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Hi There Robin Here From Expert On Today Were
going to be talking about the UK Eon 6/18 subwoofer We’re gonna do a sound test on it. We’re going to look at all the features on the back side. We’re gonna see how it works with their other Eon speakers and We’re also going to talk about the app that makes this whole thing work and why you should be getting it probably in the first place. So from here let’s take it on to the actual sound test and then we’ll go from there and cover the features oh right so here we are We’ve got the e on 618 setup down below here eight cubic feet of subwoofer absolutely amazing 18-inch driver thousand watt speak 500 UK a very conservative number I have to say and on top of that we’ve put the UK Eon 612 now. Why do we do this well? One they’re both UK which is kinda obvious-we wanted to make sure we were using the app that comes included.
Which Is One Of The Big Reasons To
buy this sub or this top so we’ll give it a listen-we’re gonna listen to the sub the top the top alone the sub alone and see what it all sounds like absolutely like I said very conservative number sounds incredible let’s play it thank you there we go so now We’ll just hear the beats and again we’ve done all this through the app. So this was easy to do and we’ll bring the top back top bring the top back. But at the same time we’re also going to set it up. We’re gonna turn it from mean to the sub mode. All right so why is that bass incredibly.
Bass Incredibly Solid If I Was Described
it’s it’s a solid low roll so if you’re looking for something that just carries a really really good bottom end. This is definitely gonna be that kind of a subwoofer, so what we’ll do is We’ll take you from here. We get a closer shot at the back. See what’s going on, especially when it comes to the app interphase and how all those features work and how we actually had it plugged in here today all right well see in a second all right so what we have here is the back of the UK Aeon 618 s now here. On this side we’ve got four buttons.
- subwoofer
- subwoofers
- speakers
- speaker
- amp
The Top One Is Going To Be Part
of our Bluetooth sync which we’ll get to in a second and the reset button down here then we’ve got our UK options which again is. All part of what we’ve done with the processor or the app in this case on our phone or tablet, and then we can change the polarity of the speaker. So this way we can either set it for for compression or a rear compression and that’s what our polarity is gonna do for us On this side. We’re now gonna have our master volume output and we’re gonna have our two inputs which are combo Jack’s that means 3-pin UK or quarter-inch bounce unbalanced connections here and then we have a 3-pin output. They call it the through, which is really an important part of the feature Because some equipment this is modified by what’s going on up here or some settings that are built into it with this unit here.
Unless We Actually Choose To Be That Way
this is gonna be exactly what happens on. So what comes in to the sub is what’s gonna come out of the sub. If I’ve modified it going in it’s gonna be modified coming out if it’s unmodified it’s on my afraid so this can be used so this way we can link up other speakers or other subwoofers all through this system here now. If I have two tops and only one sub I would bring them both down to here just in case my balance on my mixer or my controller is set a little different between left and right or the channel 1 channel 2 inputs on the back of the unit here so that’s very important now when we look at the actual Bluetooth app that we have on our tablet or phone that’s going to be involving these guys here so you’re going to want to turn that on it’s going to find. Your phone and your apps gonna be turned on you’ll be able to control from there now.
Remember This Button Is Very Important Because If
you’ve changed the game volume because you can change how loud the actual digital volume is inside the amp plate, so even though I have this up to maximum. I can go from zero to a hundred on the app now if I set that at fifty because that’s particularly what I’m doing at that point in time and then I walk away leave turn off the app come back the next day or whenever I use the equipment again. Even though the unit’s not on if this is off and I haven’t even bothered picking up my tablet and checking the settings on my app. Because the eq+ is on it’s basically whatever I’ve done on the app The last time I use it. It saves it in memory now that will affect if you turn down the volume and you forget that will affect what your maximum volume is so always check by turning it off listening to your setup and then turn it back on.
Now Remember If Youre Going To
play around with that turn down the gain on it so we don’t you know kill ourselves with volume or bass in this case, and then you’re all set and running remember when you do power. This on it does take about five to eight seconds for it to cycle through all the lights will be blinking. The computer will be resetting all of that’s going to happen while the unit’s being restarted this very last button at the end that is for our front display light so we have a light that tells us the units on and it’s actively. working that’s what’s going on there so again outside of that the the way the box is built the way the whole system is set up to maximize the power now it’s a it’s 500 watts UK a thousand Watts peak but I’ve seen subwoofers that are that have a 650 or a 750 watt amp plate and this for some of them this is going to generate more bass like I said it’s much more of a low rumbling sound and it could be because the overall size of the box and the way it’s designed to large ports in the front and huge Plus that 18-inch driver, which is really designed well to carry sound. So that’s for the back part let’s take an overview of what the whole subwoofer is gonna do for us and we’ll be all set then okay so well here we are.
