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I’m Rob and today we’re going to be taking a look at a brand new product from SvS. The 3000 micro sub. This is a pretty unique design from SvS, so we’re really looking forward to seeing how it performs so stick around and we’ll get into it right after the intro all right. So SvS just released their new 3000 micro subwoofer on their happy hour show and what was interesting to us was the fact that they used a dual opposing driver design, which is the same kind of design that I used when I built my subs from my home theater. Now if you’re not familiar with how a dual opposing sub works basically.
The Two Drivers Move At The Same Time,
and this completely cancels out any cabinet resonance which SvS felt was a big problem for a lot. of micro subwoofers according to Svs, this eliminates any chance that the 3000 micro will start crawling around the room. Like some other micro subs currently on the market dual opposed subs can also have a lot less distortion than subs with a single driver. In the case of the 3000 micro. This is due to both better cabinet stability and just the fact that it’s a sealed box design.
- subwoofers
- subwoofer
- subs
- dual
- svs3000
This Means That In Theory The 3000 Micro
should sound very clean and tight with very minimal coloration from the cabinet checking out what’s inside of the box you get all of the usual goodies from Svs like the owner’s manual a power cord and of course the subwoofer itself, which seemed to be packed very well now something that caught us off guard while taking the subwoofer out of the box, though was a quarter-inch threaded inserts on. the bottom of the subwoofer, which obviously were for rubber feet, but unfortunately, ours didn’t come with any so we jumped on the phone and called SBs customer service and within a couple of minutes on the phone. We were able to get the new feet shipped out to us that’s One thing we really like about Svs is that they have great customer service and the representative. We talked to was very kind and wanted to resolve the issue straight away. Now.
This Was Obviously A Mistake Made From The
factory, so we don’t blame Svs for the missing fee, but it is nice to know that if a problem arises. Svs will stand behind their products and take care of the customer something else that we’d like to quickly mention is we bought this subwoofer with our own money so the great customer service that we got was. In no way related to the fact that we’re doing a review for this product with all of that out of the way the most impressive thing about this 3000 micro to us is the size for comparison here. It is next to the SB 3000 sub and then next to the prime bookshelf speaker. Obviously it’s a pretty small subwoofer, but seeing two 8-inch drivers mounted in a 10-inch cube is really impressive.
Svs Was Able To Achieve This
by making a set of drivers optimized for use in small cabinets and paired those with a very powerful sledge 800 watt amplifier that can hit up to 2500 watts peak power other than that. This micro Sub has a frequency response of 23 to 240 Hertz and each driver is rated to a 24 millimeter x max, which is the distance The voice coil can move away from the resting point while still being controlled by the magnet on the back of the driver. Another thing that SvS did with this subwoofer that’s pretty uncommon is to use an inverted rubber surround on each driver. This helps to increase the maximum excursion of each driver while also making sure that the 3000 micro will fit pretty much anywhere taking a look at the subwoofer itself. The first thing you’ll notice is the piano gloss black finish that SvS offers on pretty much all of their speakers and subwoofers and honestly we think it looks great.
The 3000 Micro Is Available In Either
gloss black or white, but Svs chose not to offer it in their black. Ash finish this time around on each side of the sub is the metal grille protecting the aluminum cones on both of the eight-inch drivers, but unfortunately these aren’t user removable. Obviously we’d like to see magnetic grills included at this price point, especially since it has a metal mesh and it could get dented or scratched over time. If anything does happen it would be nice to have the option to replace the grille in the future without too much of a hassle moving on to the back of the subwoofer. We have the sledge 800 watt amplifier that runs both of the drivers in parallel.
You Can Control A Lot Of The
subwoofer settings right from the control panel on the back. Like the low pass filter phase volume and auto standby. The interface is pretty easy to use and the value of each option is shown. with this string of led lights if you want more precise control over each option. Though this subwoofer also supports the SvS mobile app, which gives you a ton of different options to eq the sub to match your room and listening preferences.
We Covered This App In A
lot more detail in our PB16 ultra review which we’ll link down in the description below it’s a pretty easy app to use and we think having the ability to tune your sub with a smartphone is a great option, especially if you just don’t want to go through the hassle of setting up something like a mini DsP just to get your subs calibrated for your room. I also really love this app because it allows you to adjust the volume and other parameters from the listening position and as you probably know setting up a sub without this type. of app is kind of a pain because you’re constantly getting up and down to adjust it until you get it set just right so in my opinion, the app is a huge plus other than that. This sub also has left and right RCa inputs and the right input acts as the dedicated LFe input. If you’re using a surround sound processor or receiver next to those are RCa line level outputs for daisy chain and multiple subs and a UsB power source for running the 3000 micro with the Svs sound path wireless adapter.
