Video Creator’s Channel Subwoofer 101

All Right So This Is My Official Review Of
the UK UK mm Pro Series Subwoofer and I’m pretty geeked about this one and you’ll understand why the more I get into it. But first off I just reached 15,000 subscribers and for me to kind of put it into context. I started this channel when I believed I had fibromyalgia right. It turns out that was just a symptom. This was really all due to traumatic brain injury post concussion syndrome from an accident 19 years ago and so it’s been a really challenging thing to do to do this whole channel and make videos edit them things like that and so it’s just it’s.
I Appreciate All Of The Support And
I appreciate the understanding it really means a lot to me and it’s it’s you watching right now and it’s your comments your likes your subscriptions all. That stuff that has made any of this possible and I’m just super grateful for all of that so truly thank you so my goals on this particular review are to answer specific questions and help you figure out if these are the right subs for you personally. I have gotten a lot and I do mean a lot of requests to get this review review done. I’ve had other view these videos that I’ve shot and have ready to shoot and things like that but everyone is just really kind of hounding me about this one and I understand it. I really do you know the original UK 2000 was my first attraction to UK.
Its Why I Wanted The Affiliate
program. It was just it’s as deep as you can hear it’s powerful its explosive and it’s clean you know it’s it’s really a high value subwoofer and it also happens to be You know The 2000 series happens to be S vs. Is best selling subwoofer and so it’s really you know this this revamp is pretty vital. NK] can’t afford to screw this up It’s way too important. I’m gonna be going over my likes and my dislikes of it.
- just appreciate support appreciate understanding
- subs sucks likely post concussion
- questions help figure right subs
- channel believed fibromyalgia
- review uk uk mm pro
- fibromyalgia
- support
- channel
- viewers
- subs
You Know Its Theres A Couple Things I
really like about it. There’s little things that you know. I’m not so excited about but I’m gonna go over everything with you. Also another thing I want to touch on is that I’m not obligated to go easy on these subs. I’m really not my relationship with UK is not exclusive nor is it sponsored.
My Only Compensation Is If.
If you follow my links and by what I recommend so and I wanted it that way because I didn’t want to feel obligated to say nice things about products that I might not be excited about okay. For example, you won’t find any sealed subs from any subwoofer manufacturer on my best subwoofers list. The reason for that is I can’t tolerate sealed subs it sucks it’s do most likely to the post-concussion syndrome and the UK that I suffered it tends to amplify hearing and vision. So you know you have a hard time tolerating bright lights.
You Have Our Time With Loud Noises.
Things like that so my ears are sensitive but not in a good braggy way. They’re sensitive in a fragile sad way, but I can’t tolerate sealed subs and so had this been a you know captive arrangement or a a sponsorship of sorts. know I’d be obligated to say nice things about sealed subs and I just I can’t get behind it. I can’t tolerate them enough to listen to it so and and I think that’s important to talk about because there are people who do have hearing issues like that and you know people that suffer from migraines and things like that and I think it’s important to know that in general ported subwoofers are more comfortable than sealed if you have sensitive hearing other people love sealed subs and I definitely don’t fault them for it and I truly don’t it’s just one of those things that I unfortunately have a problem with so first I’ll cover my biggest dislikes which fortunately are pretty easily remedied.
Theyre Not These Tragic Things That Are
definitely not deal-breakers for me but they are things that I kind of wished weren’t so and. My biggest gripe is the new grill. The new grill is cloth and it’s not the metal grill that typically comes on all the higher and s. vs subs so it’s it’s. I like the metal grill because it’s more durable.
I Have Dogs Who Have Hair And
slobber and that gets on the cloth grills and it’s a lot more difficult to get that out, whereas you just take a damp cloth and wipe down the metal grill. It’s piece of cake and I like the look of the metal grill. It stands out that said I can understand why they went that route because it’s a more traditional look. It’s not as much of a standout look. I have talked to some viewers who were turned off by the middle grill.
So You Know It May Be A Better
thing anyway. Also this may have something to do with. The way of room correction Just did things I might be able to run it in correction again. I have this issue but what I’ve noticed is that the Pp-2000 pros are a little heavy in the infrasonic s–and when I say heavy and infrasonic Sime talking about relative and for sewing’s someone gave me a bunch of you know flack about not liking and for Sonic‘s I do like infrasonic s’ I like them at a certain relative level. When you have have more infrasonic base than you have audible base to me that gets uncomfortable and fortunately, this is another easy fix and it’s actually a really fun fix so you go in and adjust the UK cues on the UK app right and basically I just set the one peq is all I had to do.
