Video Creator’s Channel Nemo Propaganda

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today We are going to review the rhythmic L22 direct Servo subwoofer um It is right there and on the screen behind me Sorry it’s not like right here closer to me. I did throw out my back recently so the idea of like moving it out here and propping it up on something and lifting it up bad idea. If you’ve thrown out your back before you know just moving it in the wrong direction or putting load on yourself can just cause another injury and add weeks to your recovery. So I didn’t want to deal with that and I’m just going to shut up about that let’s get back to the product. So I’ll be honest while I do like the rhythmic brand and I am interested in a lot of their subwoofers.
This Was Not One That I Particularly.
particularly cared to review. However, I was on Facebook marketplace and a local seller had one for sale for the low low price of 550 used. So I just grabbed it honestly and I said let’s make a video. I know some of you guys in the comments did ask about this in the past and a few of you were someone theorized that this subwoofer would be like the hidden gem in the rhythmic lineup and be like the music champion I’ll tell you if it is or not but essentially what this is is like a double stack L12 that was the first rhythmic subwoofer.
I Reviewed And I Really Liked That
one a lot that one was just 569 dollars, and I thought it was so good for the money. I said for 2020 it was the best product. I had reviewed so far and even. Like made a video about that you know the best product for 2020 or whatever so um? What we’ve got is two 12-inch drivers and a sealed cabinet. They are Servo Servo controlled They’ve got 600 watts RMs going to them .
Their Minus 3 Db Point Is Going To
be 18 hertz just like the L12 . There is a single band peq and a few other features around back like different options for like music only home theater and so on and stuff like that and feel free to read about that on their website. If you want to in the previous video, some of you guys complained that I didn’t talk about the Servo technology and what that’s all about. I I don’t like doing a deep tech talk about products and I’ll tell you why and because all that information is listed on their website and essentially I’m just going to be like reading off their website. If I’m giving you like a deep tech talk about their technology and honestly every company swears they’ve got some kind of like technology that makes them stand out and personally.
I Dont Care.
I don’t care about anyone’s proprietary technology or the thing that makes them different or what they have to say about it. I only care what it does in a real world environment. You know what I mean like they could be like Oh. This technology makes the subwoofer like extend down to like one Hertz okay.
- subwoofer
- subwoofers
- video
- woofers
- servo
I Dont Care What You Say
does it really do it that’s all I care about but in an attempt to be. A team player, I will give you just a really simple in Layman’s terms what the Servo technology does so essentially and again Super Layman’s term so if someone wants to give me that I’m off here. I swear to God anyway, so it’s going to help the subwoofer extend lower have a flatter frequency response towards the end, and it’s going to help it have make better use of its power in a sense kind of like boosting efficiency a little bit how much is anyone’s guess I did try to bother rhythmic for like a direct answer like is it like 20 more than a traditional subwoofer in wattage like and they’re like we’re not answering that question it doesn’t really work that way. So let’s just leave that aside but essentially what you want what you do want to take away is it’s going to help it. extend lower um it’s going to help it be a little bit more efficient, so if it seems like it doesn’t have as much power as you want.
Maybe Dont Worry About That So
much and it’s going to be a lot deeper and I did find those things to be true honestly yeah we’re going to shut up about the servo tech if you want to learn more about it feel free to do your own research. This is not a tech talk so the subwoofer itself. it’s going to have great mid-bass articulation. I really thought that was very very very good. Some of my speakers could use some help in that frequency range like a like Bucart S400, for example, is a great example.
They Have A Lot A Lot
a lot of that like below 50hz space, but below like 50 and 70. So much and my room doesn’t help with that either a whole lot so this being able to blend in those higher frequencies seamlessly really helped a lot moving down to the base overall compared to the L12 with its single 12-inch driver. This is going to have a lot more weight to it a lot more presence just a whole lot more like if you will in pretty much all the lower frequencies but like the L12 it’s not going to have the strongest attack in those lower frequencies say 40 Hertz 45 Hertz and below and if you’re thinking like hey this thing’s like 950 dollars like why doesn’t it have stronger attack well do remember when I reviewed the L12. I told you guys rhythmic never actually planned on making a subwoofer that cheap and the F12 was actually their standard baseline model, but consumers kept. Asking for a more affordable subwoofer So they made they made the L12 and you know making a subwoofer so cheap that is so capable it’s gonna have like it Just can’t be perfect right and it’s slightly weak attack in the lower frequencies.