Unfortunately, It Doesnt Come With Balanced
XLR inputs or outputs, but for eight hundred dollars. It’s pretty uncommon to find subs with XLR connections. We also have a three to twelve volt trigger input, a power switch and a plug for the included power cable overall. We really like the simple and elegant look. of the 3000 micro it’s really an amazingly small box that would fit perfect in small to moderate size spaces or even under a desk for a compact 2.
1 Stereo System, And In Fact We Think
this subwoofer would be a really good match for something like the SvS prime satellites that we reviewed in a previous video or the prime bookshelf speakers that were currently in the process of reviewing with all of that said it’s time to get the subwoofer hooked up so we can start listening to it for these tests. We wanted to try the subwoofer in three different locations to get an idea how it would perform our living room, home theater, our office and our dedicated home theater room. We tried out quite a few different movies. But Here are three of our favorite go-to clips that we think are great to put a subwoofer through its paces, so let’s go ahead and check those out now. Of course you’re not going to be able to hear what we’re able to hear over a youtube video So you’re just going to have to take our word for it that this little 10-inch cube has some pretty serious output.
Its Really Amazing What Sbs Was Able To
do with such a small package. The base was very tight and punchy and just overall sounded good to my ears, but of course you can only get so much bass from a small enclosure and a 3000 micro just couldn’t dig down below 20 Hertz and that pretty much coincides with the numbers SvS advertises with a frequency response between 23 and 240 Hertz now don’t get us wrong we’re. Saying this sub lacks output but unfortunately, whenever you build a box. This small put two drivers and an 800 watt amplifier in it you’re going to end up having to compromise somewhere with the frequency response and to be completely honest. We were a little underwhelmed with the 3000 micro.
After Our Initial Listening Test That
is until we started playing around with the Svs subwoofer app and there we boosted some of the lower frequencies with the DsP included with this sub. After adjusting the eq. This subwoofer really came to life and did a great job at filling a room with a very satisfying amount of bass that honestly we didn’t expect to hear from such a tiny little subwoofer now when it comes to music this sub really shines while listening to tracks like Jennifer Warren’s way down deep, which has some very challenging bass notes. That can make or break a sub-the 3000 micro did an extraordinary job controlling the base without sounding bloated or booming, and we noticed the same kind of very controlled musical sound throughout all of our music listening tests. We believe this is due to the fact that most music doesn’t have much information below 20 Hertz so you’ll never feel like you’re missing out with most tracks.
- dual opposed subs
- released new 3000 micro subwoofer
- lot distortion subs single driver
- micro subs currently market dual
- subwoofers according svs eliminates chance
Whats Whats Important To Remember Here Is That
sound is very subjective and as we said we tried this subwoofer in three different rooms in many different positions, and it sounded completely different in each one so that’s why we always recommend trying subs or speakers for that matter out in your own room before you buy them because we guarantee it’s going to sound different to your ears in your listening environment so we would definitely suggest taking advantage of the Svs 45-day in-home trial period. So you can judge for yourself whether or not the 3000 micro is the right option for you so all in all. We think this is a move in the right direction for Svs we’d love to see them release more dual opposing designs that accommodate larger rooms and hit those lower subsonic frequencies that are usually reserved for larger sealed subs or even. So if you’re looking for a sub-to put in a small to medium-sized room, we would definitely recommend putting the SvS 3000 micro on your short list. We think it’s certainly worth taking a look at and for eight hundred dollars.
We Think Its A Pretty Affordable Way
to add a sub to your stereo system or home theater without breaking the bank. All right guys that’s going to wrap up this video thank you for watching and let us know if you have any questions or comments about the 3000 micro down below. We’ll leave links to check out the SvS3000 micro from Svs’s website down in the description. If you thought this video was helpful don’t forget to like subscribe and ring the bell so you don’t miss any of our future content and as always have an awesome day you.
SvS just released their new 3000 micro subwoofer on their happy hour show . They used a dual opposing driver design, which is the same kind of design that I used when I built my subs from my home theater . The two drivers move at the same time, and this cancels out any cabinet resonance which SvS felt was a big problem for a lot. This eliminates any chance that the 3000 micro will start crawling around the room. This is due to both better cabinet stability and just the fact that it’s a sealed box design. The 3000 micro should sound very clean and tight with very minimal coloration from the cabinet, but unfortunately, ours didn’t come with any rubber feet. We were able to get the new feet shipped out to us that’s one thing we really like about Svs is that they have great customer service and the representative. The new rubber feet were sent out to our home theater. The last thing that caught us off guard was a quarter-inch threaded inserts on….. Click here to read more and watch the full video