I Didnt Have To Mess With All
three of them and I just set 29 Hertz at a 2.5 boost at 2. 5 Q and what that did is that bumped up that you know range right around you know 20 to 35 Hertz. Somewhere in there you can see the graph and you can see what I’m talking about it just filled that in a bit more and it made it to where it had more audible bass so relatively there wasn’t as much infrasonic base, so the infrasonic base didn’t really change it’s. Just relative to the audible base.
You Had More Audible Base Going On And
so to me that’s just. It sounded great at that point, and it’s a lot of fun and doing that particular fix with these hubs was it was amazing the explosiveness at this price point is incredible. It really is especially when you apply that peq adjustment I was talking about it’s amazing I mean you’ve got scenes like the accountant it really comes through with that and you and you can test that by just going back and forth. You can turn the UK cues on turn the UK cues off and see what I’m talking about you get a lot more explosiveness just by adjusting it and I’ve run that boost all the way up from 2. 5 up to 4 so I’ve had fun with it.
Its A Lot Of Fun But
yeah the accountant Hacksaw Ridge ready player one and Billy Eilish. Her stuff is amazing and it just all sounds so good. I’m really just loving the sound of these and on top of that you know I was getting text messages for my wife because I’ll leave and she’ll do her thing and she’ll go through and listen to music and you know she’ll she’s texting me like these subs are amazing and they just and that’s you know that’s a great vote honestly Yeah the new driver and the new amp are really the secret sauce. Here it it sounds a lot more than a 50 watt difference. So the originals were 500 watts.
These Are 550 Watts Uk It
doesn’t sound like it’s only 50 watts better it sounds more like 6 700 watts better it really does I in and. They did this with theNK] 3000’s. They took an 800 watt amplifier and made it sound like a thousand to 1200 watt amplifier in terms of that explosiveness. In terms of that impact, they did a really good job with that and they continued that with the 2000 series or the 2000 Pro Series. So I it’s it’s really a bit of magic and I’m really impressed by it.
I Talked About Premium Base And Premium
is not how I would have described the originalNK] 2000 or theNK] 1000 premium to me starts at the UK 3000 level and because you get that increased impact it’s a more solid base. It’s it’s a more impressive base. Even though you’re listening at the same levels. It’s just got this extra touch to it this extra strength and it’s noticeable you feel it more and it’s like the base. Like the base has a better grip.
Its Hard To Explain But Im
talking at the same listening levels okay and so I would not have described the originalNK] 2000s as premium, but the Pp-2000 pros are absolutely premium. In my opinion, it’s definitely noticeable if you’re going from the original to the pro and you’re making that upgrade Yeah I think you’ll notice it. I really I think you will it’s really good the difference is noticeable. It’s not a mild change.
They Didnt Just Put A Different Driver
and amp in there and I mean they did but it’s not just a simple upgrade. They really did make it sound better so to answer the questions that have already gotten. I is it worth upgrading from the originalNK] 2000 to the Pp-2000 Pro and for me yes absolutely honestly I feel like if you can’t notice. The difference you should legitimately get your hearing checked and I’m not being a smart guy here I really do think it’s that big of a difference it’s noticeable, especially in terms of impact and things like that Maota sit you will notice that going from the original to the pro so there’s that question I know I’ll get this question should you go with a single Pro or dual originals for sure 100% dual originals okay duels are vital you know I would even go so far as to say I would get dual UK 1000s over a single UK mm PRo.
It Really Does Make That Much Of
a difference it’s definitely worth splitting your budget if you can’t pull off to UK mm pros go go with the dual smaller ones split your budget get what you can but get them in duals it really does make. A difference and with the 1-year trade up If you go factory direct, you can trade up and you can get into the pros eventually so that that would be my choice now this is another one. Should you get a single UK 3000 or 4000 or dual Pros no again. This is pretty easy for me.
Dual Pros All Day Long Dual Uk 2000
Pros are going to sound better than a 4000 or 3000 has a single now what about dual UK 3000 versus dual UK 2000 Pros. You know how good are these are these so good that you don’t need to worry about the three thousands. I still think the UK 3 thousands are better in every way and if you can pull those off I would do and I think it’s worth the price difference to go from the dual UK 2000 Pros to dual.
This is my official review of the UK UK mm Pro Series Subwoofer and I’m pretty geeked about this one and you’ll understand why the more I get into it . I started this channel when I believed I had fibromyalgia right.& It turns out that was just a symptom.& This was really all due to traumatic brain injury post concussion syndrome from an accident 19 years ago and so it’s been a really challenging thing to do to do this whole channel and make videos edit them things like that . I appreciate all of the support and I appreciate the understanding it really means a lot to me and it’s it’s you watching right now and it is your comments your likes and likes your subscriptions all.& That stuff that has made any of this possible and I’m just super grateful for all of that so truly thank you so truly Thank you . The original UK 2000 was my first attraction to UK.&NK] can’t afford to screw this up It’s…. Click here to read more and watch the full video