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Today My Friends Were Gonna Go Big Welcome Back
everyone I’m Caleb Dennison and by now you’ve probably figured out that I have the absolutely massive 97-inch UK G2 UK here which as you can imagine I’m pretty excited about hope you are too and since I have such a huge UK in here. I decided to fill up the room with other big things, including some sizable clutch speakers and subwoofer along with an impressive Onkyo Integra UK receiver with some pretty prodigious power to throw at Said Klipsch speakers. I also still have the Monoprice monolith sub-kicking around in here just for fun so you’ll see a bit of that Beast as well so yeah not gonna lie to you. I’m having a little bit of fun here I mean I’ve been grinding on the reviews for a while now and those are fun too don’t. get me wrong but today I’m indulging my inner home theater geek and doing my best to bring together both the knit nerds and the decibel dorks no that’s not gonna work.
Ill Have To Keep Working On That
one how about the audio aficionados out there bring them together all in one video where we can talk about what going big gets you these days now. Despite whatever the title of this video may end up saying I still haven’t decided on it yet. I’ll stop short of saying that this is the ultimate home theater setup. I mean you could spend more and you could go even bigger but for me. This is the best setup I’ve had in this room for a while so let’s say this is the ultimate home theater rig for me in 2022.
This Is Definitely The Biggest Actual
UK that we’ve had. On this channel delivered in the biggest crate that I’ve ever had to maneuver up to our floor. I’m breaking a sweat just like thinking about it and the biggest overall speaker system. We’ve had on the channel since our original Klipsch home theater system video from back in 2015 so like seven years ago yeah it’s about time we did another so sit back relax get come comfortable and enjoy let’s talk a little bit about what it’s like to have a system like this in your home and if you like this video you know what to click I appreciate it as always also let me know down in the comments. If you’d like to see more content like this and if so, what your ultimate system might look like never know I might actually be able to put it together and put it on this channel I.
- subwoofer
- speakers
- woofers
- speaker
- dolby
Mean Hey If I See Enough Support From
Y’all, then I will 100 make this a series okay. Let’s do it so let’s start out talking about the 97-inch UK G2 UK here then we’ll talk about the audio system and then we’ll bring it all together and talk about what it’s been like to enjoy this setup. Now the 97-inch UK here has surprised me in a number of ways. Y’all probably know I reviewed the 65–inch G2 I. ‘ve spent several hours with the 77-inch version and I’ve seen the 97 here many times as well and before this 97-inch UK arrived.
I Had Already Formed Some Thoughts
and opinions on it. One of them being yeah It’s just gonna be a bigger version of the G2 Oleds I’ve already seen another being this thing is going to be preposterously massive and is going to. In this room also when I posted photos of this UK on my social media accounts, I heard a lot of similar comments about how most houses Don’t have a wall that could handle a UK of this size and how you’d have to sit so far away from it because it’s so big that it would be pointless to get for the average size living room and I get all that I mean that intuitively makes sense but from what I’ve experienced here none of that is actually the case first off saying this UK is just a bigger version of like the 65-inch G2. NK] is kind of reductive. Like I wasn’t prepared for how much all that extra UK screen real estate was going to impact the experience.
I Mean I Have A 100-Inch Screen And
an ultra short Thor projector at home so I. I thought I knew what to expect but I haven’t seen an ultra short throw projector that that can hold a candle or even 1 000 Candelas to this UK that’s a knit nerd joke sorry anyway more on the experience in a moment. Let’s keep talking about how wrong. I was this UK is not preposterously massive in the way I expected it to be don’t get me wrong it is imposing it is indeed large and in charge it dominates, but it doesn’t absolutely take over the room quite the way I expected it to and frankly now that I’m really looking at it in context compared to a 65-inch UK and thinking about what kind of wall you’d need for it. You don’t need a palatial estate to accommodate this UK.
Youll Need A Fat Wallet.
So Maybe you do have a palatial estate if you get this UK but it isn’t necessary like if you’d rather have this UK than a car, then you could do that. It’s four foot tall, so about half the total vertical clearance of the average home’s wall and it’s about seven feet wide, which I don’t know what the average home’s wall width is in the UK but 10 to 12 feet wide seems to be pretty common. Based on some of the houses. I’ve been to recently, so yeah it may dominate the wall, but I think more folks have space for something like this than they might think when they just try to wrap their heads around the idea and finally I’m surprised at how close to this UK I’ve been able to sit and really enjoy it.
Actually I Didnt Move Our Couch Back At
all. I. Normally sit about nine to ten feet away from the screens. I’m reviewing when I’m just kicking back and watching and I’ve been watching this UK from the same distance and it not only hasn’t been a problem. It’s been magical but you know I’m going to talk about the experience in detail Shortly let’s shift over now to this audio system for a bit.