I Think Is What Is The Price
you have to pay to have so much goodness at such a low price because nothing’s perfect the L22 being an evolution of that subwoofer it’s essentially just a double stack of that with more power is going to have this similar sound signature right and again if you’re thinking like hey I want strong low bass attack. Don’t worry for 30 dollars more. You can get the rhythmic F12 that has that you know what I mean so problem solved what this is going to be for and I’m essentially taking this directly from the rhythmic website is. It’s a home theater subwoofer that is also articulate enough for music. So if you’ve got a theater first system and listen to music occasionally and you can’t accommodate something wider or you can’t accommodate dual subs and you want as much radiating surface area as possible.
This Is Going To Be A Great Solution.
It’s got tons of rumble to it. It’s got very strong base output in quantity and its quality and articulation are quite good as well. I’m trying to think if there’s anything else I’ve really left out here let me I’ll try to give you a little bit of market context, but there isn’t really much so two 12-inch drivers in service area is going to be equivalent to one 17-inch subwoofer. If such a thing existed so the radiating surface area is quite more, but with the dual 12s you are going to have.
Motor Force But Were Not Really
going to get a whole lot into that so we have the SvS PC2000 pro that’s going to be a similar design where it’s going to focus on taking up vertical real estate as opposed to width and depth, but that’s a ported subwoofer. So we really can’t compare that here I did used to own it. It’s a good subwoofer in its own right. Though next we have the rel I can’t remember what it’s called. I think it’s called the 212, but it’s 4 000 so again it just wouldn’t make sense to compare that here.
This Thing Being 950 Bucks Is A
great solution for someone that can’t accommodate more width or like a lot of depth. and or maybe can’t have dual sub woofers or can but you just want as much radiating surface area as possible so. The original question in the beginning is this the hidden gem in rhythmics lineup is this the music champion no per their own website. It’s a home theater subwoofer that is articulate enough for music and that’s what it is right .
I Think The The The Best
one they have for music so far that I’ve heard and we’re going to talk about it. In another video. When I review that unit is the F12 that I happen to be sitting on it’s 30 dollars more. It’s a single 12-inch driver, which is you know a little bit more of a normal design.
It Has That Stronger Leading Edge In
the lower frequencies. It actually gets deeper with more extension and authority believe it or not but again for another video right let me think if there’s anything else I’ve left out here on this subwoofer it does. Not come in gloss black big bummer for me. You guys know I love the shiny um yeah.
Im Just Gonna Shut Up.
I don’t think I have much else to say great subwoofer um if you have any questions. Let’s rap about it in the comments below and until next time later.
- l12 rhythmic subwoofer reviewed really
- l22 direct servo subwoofer
- rhythmic subwoofer reviewed really
- let think ve left subwoofer
- planned making subwoofer cheap
This was not one that I particularly.& particularly cared to review . However, I was on Facebook marketplace and a local seller had one for sale for the low low price of 550 used . What we’ve got is two 12-inch drivers and a sealed cabinet. They are Servo Servo controlled They’ve got 600 watts RMs going to them . Their minus 3 db point is going to be 18 hertz just like the L12 . There is a single band peq and a few other features around back like different options for like music only home theater and so on and stuff like that and feel free to read about that on their website.& If you wa wa were someone who theorized that this subwoofer would be the hidden gem in the rhythmic lineup and be like the music champion I’ll tell you if it is or not but essentially what this is is like a double stack L12 that was the first rhythmic subwowoofer. It was just 569…. Click here to read more and watch the full video