggressively changing over recent years and subwoofers have been getting bigger and bigger and more and more powerful.
So When I Initially Saw The Spec For
the 1508 I wasn’t wowed I will admit the 15-inch driver did instantly get my attention, but only an 800 watt amplifier in a flagship subwoofer. Some of our acoustics competitors have been making small sealed single box subwoofers with that much amplifier power or more for a number of years on paper. At least the real predator seems like it’s already behind its competition, but it wasn’t until I spent some time with the 1508 that I realized I need to dig a little deeper than that initial specification because there’s obviously things there that are more important that 15-inch driver. It’s made from a mixture of glass fiber with the center area being carbon fiber. This makes the driver really stiff and really light rail have managed to make a 15-inch driver work in what is essentially a very small cabinet or enclosure.
Its Less Than 20 Inches Wide
and 20 inches tall and around 17 inches deep, which is a small cabinet for a 15-inch driver and it’s a pretty substantial. Thing when you have a smaller listening room and very tight space such as I do but still want really big bass. The predator is not that heavy either. I was expecting to need to lay in bed for a week to recover from picking it up and trying to squeeze it in the gap. I have between my speaker on my wall maybe I was just having a strong day, but the 1508 didn’t seem anywhere near as heavy as I was expecting the spec sheet says it weighs 36 kilograms from a guess.
I Would Have Said About 25 Kilograms.
Maybe that’s just because of these guns is the weight of a subwoofer important. I’m not sure but I think that’s just another area where the 1508 is defying my expectations. We All say the big 15-inch driver also has a really big magnet structure, which allows the speaker to move forwards and backwards three inches in either direction, and they say the 15-hour conservatively outputs 114 decibels of bass in their lab conditions. They also say the internal bracing is a very clever design because not only does it breaks the cabinet, but it also supports the heavy magnet.
The Amplifier.
The 800 watt amplifier is a Class D design but rail say they use a traditional power supply with it by traditional I assume they’re mean roadie or transformer based power supply in which case the 1. 2 kilowatts of power supply that they use is a pretty massive thing and I can only think of one other range of subwoofers that use this type of power supply and they cost at least three times what the rail do and I. Really really interesting? There are a couple of other interesting things to talk about with the rail 15o a both on the top and on the bottom on the top. There is a 25 millimeter thick plate, which is there to help brace the cabinet and also help support that big magnet structure on the bottom.
Instead Of Using Spikes Or Feet
rail have installed solid aluminium rails which not only look cool. They are there when you want to stack the rail. 1508 subwoofers up to three high for some serious bass nuttiness and who doesn’t love a bit of nuttiness from their base On the rear of the subwoofer. We have what our classes a traditional and pro fire plate with all the controls that we might expect one thing to point out or of note is that the 1508 has both analog inputs and analog outputs so. that if you do want to stack the predator subwoofers, you can daisy chain them together from a signal point of view.
- 1508 predator subwoofer ve good
- specification predator subwoofer interesting mentioned
- real predator subwoofer setup thrilling
- new rel 1508 predator subwoofer
- rail acoustics predator 1508 subwoofer
You Can Also Use Rails Uk Air-System
which will create a wireless link between the subwoofer and your UK receiver or processor, which alleviates the need to use a cable. Now. I haven’t tested that properly yet I’ve been using the 1508 with a really high quality subwoofer cable and I’ll tell you about that cable in a future videos. I’ll also talk to you about the wireless system and how that compares to the cable so let’s talk about sound quality or bass quality from the predator subwoofer now could show you my in-room measured response from the 1508. However, wouldn’t look too different to other suppers that I’ve had in my room because that is just the effects of my room and I don’t.
