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So I Went And Bought A Gladiator Cheap
2020 and I wanted to put a subwoofer in it and I’ve done a little bit of research and found that pretty much nothing will fit in this thing without basically removing the back seat. So if you look in the traditional spots where you can put a subwoofer which would be under the front seat or under the back seat. You’ll see that there’s almost no room. I mean even in my Dodge Ram There was enough room to put a subwoofer box. This one literally gives you no room at all or where I’d really like to stick it is back behind here, but as you can see there’s not much room to put much of anything back there.
- subwoofer
- subwoofers
- room
- sub
- gladiator
So What I Found Was Theres
almost no room back there so it took me a little bit of looking on. The Internet I found several items that probably could fit back there. It’s basically all-in-one subwoofers you know smaller than three inches deep and I settled on one, which is the RockvilleNK] Rockville 800w Peak power it’s the UK 10 UK and this one. The dimensions are the dimensions are twelve by twelve point four by thirteen point four by two point seven and that’s two point seven inches deep. So there’s almost almost nothing to this subwoofer as far as the depth of it, but the box is very heavy and I’ll show you all this real quick so we’ll open it up as you can see it’s a ten-inch subwoofer.
I Will Put The Link In
the description so you can have access to it. If you decide they something you would like for your gladiator. It’s very solid feel solid doesn’t feel cheap there we. We got a there’s where your power goes fuse Rca‘s You got your high input. I went ahead and purchased a converter.
Im Gonna Be Doing Low Input From
the-I didn’t want to change the head unit out and then you got your sub-level remote control looks like oh that’s kind of right here brackets and then you got your your gains your auto turn on etc. And looks like a pretty solid unit. The reviews on it were pretty good that I had seen as far as you know in other cars hadn’t seen it installing the gladiator yet but let me take you to the gladiator and we’ll see if this thing actually fits in the back all right so I’m just going to put it back here just to see if it fit in there. Let’s get to the latch we’ll have our power.
Power Setting Or Power And Everything
supplied over here or you know possibly over here depending where the battery is at and all that buckles up. So I think that’s a good spot for it and I’m gonna get this all installed Tomorrow and I will show you how it sounds in the Jeep also I installed the volume control for the remote for the amp right under the seat under the driver seat so I can control it right as I’m driving if there’s too much bass or not enough looks like installed it sounds great. I’m. I’ve never been a fan of playing the finished product on UK or on the video because it’s it never does the system justice I mean it’s a small mic you’re not gonna pick up how much bass this thing can actually put out, but it puts out an enormous amount of.
But Make Sure You Buy A An Active
powered you know hide a low output converter if you if you don’t which is what I started doing When I first put it in you’re not going to see the results that you’re gonna want because it’s all that you can’t tune it separately from the radio. So make sure you purchase that once we install that it lifts the thing up actually the people that help me install it were completely surprised at the difference it made so for like 15 bucks You can get get one and that is something else. I’ll put in the description where to buy that piece, but I will tell you the key to this whole thing is to is to use the UK-from the head unit. If you’re getting an aftermarket deck it doesn’t matter, but if you’re using the factory.
- traditional spots subwoofer seat
- dodge ram room subwoofer box
- deep subwoofer far depth box
- items probably fit basically subwoofers
- gladiator cheap 2020 wanted subwoofer
Factory Deck Which I Wanted To
I don’t want to lose any functionality having a high input to low output converter that’s powered is the key. You can’t just get a passive one. You need to get an active one and I’ll put the link for it and also down below thank you very much.
So I went and bought a gladiator Cheap 2020 and I wanted to put a subwoofer in it and I’ve done a little bit of research and found that pretty much nothing will fit in this thing without basically removing the back seat . So what I found was there’s almost no room back there . Even in my Dodge Ram there was enough room to put subwoofers in the car . The dimensions are the dimensions are twelve by twelve point four by thirteen point four . by two point seven inches deep . The box is very heavy and I’ll show you all this real quick so we’ll open it up as you can see it’s a ten-inch sub woofer.& I will put the link in the description so you can have access to it.& If you decide they something you would like for your gladiator.& It’s very solid feel solid, doesn’t feel cheap there we. We got a there’s where your power goes fuse Rca’s You got your high input….. Click here to read more and watch the full video