Weve Got The Cover Off If Were
gonna look at the front, We’re gonna look at it without the cover on same thing with the 12-inch. I just thought you know since this video is primarily all about the subwoofer, but we had the the UK 612 here as well. So I figured to take the cover off that give you a proportion when we’re looking at but really when it comes out in the subwoofer. This is it 8 cubic feet. So it’s roughly 2 feet by 2 feet by about 2 feet.
When You Put That All Into
math that you’re gonna get 8 cubic feet now that really tells me the driver is meant to really it move. I mean that’s what it’s all about there’s no there’s no resistance really behind this driver. The ports are huge, not just one but two huge ports which is. The box is so wide. This is allow a ton of air to travel through it.
The Whole Design Cardboard Fabric Design
here which is really good so no rubber no sponge. Those are things that really aren’t going to help you creating more sound now. This is all the way through its ridged all the way across and that’s to give the actual driver a ton of stability. While still being very very light and by being made out of cardboard. It’s going to generate the best bass.
Sometimes We See Especially In Car
audio or in heavy application. Subwoofers. They’re made out of out of a plastic material with some fiberglass part that weighs it down. It takes away from the overall performance of the actual subwoofer, but it adds a lot of rigidity and and you know that’s what some companies are looking for it, But in this case definitely it’s all about the performance. It’s a very very well designed system.
- 18 subwoofer gonna sound test
- 618 series subwoofer worth buy
- mean purpose right subwoofer
- eon 18 subwoofer gonna sound
- primarily subwoofer uk 612 figured
Its Designed To Have A Ton
of travel which is really what it’s all about. I mean I can just tap on it and we can see how well that does for us that’s what it’s all about So I get UK UK design. They didn’t cheap out one bit on having a series of this level. I think they’ve actually stepped up the game and kept it up a real high level by doing all of this so the only downfall. It is a big box so what’s good about it it’s a big box what’s bad about it it’s a big.
Box But Thats Really I Mean
the whole purpose of it right It’s a subwoofer, so if it’s in your price point, it’s definitely worth the money. I mean it does cost a little bit more than all the other ones that we’ve compared so far or in this price range, but definitely well worth it remember you can add more it can stack them you’ve run to you can run for you can run as many things appropriate something that UK does mention on their videos and on their product sites is the handle the handles extraordinary I mean I can’t say anything bad about it. It’s got a good rubber grip to it. It’s built solids built bolted right into the actual system. There’s no background noise at all.
Theres No Vibration Nothing When Youre Playing It
so all of those things are a big big plus so. There we go I’ve got nothing bad to say outside of its a big box and I mean that’s the intention right so there we go UK Aeon 618 series subwoofer worth the buy definitely if you haven’t downloaded the app. I can’t say it enough download the connect app. It’s called the UK Eon connection or connect and that’s definitely gonna be what you’re looking for to really sell you on the subwoofer outside of that remember don’t be stuck on the number 500 wattsNK] I wasn’t watched peak because of this driver. Because of this box, it’s an incredibly efficient system that generates a ton of bass without having to throw a ton of power and behind it so ignore that look at the UK level.
Definitely Saw It Definitely For Big Large
applications. You know if you’re if you’re gonna UK you know and you’re gonna. Gonna have to them and you’re doing 150 in a wedding party or in any type of settings like that to them are definitely going to give you what your customers looking for what you’re looking for what the audience is looking for all right so we’ll see on the next video. At this point in time there’s definitely a circle here somewhere saying hey look at the palm tree hit subscribe some new videos will be there you might see.
Robin Williams takes a look at the UK Eon 6/18 subwoofer . We’re also going to talk about the app that makes this whole thing work and why you should be getting it probably in the first place. We’re going to look at all the features on the back side.& We’re gonna see how it works with their other Eon speakers and . We’ll go from there and cover the features oh right so here we are. We’ve got the e on 618 setup down below here eight cubic feet of subwoofer absolutely amazing 18-inch driver thousand watt speak 500 UK a very . conservative number I have to say and on top of that we’ve put the . UK EON 612 now. We’ll just hear the beats and again we’ve done all this through the app.& So this was easy to do and we’ll bring the top back top and bring the . top back.& But at the same time we’re also went from mean to sub…. Click here to read more and watch the full video