This Is A Klipsch Reference Premiere System
comprising two UK 8060 Fa Mark UK speakers, an RP504c Mark UK Center Channel which forgive the Apple box stand, but it was the best I could do on short notice. Two ##NK] 600m Mark UK monitors and on top of those two UK 500 Sa Mark UK Atmos or height speakers, then we’ve got the UK 150 15-inch 800 Watt peak subwoofer holding down the base Department with Authority I might add and I only folded in the monolith subwoofer because I figured why not but to be honest. The clip sub on its own actually integrated a bit better with the system and driving all of that is the Integra 5. . 4NK] 9.
2 Channel Receiver A Bit Of A Titan
itself, putting out about 120 watts per Channel peak in two channel mode a little less when driving a multi-channel setup but still well more power on reserve than the Klipsch speakers actually need for sources. I’ve used everything from an Xbox series X UK 5 Sony UK Blu-ray player Apple UK right up to the UK G2 itself via. Our eat B-sharp turntable I’ve listened to vinyl UK Spotify Apple music UK Blu-rays UK, Blu-rays, Disney plus UK Max and Netflix for music movies, UK shows and concert videos. Now I want to focus in on a couple aspects about the Klipsch reference Premiere speakers we have here The UK 8060fa have integrated height speakers for Dolby Atmos and Dtsx support if we peel away the integrated Grille. You can see that what we have recessed in.
Here Is Basically One Of The Rp600M Speakers
that we’re using for surrounds but firing up to bounce sound from the ceiling on the front baffle. We have two eight-inch cerametallic drivers in that classic Klipsch copper color and then a newer Tweeter design up top with a one-inch titanium driver Tweeter in what Klipsch calls a linear travel suspension made it to probably the biggest 90 by 90-degree silicone. Seen I personally think it looks amazing The center channel has the same Tweeter mated to four five and a quarter-inch Sarah metallic woofers, so the cabinet is not super massive, but the sound that comes from it absolutely can be then the RP600m. These could easily be your front left and right speakers as they are capable of some pretty tremendous output on their own with a potent amount of bass on tap by the way. But in this system there are surround channels six and a half inch thermometallic woofer and the same Tweeter that we’ve seen in the rest of the system and then up on top are the atmos speakers with the same Tweeter yet again and one five and a quarter inch woofer each making them some of the most over achieving height channel speakers I’ve ever seen speaking of overachieving I suppose now.
Is As Good A Time As Any
to mention that the total system cost not counting the source components I mentioned or speaker wire interconnects UK cables Banana plugs ETC Rings up at right around 30-30 thousand, seven hundred dollars. Now if you were to build this system yourself. I think we could safely round that up to Thirty One Thousand at least that’s twenty-five thousand dollars worth of UK twenty-two hundred dollars worth of UK receiver and thirty-five hundred dollars in speakers and subwoofer that My friends is a lot of money and it is also a lot of surface area dedicated to both picture and sound honestly based on that alone without turning anything on I already loved it. But then I turned the system on and it well actually it’s the other way around the system turned me on Big Time first off.
This 97-Inch Uk G2 Uk Uk
has ruined me for watching UK at home getting UK picture quality at this scale it’s just really difficult for me to explain to you just how awesome it’s been like literally me sitting in awe of a UK that doesn’t happen very often anymore. I suppose that Samsung‘s new 98-inch Neo qled UK might be able to come pretty close but like I said just from a picture quality and visual experience perspective. I’d take this 97-inch UK over say the Hisense L9g or Px1 Pro and a really nice projection screen presuming someone was just giving it to me that is anyway which is not going to happen. I mean granted either one of those UK projector and screen options would cost one-fifth of what the 97-inch G2 costs but and I’m not here to comment on whether this.
Worth The Expense Im Just Here
to tell you. It has delivered an at-home movie watching experience. Unlike anything I’ve ever had before the scale is amazing the way it engulfs me in the picture extending right to the edges of my vision and delighting with perfect black levels. Impressive
- monolith subwoofer figured honest
- start talking 97 inch uk
- indulging inner home theater geek
- uk receiver thirty dollars speakers
- clutch speakers subwoofer impressive onkyo
Caleb Dennison has the 97-inch UK G2 UK speakers and subwoofer . He also has the Monoprice monolith sub-kicking around in here just for fun so you’ll see a bit of that Beast as well . This is the best setup I’ve had in this room for a while so let’s say this is the ultimate home theater rig for me in 2022. This is definitely the biggest actual UK that we’ve had. On this channel delivered in the biggest crate that I’ve ever had to maneuver up to our floor. Onkyo Integra UK receiver with some pretty prodigious power to throw at Said Klipsch speakers. It’s about time we did another so sit back relax get come comfortable and enjoy let’s talk a little bit about what it’s like to hav to havel it out here. I’m breaking a sweat just like thinking about it and the biggest overall speaker system. I’ll stop short of saying that this is a…. Click here to read more and watch the full video