Video Creator’s Channel EXOcontralto

Youve Got To Be Joking Me Hey Whats
going on Youtube Exo coming at you here feeling fantastic just got back from family vacation and it was awesome saw my sister ate a ton of lobster now here we are back in the garage. Hope you guys are doing fine and dandy because today we are tackling. Another controversial topic capacitors yes sir we’ve all heard it at least once the infamous capacitor debate some people say this some people say that so what’s the deal are all those cool looking capacitors from amazon and best buy actually solving the problems. People are buying them for things like dimming headlights from the base hitting and supposedly getting better sound quality by buffering up all those random bursts of power going to your sub it all sounds great right but like most things there’s a couple catch 22s if you’re new. to the scene because there’s capacitors then there’s super capacitors two totally different things that each have their place, but all too commonly get crammed into the same category together.
This Is Where Some Confusion Happens On One
hand, you have people saying caps are pointless and on the other hand, you have people saying caps are amazing so what is everybody just going around lying or something well. No this casual back and forth is most always caused by one person talking about capacitors and the other talking about super capacitors God love them. The super cap crowd is so dang woke. They end up confusing the newcomers without even knowing it. All they see is as caps for the wind and ultra caps for the chance with huge rows of these things behind them so it’s no wonder why a big old blanket statement made its way around.
Capacitors In General Ive Even Seen Some Newcomers
assume that all these big banks of super caps are just a bunch of little disassembled caps like these. When that’s the furthest from the truth, then those very same new guys may go buy a one farad capacitor hoping to gain continuous power and when it doesn’t they become the exact opposite of what they started with a blanket statement for caps sucking butt so at any given time. There are certain parts of the car audio world that are never fully on the same page and it’s no one’s fault really over the years Capacitors have just become the proverbial go-to for entry level, then trash talk and then of course for the big guys to bring them back around full circle with huge banks of super caps very different but very similar, so let’s see some differences shall we. Have this fancy ultra capacitor from iosus and excess power. It’s a group 31 common size and there are eight count them eight 3000 farad capacitors wired inside now they’re all in series, so it actually totals to 375 ferrets that’s because capacitance gets divided by the amount of capacitors when in series now.
- super capacitors totally different things
- new scene capacitors super
- talking capacitors talking super
- tackling controversial topic capacitors
- capacitor debate people
This Guy Is A Raptor Four Ferret Capacitor.
Unlike the UC31, this is just one single layer cap wired in parallel instead of using multiple low voltage super caps with high capacitance. It uses one single high voltage cap with low capacitance that translates into this bad boy being able to have the longer run time, but arguably this will discharge all of its current quicker. The ultracap however, goes the extra mile with built-in bluetooth for switching power modes jump starting batteries, checking voltage and unlike most regular capacitors with voltmeters and leds a UC-31. and kill itself in fact, there’s regulated power from 13 to 15 volts, so when it dips too low.
The Power Board Just Turns Off
pretty cool features. This unit cost me 85 bucks for four farads and the UC31 is 400 bucks for 375 ferrets pretty huge difference there and if you do the math cheaper options like this right here and so many other options like it are actually up to 2 000 more expensive than super caps so at the end of the day it would cost nearly 8 000 to compare apples to apples with what you see right here. It would take over 90 a big pile of these just to equal what we have in this ultra cap right here pretty wild stuff and to help spread the fun we are giving away one of these ultra caps right here on Youtube courtesy of showtime electronics. If you guys want to join in on the fun. All you gotta do is subscribe to the channel leave a comment on this video and head over to the showtime instagram page for the official drawing should be pretty fun so thanks for participating and good luck to all the viewers.
It Really Means A Lot To
have you here all right. Let’s start the fun by showing off the differences in energy density that an ultra capacitor has over a regular capacitor. To do this we are going to attempt to start my car with a dead battery under the hood. We’ll charge up each unit all by itself and use a mechanical switch to introduce the car’s battery one at a time, so let’s get busy wiring everything up and see what the verdict is and of course gotta remember to keep this switch off. Here’s the positive and ground and we’re going to hook up the positive to the switch and the ground directly to the capacitor neat little trick too by wiring the light in series see how the light starts shining check it out that light is from the capacitor trying to suck up all the.
Energy That It Can Doing Quick Little
connections like this will light the bulb but won’t charge the capacitor all right here we go the moment of truth. I’m gonna flip the switch and pull the cord on the lipo. Here we go get up there let’s get up there start it start it start it come on come on come on well that didn’t work out and the slightest now did it fellas Holy voltage drop but to be honest. I’m not a single bit surprised starting a car takes a lot of energy and when additional and more continuous type power is needed. A capacitor just can’t deliver very much before completely discharging.
