Video Creator’s Channel Robs reviews and demos

Hello Everybody Welcome To Roz Reviews And Demos So
we’re here with a new toy for the home theater today. This is a Svs St 1000 pro subwoofer We’re going to be hooking up to the house stereo. It’s an enclosed unported 12-inch sub that goes down to I believe 18 hertz um so this thing should really put some thump into the stereo. Let’s get her get her out of the box here. So this is a wired speaker Sps does make some transmitters that you can purchase where basically you hook one transmitter to the stereo system and another transmitter to the to the speaker itself and then you can kind of put it wherever you want I didn’t get the transmitters Yet right now I just have the the cable for it, but this should be a fun addition to the stereo.
My My Stereo Has A Lot Of Bass
to begin with, but this should be should be pretty crazy at 18 Hertz The RMs on this is like 800 watts with basically. It runs like 300 watts, 325 watts, but the Max RMs is eight. Something like that so that’s her you see she’s pretty pretty compact. It’s a pretty small unit which is why I bought it because I have a specific spot. I’m thinking of putting it and um you know we’ll see i’m moving around hopefully it goes where I want to put it.
- subwoofer
- transmitters
- transmitter
- speakers
- stereo
But Well Kind Of Move It Around And
see where it sounds best at but yeah that’s her this should be really fun. So I’ll see you guys after I get hooked up and we’re running a test on it. As promised I’m back with the Svs subwoofer here that I just picked up. This is the SB 1000 Pro. It is a sealed 12-inch sub.
- transmitter stereo transmitter
- st 1000 pro subwoofer
- promised svs subwoofer
- transmitter stereo transmitter speaker kind
- going hooking house stereo
I Believe The Watts Is Rms
three and a quarter 325 RMs , which is about perfect for what I got my stereo pumps out pushes at about 125 watts per channel. So my my front speakers are rated at 300 watts a channel. The subs waste rated at three and a quarter so it fits perfectly I’m not going to get into all the connections on the back of the subwoofer and the settings and stuff. In this video. I’m actually just learning about a lot of that stuff myself and I’m familiar with it all at this point, but I just want to stick with the sub itself and the sound.
In This All Right So Interesting Story
I got the sub out and I played with it some and there’s a very. specific frequency that’s not on the low end of the base. It’s not on the highest end of the base. It’s somewhere in the middle where and if it’s a long drawn out note. There’s actually something inside of the subwoofer that’s rattling it sounds like a loose cable actually rattling against the inside of the enclosure um so I did report it to amazon every I i’m replacing the speaker.
I Picked Up This Rel Which You
can see on the floor sitting right next to it, but the Svs is generally okay for the most part. It’s just this one note and it’s it’s not all the time. It’s pretty rare when it happens so I figured I’d still go ahead and demo the sub for you and while i’m at it. I’ll give you a comparison so that the sub runs 5. 99 599 dollars like I said.
Its A Sealed Sub And It
does rock the house. I I mean I I can’t stop smiling when the thing’s on it sounds awesome the um the frequency response on the low end on this sub is 17 Hertz, which is low all right so I’m going to put the big microphone on the camera and my my big mic goes down to 17 Hertz so it should work just fine and then I’ll go ahead and demo the sound on the sub and while we’re here I got the rel so we’ll switch them out and we can kind of compare the sound on the two speakers so stay tuned here just a moment as you can hear. There is a huge difference. There huge difference all right so let’s go and check out the rail now okay so I got the rail in there we’re going to. Go ahead and play the play it with the woofer off first same song same volume so so all right I’m sure y’all can tell the difference between the woofer and no offer okay so that’s our two subs the rel.
The Model Number Is Give Me A
second here. It looks like the the rel model number is the HT1003. It runs the same price as the Svs. It only has a 10-inch woofer on it, but it is sealed. It has about the same wattage rating I I’m having a hard time deciding which one I like more I think the Svs and the and the Hertz.
The Frequency Response Shows It Will Go Lower
but to me. It seems like the rel is a little bit cleaner sounding um again. I have some more playing with them to do but they’re comparable speakers they’re. the same price they’re both great? They both really upped the gain on the home theater big time, so I definitely recommend getting a sub for your home theater. It’s going to make a big difference and even better get two subs.
So I Appreciate You Guys Watching
if you have any questions. Let me know I will get into more of the connections and how to set them up as I go here um right now. This is more just like an intro and I want to give you a quick comparison on them and show them to you so hope you guys liked it hit the like button see on the next one cheers you.
Svs St 1000 pro subwoofer is a sealed 12-inch sub that goes down to 18 Hertz . RMs on this is like 800 watts with basically 800 watts . The RMs is like 300 watts, 325 watts, but the Max RMs was eight.& So my my my front speakers are rated at 300 watts a channel.& The subs waste rated at three and a quarter so it fits perfectly . We’ll see you guys after I get hooked up and we’re running a test on it.& In this video, I’m actually just learning about a lot of that stu.& I’m not going to get into all the connections on the back of the Subwoofer and the settings and stuff. But we’ll kind of move it around and see where it sounds best at but yeah that’s her this should be really fun. It’s a pretty small unit which is why I bought it. I’m thinking of putting it and um you know we’ll…. Click here to read more and watch the full video