Think It Would Be Overly Useful Now
set up the rail subwoofer using my arc M UK 850 and obviously direct life now for direct life set the 15-hour up initially using much traditional target curve or setup method and then a couple of weeks later. I started using a new experimental target curve that I’m playing around with at the moment and getting some seriously good results from and for context I like a lot of bass my room with all the acoustic treatment and a large amount of absorption allow me to have a lot of bass that can stay tight and controlled and focused for the most part and my last or reference subwoofer setup was to s vs UK 13 ultra subwoofers that were always going hard. So really. My comparison is to s vs ultra subwoofers compared to just one real 1508 predator. The S.
Subwoofers Have Smaller Drivers, But More Amplifier
power on paper. Both the S vs and the rails are about the same physical size, but the UK in the hand feel quite a bit heavier. Talking about the bass quality from the 1508 I’ve got to be honest really wasn’t expecting too much from the 50 now a but boy was I wrong wrong wrong wrong well done well you have made a really good subwoofer with the 1508, which is genuine competition for the other big a single driver. Small box sealed subwoofers that are out there on the market genuine competition to all of them for big movie effects soundtracks. You know the big bass tactile stuff that we all know and we all love is as good as any other sealed single driver or an equivalent subwoofer that I have experienced so far what I like most about.
- subwoofer
- subwoofers
- acoustics
- acoustic
- bass
The 1508 Subwoofer Its The Fact
that the bass doesn’t overstay its welcome it’s there then it’s gone. Then it’s there again and then it’s gone again you don’t get that kind of bass Rob UK that you can get with a lot of other smaller, especially smaller sealed box subwoofers 1508 is also big in output much bigger than I was expecting I’m with one of them on its own. It’s been providing and pour more than enough base foundation for me. My review system anybody that’s ever been and had a demonstration of my system or had a system set up by me or know the kind of bass level that I’m talking about in terms of bass presence. There is a lot or excellent bass presence in the lower regions in the 50 Hertz and below region things rattling in your room is not a sign of.
Good Bass, But It Can Be An Indicator
to just how much lower bass a subwoofer is output in bass Explosions are fast, tight and impactful from the 1508 I’m thinking about the recent release for the 4k Aquaman UK Blu-ray that this has got an amazing soundtrack. There are some really impressive explosions, especially if you use the UK master UK soundtrack and with the real predator subwoofer setup well. It’s been thrilling watching that movies and the explosive soundtrack point of view and again this for the reasons that I just mentioned the bass is there and then it’s gone it doesn’t overstay its welcome. It doesn’t have that kind of rub that you sometimes get with the subwoofers, which means it doesn’t mask the transient clarity of the effect it’s not all being perfect so far. It seems that bass above 80 Hertz can be quite audibly.
From The 1508 And 80 Hertz
crossover seems quite a nice sweet spot for the 1508 Which I’m sure we’ll be fine for a lot of you out there for me. I think a good home cinema system needs a lot of base. A lot of foundation a lot of support for all the other channels within a system and when were talking Dolby atmos we’re talking here. 11 other speakers that’s a lot of speakers that the supple four needs to underpin to my amazement just one rail UK subwoofer has been satisfying me someone who’s ultra critical about the amount of bass output foundation.
Its Been Providing For My Dolby Atmos
review system. The Rail Acoustics Predator 1508 Subwoofer costs one thousand, five hundred and ninety-nine pounds, which I think is very aggressively priced because you get a lot of bass output for your money get a. Lot of good bass quality for your money get a lot of fast detail agile.
Rel 1508 Predator subwoofer is flagship subwoofer from the company’s UK range the home theater range . Reviewer Terry Ellis has been putting it for its paces over the last few weeks . He says he’s confident to sit here and tell you quite a bit about it Raku sticks 1508 . The review is part one of a two-part series of reviews of the new subwowoofer by Raku Stick 1508. It is available now on for $1,800 ($1,999) and is available in the Stick 158 ($2,999/£1,499/£2,995/£3,800/£4,999). Reviewer: I’m happy to be able to test with the subwoformer. I’ve been given the latest version of this review of this product. It will be available on the UK version of the Rel 158.99/…. Click here to read more and watch the full video