So In This Case, If Youve Got
a dead battery, you’ve got a dead capacitor too now let’s see what the UC31 does all right Here. We go the moment of truth. Let’s turn on. our meters here? What went too far put it on amps zero it out fully connected We’re gonna go right up and we are gonna have some fun here. The voltage will be displayed on our phone right there 10 volts.
Just Like We Were Before So
now we’re going to put it into run mode here enter in our password submit and here we go ready she goes bam like butter oh my word 14 volts rebound and instantly you’ve got to be joking me holy crap what an exemplary a freaking way of showing you guys that a capacitor like this is so much different than a capacitor like that that’s all we needed to get us the start that we need up here not bad Nicholas not bad talk about some results guys our good old UC31 just helped out with an extra 204 amps for our. Starter now the Raptor four Ferret capacitor was only able to help out with like 5. 4. So if you do the math that is damn near a 4 000 increase in power, so there just may be some truth to all those people that have been scorned by a capacitor. It just may have not been right for their application now to all us audio guys that doesn’t mean terribly much trying to start our car right that’s why I have a new setup with our amplifier and power meter.
Well Measure The Wattage Going To Our Subs
and average out those numbers over 60 seconds to compare with our Raptor four Fare. This should settle all debate about continuous power and regular capacity. All right let’s crank up the song and go ahead and push play here good old classic so so hell yeah staying above 13 volts on. Average, It seemed well above that I am very happy a great buffer zone between the amplifier and the alternator up front. It can shove in tons of current and literally just seconds after we stopped we’re back up to 13.
6, Just Like Where We Startednk] Now
let’s do another swaparoo and see what the raptor does all right guys coming back in for the second test with the regular capacitor. You can see that our voltage is right where it should be like last time for an even test so let’s go ahead and reset the track make sure everything’s still recording looking good. Oh. I felt my belt squealing right so I don’t know if you guys heard that or not. But this was sucking up so much juice that the alternator was had to put in that much more work without the cap that it was.
Was Making The Belt Squeal By
making it kind of drag the horsepower down basically below 13 volts the whole time when before we were averaging above 13 volts. The whole time well there you have it everyone. The poop is in the pudding 90 watts, less power, more voltage drop and slightly less recovery with the four ferret capacitor. Even though this does have its place for continuous power and situations where base heads want longer durations of louder stronger more powerful bass this isn’t the solution so now let’s figure out what this actually does for car audio and what’s a good spot to install it in alright.
So We Got The Amp Dyno 81.
Here you know the amp Dyno does something that no other tools been able to do in this industry and that’s measure bursted signals or dynamic power like I said the first tool. In the world that’s been able to do it so because of this we’re able to hook it up and and get some very interesting data on things now What you’re seeing here is a bursted power test with no capacitor at all. This reveals the maximum amount of wattage available for those fractions of a second every time the light flashes red 3154 watts of dynamic power for the one ferret cap testing we located the capacitor right next to the amplifier.
- capacitors
- capacitor
- caps
- capacitance
- cap
Weve Got About Eight Inches Of Wire Between
the amp and the cap. This is the best way to do it. We’ll see what the results are on the dyno well would you look at that the one farad cap did something good after all 3 426 watts of dynamic power that’s an increase of 9 over having no capacitor at all of course they can’t hang. with ultra caps in the long run, but it’s still cool to see those numbers in real life even if not RMs if you need the extra capacitance.
The Uc31 Is Still Top Dog Today
and I wouldn’t worry much about this little disclaimer here evidently, a couple people from the transpo industry didn’t have much luck with the power modes. We’d showed off in this video kind of strange if you ask me but for all we know it could have been a mistake misuse, but let’s face it Ten thousand were made two people complained and since the politics of sales is so dang cutthroat. They just recalled the whole lot what a freaking shame right well fast forward to new ownership experts took a look inside and got the green light.
There’s capacitors then there’s super capacitors two totally different things that each have their place, but all too commonly get crammed into the same category together . People are buying them for things like dimming headlights from the base hitting and supposedly getting better sound quality by buffering up all those random bursts of power going to your sub . The super cap crowd is so dang woke. They end up confusing the newcomers without even knowing it. All they see is as caps for wind and ultra caps for the chance with huge rows of these things behind them so it’s no wonder why a big old blanket statement made its way around. The very same new guys may go buy a one farad capacitor hoping to gain continuous power. When that’s the furthest from the truth, then those very same New guys may try to gain the power and when it doesn’t . The very . same new people may go buying a onefarad capacitor. when it does not work. When it doesn’t work….. Click here to read more and watch the full video